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  1. D

    stupid question

    Ok here is the deal: A friend of mine who lives up in the hills had his pet goat killed by a Mountain Lion a month ago. I advised him to get with the DOW here in Colorado to do something about the cat, as he also has two big dogs and a small child living in his spacious mountain retreat. (The...
  2. D

    As I promised a pro gun article from yours truly now available on the web...

    Read and enjoy.
  3. D

    grrr why do I find this stuff when I'm broke??

    Look here: There was another one on gunbroker re-finised in the 60's by a Colt employee that looked NEW. Man I want one of those. Don't know why.
  4. D

    CAS/Horsemanship training in Colorado???

    I have a ladyfriend with a couple of horses who asked me last night if I knew anywhere that she could learn to "shoot from horseback". She's no hunter shes just looking for a new hobby. I suggested CAS or similar sports. If anyone has info for a Colorado "western" style shooting school or...
  5. D

    You and your fave guns part 2

    That last thread was 7 pages long! Lets start a new one: Not one of mine but definitely a favorite of all time! (thanks to the Rocky Moutain 50 Cal Shooting Association, RMGO, and Denver Bullets)
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    RMGO 50 cal & machine gun shoot

    I'm gonna give this a full write-up at some point.. but let me say WOW. I don't know what was more fun, shooting a scoped Barrett at 600 yards, or shooting a full auto BAR. (expect a bit of a write up in Go-Go Magazine if the editor says it's ok) Rob ------------ The Battle of Fort Morgan ©...
  7. D

    Stupid question

    Okay.. I have an interest in a Nickel finished firearm. However I use Hoppes #9 to clean my guns (its a copper solvent) since the nickel finish is partly copper.. what do you clean a nickel finish gun with?? Or am I being stupid and you can use hoppes after all???
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    Lever action biathalon rifle?

    Dad has been glued to the TV watching the olympics and mentioned the german team was using a 'lever action" anschutz rifle. Anyone have a link? I almost bought a biathalon rifle for grins once, just wondering if anyone else has one or shot one.
  9. D

    Gun Rentals in Colorado??

    Hey I pitched a story idea to my magazine about us trying to find a place to rent machineguns on the front range. We are looking to do a fun and positive look at the joys of making piles of brass cases. Anyone know where I can go? Who I can call?? (PS I'll be writing the story) PLEASE E-mail...
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    Insurance question

    Dad and I were having a long talk about "insurance" of our firearms and assorted accessories.. reloading supplies etc. Our Farmer's agent gave us a quote for a firearms rider that was outrageous and according to dad.. the NRA insurance wasn't any cheaper. Does anyone with experience know who...
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    snubby question

    I've been toying with the idea of picking up a used snubby preferably in 357, preferably that holds 6 shots. I'd LIKE the Colt Magnum Carry.. since its stainless. But what else is out there? Any thoughts of what's to like/dislike? All makes/models are welcome.. I'm listening.
  12. D

    Fun range day

    So I took some friends to the range with a dozen or so of my favorite handguns.. Next thing I know hours had gone by and my friends were grinning ear to ear. Notes from session: My pal Shari had a hard time racking the slide on most of my autos other than my Ruger 22, she also didn't fare...
  13. D

    Tales of the gun .. guns of WW2

    was channel surfing last night through football/xfiles and tales of the gun.. (retasked as history uncovered) Handguns: Germany produced a LOT of hanguns and thought they were essential, not just a 'staff weapon". US soldiers couldn't get ENOUGH hand guns. (esp. in the pacific) Sub Machine...
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    I want to be anti SW

    but.. LOOKIE here! Don't understand why its TWICE as expensive.. or why it has a rounded off butt.. but cool. Very cool.
  15. D

    Patterson's Africa revisited

    I was watching outdoor life network this morning, a show called adventure quest about a group of guys climbing Kilimanjaro and then walking all the way to Tsavo to the Indian Ocean (some 300 miles away) The walk takes over 2 weeks. Its starts off normally enough in rain gear, nylon shorts etc...
  16. D

    Taliban Humor?

    Anyone have that link to the taliban personals?? Did a search and copuldn't find it. That was so funny.. I wanted to forward it to my friends. please e-mail it to me. Thanks, Rob
  17. D

    First Rifle?

    Ok I'm curious.. with all the This is better than that threads we've seen I'd like to know.. What was the frist rifle you owned? Mom and Dad Bought me a Marlin 995 20 or so years ago, 2 reciver bushings and a new barrel pin and its still shooting. What was the first rifle you bought? When...
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    2 new shows... any thought?

    Spent a bit of this evening watching TV.. Escapist TV while we are waiting for more news. Any thoughts on Alias or UC "Undercover"? Alias: Production values were high, music was great but perhaps overused. Ending had more twists and turns than necessary.. I mean wouldn't it be best to find out...
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    Stupid question

    Ok I know there are no stupid questions, only stupid people. ;) So tell me, a stupid guy with no 'army training" how the hell do you use those 'military' style post and hole sights? I mean, at 200 yards the front site covers a man sized target, and at night how can you look through that little...
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    WTB GI Leather 1911 ammo pouch

    I am transitioning from a web belt set up to a leather set up for my Colt.. has anyone seen a LEATHER 1911 ammo pouch that is GI issue? ie looks similar/works the same? I recall seeing a set up when I was a kid on an airforce SP, and On a Colonel In the army in a fancy dress uniform on parade...