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  1. C

    Please vote. I know it can feel like it doesn’t matter but please drag yourself to the polls

    I myself have reached the point of does it even matter and it’s hard but worst case it doesn’t hurt. Best case your vote helps or changes the tide. So don’t let apathy win the day. Go vote.
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    A personal paradigm shift, the humble hw30s

    A PERSONAL PARADIGM SHIFT, THE HUMBLE HW30S First and foremost let’s get a few things on the table for everybody, especially those of you in the back. -Sometimes writing about my experiences is a simple catharsis for me and in the bizarro world we live in where folks are trading toilet paper...
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    HK P2000 - A Range Report 14 Years In The Making. Second Chances At First Love

    So here we are October of 2020. The world has become a giant amusement park. We have plague world, riot town, the hall of politics and eleventy billion new gun owners and all the souvenirs are sold out. Really kids when you read this ten years from now assuming you are not killed by an...
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    If You Don't Have A Decent Airgun.....Git Youself One... SIG ASP Super Target Shooting.

    I may not have my own outdoor range but I have spent years building up my airguns and pellet stash and built houses with indoor airgun shooting in mind and it is just so nice to be able grab a gun, pop some pellets at 21'-55'. It continues to amaze me how much enjoyment I get from these things...
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    The HK45C A Jack Who Works Many Trades

    So we are on the cusp of 2020. Flying cars are surly just around the corner and itty bitty 9mm striker fired guns are all the rage. Seems like a perfect time for me to talk about a fairly big, low capacity, anachronistic, hammer fired monstrosity from a bygone era. So the above may have a...
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    You are DEFINITELY a gun nut when......

    My in-laws like “cute” gifts. :(. So recently they got me a cheap plastic toy gun/bottle opener because I like beer and guns. Well they are in town so I pulled it out to be polite. So I am sitting here drinking beer that I have opened with this thing and I realize OH MY GOD AM I A GUN NUT...
  7. C

    A Range Report 20 Years In The Making...Sort Of....Ruger P97DC

    So way back in a simpler time when cell phones didn't have camera's and we were all worried our toasters would short out and cause nuclear war I picked up the quintessential truck gun. That year was 1999. I was poor, the assault weapon ban was in full effect and I wanted an inexpensive large...
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    I know that we all frequent many message boards, one of ours has fallen take a moment of silence.

    I know we all frequent many boards. I just wanted to say that JALLEN has passed on the SIGFORUM. Whether you have beef with that forum or not he was one of ours and will be missed. Raise a glass or a prayer and while your at it ..... remember all the rest of ours we have lost including but not...
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    I did it for the children. Thoughts on new CZ75 SP01 Urban Grey Tactical

    So I have been spending time teaching my daughter to shoot and I realize that sometime in the future we will eventually transition to handguns and I thought to myself, “Self, you wouldn’t be a loving and responsible parent if you were not to have a suppressed pistol to ease her into shooting...
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    Something Else To Think About When Choosing Your Self Defense Ammunition

    So whenever I am shaking down a new gun I like to run a mix of ball weights and of course some defensive ammunition. I have pretty much settled on Gold Dots and HST as my go to defensive ammo so that is generally what I run in my testing phase. Today however I was cleaning out some old stocks...
  11. C

    Why I Chose My Gun (HK P2000 V3) What Choice Should You Make?

    So I was sitting around the other day musing as I am to do from time to time and I got to thinking about all the people who ask me for advice regarding firearm choices. I then got to thinking about how many folks come to forums as new shooters/potential shooters to ask for advice. We typically...
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    All I need is a flock of doves...............also a shoutout to Craigs Outdoors

    Give me a flock of Doves and I can now John Woo Proper! :D I wanted to give a shout out to Craig's Outdoors Online. I have been looking for a Wilson Beretta 92, specifically with the Gallatin, TN marking since the TN plant opened. I noticed one of the pictures of Craigs gunbroker posting...
  13. C

    Will we ever see a resurgence in steel??

    I am gun guy. Not a weapon guy. So take this question with that in mind. I have lots of tactical Tupperware and all of it extremely well made and durable. It shoots well and provides a myriad of advantages as far as capacity, weight, maintenance etc. all of these things are for all practical...
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    Setting Up a Laser Range

    Since I have had a few questions I figured I would post what I had posted over at the SIG forum regarding my own setup of a laser range. I want to start out by pointing out a couple things about myself. I am not a gunfighter, super secret squirrel card carrying member, LEO...
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    Dave has been gone awhile so I thought I would pass on his sage advice to all in his honor

    So Dave spent a lot of time, for those who don't know, fielding questions about what products to upgrade a given shotgun with. His answer was almost invariably the following and makes so much sense no matter what you shoot, so in his honor I offer up...... What should you buy or add to your...
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    How About Another Useless Toy Review.....HW75 This Time

    I am a bit of a shooters, shooter so to speak. IF it has a trigger and expels a projectile I probably enjoy it. Well except for the friggin Beretta Tomcat I would have more luck throwing that at a target to hit it vs. shooting but I digress. Like I said I like to shoot damn near anything. I...
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    And Now For Something Completely Different HW45 Review.....

    That wasn't a typo so for everybody looking for a sexy HK45 review.....move along, nothing to see here. I got to thinking the other day how much my .22LR shooting has been curtailed not by the much maligned late unpleasantness but frankly due to my own design. You see much of my .22 itch is...
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    Found An Obsolete Cold War Era Designed Commie Today Or CZSP01 Range Report

    So I have been having a rough few months and as such I have picked up a couple new toys recently with the HKP30 and now this CZ75 SP-01. The HK continues to hum along with nothing but accurate, reliable shooting. It's fantastic. At any rate today I dropped into one of my local shops just...
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    HK P30 Initial Impressons / Review or Welcome to 2009 :)

    So I recently picked up an HK P30 in 9mm because I had magazines left over from when I sold my VP9 and selling the magazines or just keeping them in rotation with my P2000's made entirely too much financial sense so I bought a gun, as I am to do. :D First and foremost let me say that I sold...
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    The Act Of Shooting.

    So like most folks on a firearms enthusiast site I have a great number of firearms and you know what I like the act of shooting. Well duh, can be heard from the peanut gallery in the back. :D What I mean is I see posts all the time asking about the perceived effectiveness of caliber X or Y or...