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  1. N

    Anybody ever done this?

    Ok here's the deal. I've got a nicely sported up type 38 arisaka rifle, calibre 6.5jap. As I was pondering 40 buck a box ammo today I did a little looking. The brass has the same head diameter as .308win. 6.5 is semi-rimmed, .308 not, but the extractor in this particular rifle has no problems...
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    What effect on globalization???

    Damn polls. We have all looked at what we should do, who we should nuke etc., Considered the effects of this on our civil liberties and weapons rights. How about this, what will this do to globalization? I see it going either way. We could see how important our national identity is and back away...
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    Dangerous crook+Dangerous police=Everyone safe. police pursuit, gunfire and standoff, man surrenders By STEPHANIE MOJICA, The Virginian-Pilot © September 10, 2001 CHESAPEAKE -- After holding three people against their will, leading authorities on a 15-mile pursuit and shooting at officers...
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    All guns are ALWAYS loaded!

    Football Cannon Blast Kills Fan .c The Associated Press TRENTON, Mo. (AP) - A cannon fired to celebrate touchdowns by the Trenton High School football team went off accidentally, killing a man loading it onto a trailer. Bud Meek, 41, died Friday after being hit in the chest at close range...
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    Mystery Rifle, or how curiosity killed the checkbook

    This thing has been staring at me from the walls of my favorite pawn shop for a while, I finally bought it because I can stand a lot of adventure for $150.00, and curiosity was killing me. A beautiful gun, I believe probably customized in the 70's. Gorgeous walnut stock, raised comb, Mounting an...
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    Krag Price check

    Not having a decent reference handy, what's the going price on an M1898? I saw one for sale for 800+ in decent condition, neat gun, I would love to own one if cheap enough. That's not cheap enough IMO.
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    Reason #6,872 I love my guns

    --The Latest From the Keep Your Laws off my Body Files-- -- I see in the news today that the Taliban militia in Pakistan is going to require all Hindus to wear special Marking on their clothing to ID them from Moslems. Not said, but by extrapolation I get that Christians, athiests, Krishnas...
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    Off the wall M-1A question

    Right now I only own one which is one heck of a match grade piece, but want to get a service grade one in the near future. My question is this. I am looking for a line launching attachment and line spools like the Navy uses. Being able to send a line 100 yds or better seems kinda handy. Anybody...
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    Taurus 617Ti ???

    Ok, I'm an SA auto guy, but I've had the hots for one of these for a while. I know that a Ti snubby with porting will be fun to shoot w/ full on loads, but I'll have to live with it. I finally got to handle one today, very nice. Considering that I want the lightweight for carry,hiking mostly...
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    Yep, through some asking, a good bit of ranting and maybe a little flame, its here, post 100. I learn so much here that this site is now one of the few things I must do everyday. The past few weeks I just lurked, and also read some old posts, which I highly recommend to anyone here. I look...
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    Disgrace of a nation.

    I know we've all talked the CA school shootings into the ground, but today I noticed something. Everywhere I go from Naval Station to car dealership to city hall, the national ensign is half-masted. I won't say that the death of two children isn't a tragedy because it is a horrible tragedy, but...
  12. N

    What izit?

    I just got a new gun out of layaway, not looking for collector value since someone installed Wilson sights and new stocks. I would like to know however, exactly what I hold, just for history's sake. It's a M1911 A1, United States Property marked, No 2625872. It's a Remington Rand, stamped on...
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    FN Energizer Bunny?

    Ok, I know it's not a Glock, but in the short months that I have owned my secondhand FN HP, I have shot it well over 1000 rounds and not experienced a single malfunction. Its what we always want and don't sometimes get. I realized this while doing some dry fire tonight, was considering Mf...
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    To Mal H or other VA residents

    Well I found my way to Va Citizens defense league and was pleasantly surprised to find them, but didn't care much for what I found there. First was the "Operation Scarlet letter deal in Bath County, but worse is the stuff up in NVa. What does anyone know on here about localities such as Fairfax...
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    Help a dumb auto-head

    I am an auto guy, I think I have fired a revolver once. Gotta get some old cowboy guns though, looks like fun. My question is though, I believe that Taurus turned out a relatively compact 7 shot .357. If so, which one is it and who do i want to work on it to modify for carry?
  16. N

    FN Hi-powers rule

    Ok, great guns, hi-cap 1911 that I can hold as far as I'm concerned. And for you plastic flamers, yes I will eventually own a sig, H&K, and yes GASP even a glock. Hopefully in that order. All great guns. What I was wondering are anyones sources for aftermarket HP work and parts, just seems a...