Search results

  1. D

    Rem "Golden Bullet" .22

    After not finding any ammo for a couple months I was pretty excited to find a bunch of bulk .22 at a local General Store. They were selling 525 packs of Remington GB's at $19, which isn't exactly a steal, but was - for around here anyway - a pretty decent price for a general store in the best of...
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    Accuracy of Ruger SBH

    I am planning on getting a 4.62" Ruger SBH this spring. The plan is to start casting/reloading, and using it for my daily practice. I'm hoping to be able to get my costs low, but have a little more fun than the .22 can offer. I know that I could reload for my semi's, but my range is out in the...
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    funny question

    funny mag question - actually, 2 of them First, I hope this is in the right forum. It's a handgun question, but really only pertains to the legality of a specific design characteristic, so I decided on this one. So, I was talking with a friend of mine who has land in NY, and naturally the new...
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    "Liberal" not the same as "Anti-gun"

    With all the gun control nonsense being tossed around the halls of power I just thought I'd take a moment to remind everyone that being a "liberal" doesn't mean a person is anti-gun. Granted most of the gun control crowd sits on the left side of the aisle, but there are lots of us people who...
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    "Gun Show Loophole"

    I'm not a fan of crowds, and I don't like buying expensive stuff from private sellers, so I have to confess I've never been to a gun show. From the news one gets the impression that you can buy whatever you want at a gun show without any checks (which if true would be a pretty big loophole in...
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    Blackhawk vs. Vaquero vs. SBH

    So, I'm pretty new to the world of revolvers, and almost entirely new to the world of single action revolvers. However, I shot a Blackhawk in .45lc over the summer and decided that it's far too fun not to have. So, before I buy something, I have a few questions. #1) My preference would be...
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    Is the Super Blackhawk in .45lc no more? (nevermind)

    Does Ruger no longer make the super blackhawk in .45lc? I was looking on their web sight and it's only listed in .44mag. I'd probably be looking at a used gun anyway, but if it's something that's been discontinued, perhaps I should start looking sooner rather than later. My long term dream is...
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    2 XDs questions

    I can't for the life of me find out on the flash monstrosity that is Springfield Armory's website if the XDs takes the same sights as the regular XD. I'd like to put some night sights on it, but I don;t want to get the wrong thing. Also, do they make a floorplate extension that fits? I really...
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    I had a question that my internet searching was unable to answer to m satisfaction. Is it legal to buy a gun for someone else? I've been thinking about buying my wife a gun for Christmas, but the application specifically asks if you're buying it for yourself. I wasn't sure if you can answer...
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    Body Armor

    The "stopping power working both ways" thread got me thinking. How many of you - in addition to having a gun for home protection - have some form of body armor? Personally I keep a vest in the nightstand where I keep my gun and light, and have always seen it as a good "just in case" thing to...
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    XDs[uprise] - first thoughts/range report So, I finally finished shingling the house, and as a reward the little wifey said I could get myself a new gun. I've been wanting something between my BG380 and my PPQ for carry, so I went to the shop fully intending to get a glock 36. However, right...
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    Best (or at least really good) .40

    I have recently decided that I should try to get on board the .40 bandwagon. I'd like a dedicated nightstand gun anyway, so it seems like I could kill 2 birds with one stone. I have 2 in mind right now. First, a Glock 23 because I very much like the 19 (the very close runner up when I bought...
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    The down side to red dots.

    Mine just died - or at least the batteries died. I can't seem to find the box I have the spares in. I do have a scope, but with only 3 more days in the season up here, I know both my neighbors are out in the woods too, and so I don;t really want to sight in a rifle and drive everything away. So...
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    Folding shotgun stock.

    Yet another post, but I'm very grateful for all the advise. Aside from my dad's old side by side, and some skeet shooting with borrowed guns I'm pretty new to the world of shotguns. I've decided to get one primarily for HD, and have decided that storing it would be easier if I could install a...
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    Are integrated forend lights worth the expense?

    Alright, I think my last post was too general, so I"ll try to be more specific. I plan on getting a Rem870 in the near future to serve primarily as a HD weapon. I'm wondering if I should spring for a forend with an integrated light (surefire, EOtech), or just attach a light to either a railed...
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    Turkey/HD shotgun questions

    I'm looking to buy a shotgun for both turkey hunting and home defense. What I've been looking at is the Rem870 Tactical - the version with XS sights. I decided against the versions built specifically for turkey as they seemed to cost more for what seemed to amount to a camo paint job. The...
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    Weatherby vs. TC

    Sometime this winter I'm planning on buying a longer range hunting rifle than my 30-30. I've been using my Dad's 30.06 whenever I want to hunt across a field - he doesn't really hunt any more - but I've decided to get something of my own. The two models I've been looking at in particular are...
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    New (to me) Ruger mk.III

    Well, at long last I decided to join the ranks of Mark III owners. I've been passively looking for one for the past while, and noticed this barley used beauty behind the glass at my local shop yesterday when I went in to buy ammo. I still wanted it today, so I got permission and went in to...
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    Standard pressure 115g 9mm

    I have started carrying standard pressure Hornady Critical Defense 115g as my defense load. It seems like people are always arguing about 115 +P (or +P+) or SP 147g, but not a lot of mention is given the standard pressure 115g. The reason I switched is that I use 115g practice loads, and the...
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    Chicken defense mishap

    So, I had an unusual learning experience the other day. How it all started was that a fox got one of my chickens. I heard the commotion, and came out of the house in time to scare him off, but not before he mortally wounded one of the hens. As he wounds necessitated putting her down, and the...