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  1. M

    Smith & Wesson Days at Targetmaster

    Hi All My favorite local gunshop and range is having their annual Slick and Weasal days this weekend check it out. Hit the S&W days button. They have this every year. The interesting part is that they have not signed the agreement. and they sell assault rifles...
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    Reliable Ammo In a .22 lr revolver

    Greetings all, I am wondering if any of you have had the same experience with your .22 revolvers that I have had. I own 3, ruger single six, taurus 94, and s&w 43, all of them experience a problem reliably firing match grade ammo. Federal, tenex, cci standard velocity, green tag, PMC match...
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    First serious bolt action rifle

    Greetings All, I would like to purchase my first bolt action large caliber rifle. The purpose would be target shooting out to 300 yards. I want to spend under $500, if possible. I am looking for agood solid accurate bolt action. I would prefer new. What caliber would you suggest, and what...
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    SP101 Strange Quirk is it normal?

    I was practicing my trigger control and I noticed a strange quirk with my Sp101, I was hoping that another sp101 owner would check an see if their gun does the same thing. When I cock the hammer for single action and then I squeeze the trigger very very very slowly, the hammer will fall to the...
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    Help Need loads for my Glock 26

    I am not allowed to shoot any jacketed bullets at my club's indoor range, or loads over 1200 FPS. So I ant just use the cheap but Excellent S&B ball ammo for practice. Does anyone shoot cast bullets in their glock? I am afriad to try it for fear of leading the barrel beyond repair, or...
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    Why did they call the head of HCI to testify at the Ashcroft confirmation hearings?

    Anyone see the cop killer bullet speach given by the HCI president at the Ashcroft confirmation hearing. "We need laws against cop killer bullets, we need child safety locks for guns, we need stricker laws to keep saturday night specials out of the hands of children too many innocent children...
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    Is my Dillon 550B a hunk of CAST POT Metal Junk?

    I was reveling in my success at reloading on my 550b and while I was switching calibers last night it occurred to me to check and see if the tool head was made of steel I performed the magnet test and guess what??? The entire press frame is made out of some non magnetic metal so I am wondering...
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    Model 36 and Whimpy ammo of today.

    Well I went for it and bought a 1973 mfg S&W model 36 chief's special. along with the papers in the box I found the warranty card, and a brochure for S&W ammo. Well it seems that the ammo we buy now is for whimps. The S&W ammo brochure listed the following: .38 spl 110 grain hp 1300 fps (4...
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    Model 36 Chiefs special

    I have the opportunity to pick up a model 36 chief's special Its almost like new (small amt of finish wear near the muzzle.) comes with box papers and cleaning rod. Made in 1973 2" barrel it has round butt P&R of course. they are asking $230 out the door at a local shop. Is this a good deal...
  10. M

    Ruger Revolvers Do they go out of time??

    I have seen many folks post that thier Slick & Willie, or Colt, or Taurus revolver goes out of time using heavy loads. I have never seen a post that indicates anyone has ever had a Ruger go out of time. I looked at my sp101 and the design of the ratchet and hand is different than on other...
  11. M

    Vinegar and Peroxide to clean lead will it damage the Bore??

    I was given some good advice on another post about leading use white vinegar, and peroxide from the super market 50 50 mix and plug the barrel(saran wrap and a wet patch) and let it soak for 15 minutes. The lead will bubble away. Pull the plug see the lead, run a wet patch and the lead oxide...
  12. M

    Leading in Gun Barrels from Hard cast Bullets

    There is a cleaning debate related to the shooting of lead cast bullets and leading in gun Barrels going at the 1911 forum. I thought I would post the core of it here to get opinions. How much do people clean the lead out of their Barrels? Will I damage my barrel by using a brush of any kind...
  13. M

    Diamond Hard Cast Bullets

    Anyone in Pa. tried the bullets from this caster? Thanks
  14. M

    Why Do I shoot .38 special in .357 Mag???

    Before I started reloading I bought .38 specials to fire in my .357 mags I dont own a single .38. So when I started reloading I bought abunch of .38 spl cases and loaded .38. They seem accurate in my .357 mags but now I am wondering if it would be better to simply load .357 cases to .38 spl...
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    D&J Bullets Poor Consistency

    Greetings all, Since I recently started reloading I am looking for a source for good cast lead bullets. My local shop stocks D&J, so tahts what I bought. .357 LSWC for my .38 loads they worked fine and seemed consistant in size. The .45 200 gr LSWC were very inconsistant, 2 different bullet...
  16. M

    Most Children Shot at Home, Not on Streets

    This headline on Yahoo grabbed my attention, I wonder what kind of data this is that was used for the study. It appears that the Doctor used his own hospital / patient records, but the article does not say neither does the website for American Public Health Association. Could most of the...
  17. M

    The difference between"" Drugs"" and Alcohol?

    I was reading George's post and it amazes me that a number of folks feel that Alcohol is somehow different than the Illegal drugs. There is no difference Alcohol is a drug. Alcohol is a highly addictive drug with debilitating mental and physical effects. Alcohol kills Brian cells, from the...
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    Shannon how sad She could have defended herself

    I thought this was a good illustration of how well the police will protect you when you call them. this was in todays Inquirer. Interesting hoew the cas ewas under a gag order for the last year. And they still have not caught the center city rapist, despite his established pattern of victims...
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    TiteGroup ??

    I have been hearing good things about titegroup powder does anyone have any experience with titegroup?? what are your favorite loads for the .38 and the .45 i will be using 158gr LSWC for .38 and 200gr LSWC for the .45. Thanks
  20. M

    Just started reloading .45 and .38 special

    Does anyone have a good load for .38 special, I am using Bullseye, and a 158 gr. cast lead semiwadcutter. How about a target load for a .357 using the same bullet at a .38 velocity? Any good loads for .45 using bullseye and a 200 gr LSW? Thanks