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    Colt series 90 New Agent

    A coworker recently bought a Glock 26 for a daily CCW gun, replacing a very nice Series 90 Colt New Agent with Crimson Trace Grips. He now wishes to sell the Colt. What is this thing worth, and has it become more of a collector's item?
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    New Ruger "LMR" Light Medium Revolver!

    Given the outstanding popularity and strong sales of the LCR line from Ruger, could we reasonably expect a medium frame 6-shot .357 any time soon? A 4" or 5" version might be the ultimate "woods gun". A 5-Shot .44 Spl would be cool. Dare we hope for a .44 Mag? Perhaps a 7 shot .327?
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    Winchester M-770 with missing bolt

    A coworker has a Winchester Model 770 in .308, but the bolt itself is missing. I am not terribly knowledgable about Winchester bolt guns. Does anyone here have an idea where he can locate one?
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    Corrosive Ammo Question.

    I own a 91/30 that was fired with corrosive ammo last August, and never cleaned since. My question is this: am I looking at a total loss, or does it sometimes work out okay with a good cleaning?
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    Which 1911?

    I meant Rock Island, not Rock River. Doh! I am leaning towards a Thompson Auto Ordinance Custom 1911 for $599. It seems well made, but I've never owned one of their guns. There is also a Ruger, a Rock Island Longslide, and a Para-Ord P•14 (a terribly plain-Jane version). I cannot make up...
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    Goodbye Noisy Cricket... Hello NC 2.0!

    I liked my P3AT. We worked well together. It was a rocky relationship at first, but I fluffed and I buffed and eventually we became reliable and effective out to a distance where better sights might be usable, (about 25 yards or so). 50 yard hits seemed pretty doable on ICE-QT targets, though...
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    Ruger MKII/MKIII Skinny barrel accuracy

    I have shot Ruger MK I, II, & III pistols a lot, but never owned my own. I know the theory behind making Heavy Barrel "target" models, but I was perusing the racks at my LGS yesterday when it dawned on me: The thin barrel of the Ruger Standard MKII & MKIII should really be quite stiff at that...
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    .32NAA as good as a .38SPL?

    Okay, the title was a little shock and awe to grab attention. I don't REALLY think the .32NAA is just as good as the .38 Special. BUT... DOES look like it's 85gr Hornaday XTP loading from a 2.75" barrel is leaving a similar wound track in ballistics gelatin to some of the 125gr & 135gr...
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    500 S&W rifles...are there any others?

    I know about the Towner pump action, but surely there must be other repeating rifles in this caliber. What is out there, and what does it cost? I'd really like an 18" or 20" barreled bolt action carbine.
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    p14 or p17 .416 or .485 Magnum conversion

    A few years back I passed up a p17 in .458 Winchester. I wish I hadn't. I have a use for such a thing now. I won't cut up a collector's item, but there is a poorly sporterized p17 in a LGS that might make a good heart donor for my stomper. The queston I have is: What will making the...
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    Questions about the 6.5 Creedmoor

    I have been looking at the ballistics of the 6.5 CM, and while they ARE impressive for such a small case, haven't they just reinvented the .270 Winchester and the 260 Remington here, ballistically speaking? What does this cartridge do that the other two don't? Why is it the next big thing?
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    What is the Purpose of a "Truck Gun".

    FIRST the parameters: this post has nothing to do with "truck guns" in Rural areas, which make a lot more sense. It is meant for a glove boxed handgun that might be a useful self defense tool if you weren't carrying already. It also doesn't apply to the extra one you might throw in the glove...
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    Western Field 550 / Mossberg 500 trigger swap.

    Will a complete new trigger group from an M500, drop in and function in my old Western Field 550?
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    Mossberg 550/500 parts compatibility

    Short question, will a Mossberg 500 trigger assembly fit and function in an older Mossberg (western field) 550?
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    Speed Goat tags filled (with pics)

    Not my best antelope, but my wife's first and a great time was had. She got hers first, and as it was pushing 80°F I took the next one I saw so the meat wouldn't spoil. Her .257 Roberts barked once at 327 yards and my '06 did the same at 410.
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    Mossberg 500 locked up

    I have a "Western Field 550" aka a Mossberg 3" magnum pump that has a severe problem: when the gun is fired, the action does not unlock. I can open the gun by pressing the slide release, but cannot simply rack the action and continue firing. I know it isnt the ammo, because it happens even...
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    I want a monster muzzle loader!

    I've had it in my head for a while to build a behemoth muzzle loading shotgun, something on the order of a 10ga throwing a 2.5 ounce charge of size F steel shot. (Guess you can see why;)) Anyone have any experience that may help? I truly don't mind some weight, and don't want to flirt with...
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    Kel-tec P3AT fluff & buff results

    I fluffed and I buffed... ...oh screw it, I'll just use hardball. OOOPS! WRONG FORUM! Please relocate this to "Semi Auto Handguns".
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    Full Auto First Timer Questions

    I never really had an NFA firearms itch before, even having shot a few full autos. But a week ago I purchased a little Walther P-22 which came with a second barrel bushing that allows the use of a suppressor.... ...and now I have the itch. It seems to me that I simply cannot afford to up...
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    I have Suppressor Design/Build Questions

    I am wanting a suppressor for my Walther P-22. I feel I have a good grip on how to go about this legally, and now I have design questions. I will not acquire materials before receiving ATF approval Thus far, as I am only using it on a .22, it seems like the simple mag light-solvent trap type...