Search results

  1. G

    what clubs / organizations do you belong to?

    not counting the NRA, what shooting clubs or conservation groups do you belong to? I was considering a membership with the MN Deer Hunters Association but don't really know the perks that go along with it. I'd like to join a hunting club of some sort, mainly to network with like-minded...
  2. G

    how do you reason with an animal-rights activist?

    I was talking to my boss yesterday and he said he had a nasty email exchange with some animal rights activist who was going on about the slaughtering of deer, human encroachment, etc, etc. I told him that it's best to leave it alone because in the end, there's absolutely no way to reason with...
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    wife getting close to compromise with guns :)

    my wife was telling me the other night that she wanted a new garage door with electronic opener so that she can park her car in the garage during the winter months. The catch being that she wants exclusive use of the garage so she doesn't have to wipe snow and ice off her car. I then proposed to...
  4. G

    twitter gun impressive
  5. G

    range practice: how long to become proficient?

    i'm anxious to try my hand at deer hunting next fall, however, I think it would be irresponsible of me to go hunting without first becoming an efficient marksman. so, how long did it take you to become a great shot? did you spend many days or weekends at the range shooting at paper targets...
  6. G

    Bushnell Sportview 7x35 binoculars

    So I found a nice, used pair of Bushnell Sportview binoculars today at the thrift store for $8 and was wondering if anyone had an opinion on them? at this point I might only use them for bird-watching but I know I may need some glass for hunting at some point. will these particular binoculars be...
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    left eye/right eye dominance while shooting

    I started my hunter firearms safety course tonight and was probably one of a small handful of adults in an otherwise room full of 10 year olds :p. anyway, the instructor talked about eye dominance and I only just discovered tonight that I'm left eye dominant, even though i'm right handed. the...
  8. G

    who makes an affordable O/U shotgun?

    It'd be nice to have something to shoot trap with, but I can't afford a $1500+ O/U shotgun right now. so who makes an affordable ($800 or less), but decent quality O/U shotgun for someone looking to get into occasional trap shooting?
  9. G

    building your own custom rifle

    I apologize if this topic has been discussed before but can anyone give me some pointers on how to build your own bolt-action rifle? I thought it'd be a fun project to do in the future, although, I don't know if this is something anyone can do. for example: - what tools do I need? - what...
  10. G

    weather-proofing your rifle

    so, i'm reading a book called, "How To Hunt Whitetails Successfully," which is part of the Hunter's Information Series by the North American Hunting Club. I can't recall which chapter it's in exactly but the author talks about a trick he learned from a friend of his on how to weather-proof your...
  11. G

    let's talk about wood stocks

    the vast majority of rifles (and other firearms) I see with wood stocks invariably use walnut. Is there any particular reason why walnut is the preferred choice of wood on a firearm? Are there any instances where a specialty wood is used for a custom rifle? My guess is that economicaly speaking...
  12. G

    Browning A-Bolt: bolt design

    could someone explain to me the differences in bolt design with the newer A-Bolts versus the older A-Bolts? My A-Bolt is from 1990 and the bolt appears to be more cylindrical, whereas, the newer A-Bolts seem to have a hexagonal bolt shape with flat surface areas. Is there really any difference...
  13. G

    who do you think makes the ugliest rifles?

    I've gotten a fair number of rifle catalogs from some of the big names in the gun industry and while most make finely crafted pieces of work, there were a couple whose guns made me cringe. I got the 2011 Savage Arms catalog in the mail the other day and I thought quite a few of their firearms...
  14. G

    are you selective about what you hunt?

    ever since I became obsessed with hunting over 6 months ago I was trying to decide what I wanted to hunt. first, water fowl hunting seemed appealing, but I don't own a shotgun. i'm sure that'll change at some point in the future but just not now. then, I decided I really wanted to hunt deer...
  15. G

    Winchester price increase

    say it isn't so. just got the 2011 catalog and noticed that the majority of their firearms have jumped up in price by almost 50%. seems a tad excessive imo. :eek:
  16. G

    post-apocalypse: what guns would you use?

    ok, it's the post-apocalypse and the world has degenerated somewhere between Mad Max, The Book of Eli and The Road. Which guns would you use and why? I think for the sake of convenience and portability i'd go with a 45 ACP handgun (for close encounters) and maybe a lever gun for long distance...
  17. G

    Browning's 2011 bolt-action shotgun

    i'll admit that i'm fairly ignorant about the types of shotguns out there, but I think I have a handle on the basics. however, I just got the new 2011 Browning catalog and saw that they had an A-Bolt Hunter shotgun. I'm used to seeing pump, semi-auto and break action shotguns but I don't think...
  18. G

    recoil pad recommendations needed

    i'm looking to buy a recoil pad for my Browning A-Bolt and was leaning towards the Limbsaver based on its good reviews. i'd like to get a slip-on version since I don't have the tools to mount the screw-on versions. any thoughts on the limbsaver?
  19. G

    what's new for 2011?

    I just put in a couple of catalog requests for the Winchester and Browning 2011 catalogs and was wondering who else has new gun product in the pipeline. I don't know if Winchester & Browning already have their new catalogs available through places like Gander Mtn or Cabela's, so I was curious if...
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    oof. my wife got PO'd at me lastnight

    I went to let the dog out and have a smoke when I noticed a Bronco parked right in front of my house on the boulevard. There were probably 3-4 guys in the Bronco just sitting there doing god knows what. one of them eventually got out of the car and proceeded to take a leak right there on the...