Search results

  1. T

    Anyone know this guy???

    Got this in my email today don't know if anyone has seen this picture before. I decided it is a good time of year to post it!
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    Need to figure out a new caliber?

    Just took the plunge into the T/C world. I just bought a blank Endeavor frame. When I receive it the frame will be registered as a pistol. My friend who I sometimes hunt with from NY State has hunted with Contender pistols for years and is the one who has got me interested in them. I...
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    Youth Pronghorn Hunt

    Ok if this post offends the Mods in anyway please feel free to shut it down. I'm a member of this forum as well as a few others, and we have all seen those "Pay it Forward" threads in many of the classifieds. Anyway I got involved with one on another forum and may have bitten off more than I...
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    Another AR-15 Thread!

    Ok, so I don't post much about AR-15's or have many questions about them as I'm pretty familiar with them. I've been noticing that a lot of AR-15's and related items are coming up for sale since the election. One thing I've been seeing is quite a few magazines for sale. Now I own quite a few...
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    ER Shaw MX VII Rifles

    Anyone seen one of these rifles in person yet? I've been talking with ER Shaw about building one, but didn't like the pay up front and wait 10-12 months for delivery. I'd have put a 50% non-refundable deposit or something like that on a rifle I have to wait a year to get but I'm not happy...
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    People Never Cease to Amaze Me!

    I was finishing up dinner with my girlfriend last night when her Ex calls. I couldn't believe what he asked her to do for him. He asked her if he sent the money if she would buy another AR-15 for him. He already has one that she keeps for him because he is in school in NJ where he can't have...
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    NY Deer Hunting!

    I'm leaving on the 13th for my NY State deer hunt with my friend. This will be my first time hunting white tail deer so I'm pretty excited. This will be a totally different style of hunting from what I'm used to so it should be quite fun. I'll let you all know how my hunt goes when I get back!
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    Eastern CO pronghorns!

    My friend I hunted AK for black bear last year came out to hunt pronghorn on a landowner voucher I gave him this past weekend. Our hunt started last Saturday, and we saw several pronghorn and quite a few nice bucks, but he found one that he really wanted. So we tried to put a stalk on this buck...
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    I owe an Apology to a few TFL members.

    Recently I've been hit by a few PM's wanting help finding places here in Colorado to shoot prairie dogs. I made a couple of promises to help that I didn't keep. Not to make any excuses but it has been a very busy summer for me between my job and my Army Reserve commitments and I've let a few...
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    P1917 in .300 H&H

    I found a deal today that I couldn't pass up. I picked up a Winchester P1917 (with duck pond) rifle chambered in .300 H&H today. The rifle looked like it had seen a little neglect so I took it into a a local gun shop to have it checked out. First off we checked the head-space and it is a little...
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    .30-06 Dilemma

    .30-06 Dilemma Officially Over!!!! Well I traded off my .30-06 M700 ADL with VXIII 2.5-8 about three weeks ago for a much rarer rifle (358 Savage 99). Well the problem is now I'm missing my old 06, it just doesn't feel right not having one in the safe. I'm heading back to AK in 09 for a...
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    A Couple of Sweet 1903's!!

    Before the purist jump all over me I bought these two rifles as they are now there is no way I'd customize a full dress 1903 Springfield. Here are two of my favorite hunting rifles although not proven game getters in my safe as of yet. I know they will defiantly kill game as they are both...
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    Out with the old in with the new .375 Ruger

    I've got this old M70 XTR rifle in 7mm Rem Mag that I've never warmed up to. It shoots good enough what little I've shot it, but I just never took it out of the safe. So I got an itch for a new rifle and I've been wanting an .375 H&H for a while now I decided to get as close as I can to owning...
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    Wanted Good Gunsmith!

    I'm a little disappointed in the local guy that I was recommended to as he can't seem to complete my rifle in less than one years time. I'm not complaining about the quality of his work or the rifle, but I just didn't expect it to be this long of a wait. I'm almost ready to move on to a new...
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    Ramshot Data for .338-06 and .35 Whelen

    Just got some data on Ramshot powders that isn't in their online data. If anyone is interested in trying any, here it is:
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    AK Black Bear Information.

    Here is just a little update from the State of AK on the bears taken where I hunted last spring. 197 bears taken in Game Units 1B and 3 last Spring. Males were 86%. Average age was 9.2 years, oldest was 21 years. Average skull size was 18.5" for all bears and 18.8" on just the boars they...
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    What to do? What to do?

    This is about as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Sent this to Art earlier and have to agree with him. Both probably would have died anyway if someone hadn't came along. My question is how do you pick which one has the better antlers?
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    Be careful Christmas Shopping!

    My buddy sent me this video called "Christmas Shopping in Detroit.":eek: Thought it was funny so decided to share it here.:D
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    How long is too long?

    I've had a rifle waiting to be built by a local smith for just over a year now, am I being too paitent? The summer of 2006 I aquired a Zastava long action from WildAlaska with standard bolt face and double set triggers for a pretty good deal. Then I was thinking of re-stocking one of my older...
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    Pronghorn Hunting

    Took a friend hunting this weekend that just got back from Iraq in April. Had to find him a landowner voucher since he didn't apply while in Iraq so he had a doe tag to go along with my buck. This was his first successful big game hunt that he ever had. Prior to going to Iraq he went on a...