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  1. S

    sighting my pistol pls help

    if im shoting to the left my sights should be moved right or left?
  2. S

    cutting my 12ga barrel

    I was planing on cutting my shotgun barrel for hd im not sure about the frount sight as far as replacing it im sure i can place it in the right spot but im not sure just how. I also am not sure if i should go back with the ball type or replace with tactical sights of one sort or another all...
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    mossberg 500a

    plaining on tack-ing out my mossberg any ideas? wanting to make it shorter and practical for home defence. money isnt a obstical. well i suppose buying a bunch of tactical stuff such as 6 pos. stock short barrel maybe red-dot sights ect. just isnt the answer for this shotgun. but i really...
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    why an ar-15? pls explain the allur

    maybe its a fad or maybe its the best thing since sliced bread but i just don't understand. please explain why any one would spend that kinda money on one rifle. this weekend my neighbor showed me his new AR he had built now don't get me wronge it was very nice .223/ nice scope /really decked...
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    winchester 210 malfunctioning

    i took my winchester out to the range today. it was the first time i used it. it looked clean enough but it jamed it didnt want to load just a mess. i brought it home took the trigger group and the firing mech out soaked it and cleaned it put it back and manually worked it and did the same maybe...
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    modified sks

    i have a 54 sks ( i know its not a ar-15 and dont want to hear get a better weapon) i have tapco-ed it out and just orderd a scope and laser for it. my question is??? shorten the barrel or not? i have been told both and a cop/sniper friend of mine said he thought someone made a shorted barrel...