Search results

  1. 1

    Is Wind drift linear?

    If a certain bc, velocity and wind generates 1" of drift at a hundred yards would half the wind value cause half the drift? Say a bc of .235, 3600 fps MV and 10mph= 1" of drift at 100, would a 5mph wind cause .5" of drift all other variables he same?
  2. 1

    Wilson arms barrels, any good?

    I'm looking to rebarrel a Ruger bolt 22-250, I live in CT and was considering a Wilson arms barrel (Branford, ct). I never see them mentioned, would guess they are low to mid grade? Anyone ever use these, what's your experience?
  3. 1

    How similar are these powders?

    The lgs has an abundance of accurate powders. I usually use imr4064 but they don't have it. They do have aa4064. Has anyone ever compared these 2? Can I use the same load data, should I expect the performance to be the same, velocity and accuracy? Treat it like any other lot change...
  4. 1

    Ultimate sizing die ...

    I've been using the lee collet sizing die and I like it very much. However, eventually you need to fl size. I usually get ~3 or so firings before I need to fl size. I push the should back about .002 +\- .001. I like the lee die for a couple of reasons but primarily: -No lube -The way it presses...
  5. 1

    Caliper model..

    I used to have a starrett set of calipers, unfortunately they broke. They had .001 graduations on the slide, so that the dial always tracked accurately and never lost zero. The calipers I have now seem to fall out of zero. Is there a specific type of caliper that has these tracked graduations on...
  6. 1

    Group spread from temperature...

    For the last couple of months been fine tuning a load for 22-250, this morning went to the range with some loads with a variety of oval changes. Typically groups have been .3-.6, this morning I couldn't get anything less then 1" most were 1.25 and larger. Previous range days had all been in the...
  7. 1

    Broke in a hornady auto charge tonight..

    Picked up a hornady lnl auto charge from Natchez for 169.99, ordered tues and it showed up today. Loaded 30 rounds of 22-250, varget some 36.3 gr and some 34.8 gr. started with 36.3. Very few "over". I used the auto speed function and I checked every load against my rcbs 505. Every charge was...
  8. 1

    Pressure signs...

    Going back over my logs from Fridays shooting I had made a note that 1 round in 10 had stiff bolt lift. the load was 36gr varget, 53 gr Sierra in 22-250. All rounds were chrono'd. I looked at the case today and I measured the shoulder. Sure enough the shoulder is .001 higher then the other...
  9. 1

    Audette ladder from 100 yards - 30-06

    I'd like to do some development for 06 but my range is only 100 yards, using 165 gr. would this show enough vertical dispersion to be worth while ? I know the recommendation is 200 yards or farther.
  10. 1

    What are your Quality control steps..

    Curious to know what you guys do for qc. Here are my steps for rifle: Case prep After depriming/neck sizing * Trim to length (only done after 2-3 firings) +-.001 else mark as failure **Chamfer mouth inside and out * Polish cases with fine steel wool Inspect case * *Brush inside of neck *...
  11. 1

    Quick load question...

    One powder that seems to work very well for me in 22-250 is, just so happens I'm running low but I have some 4064 which is fairly close to the same burn rate. Got to thinking, if I could match the pressure curve and velocity or at least approximate it, I should get similar results with 4064 as...
  12. 1

    Lee collett die information -fyi

    I purchased a set of lee dies, collett neck sizing and dead length seater. Upon sizing some of the cases I noticed I could seat flat base bullets about half way into the neck on some of the cases. I had checked and dble checked the die to make sure it was adjusted correctly. 2full turns after...
  13. 1

    Is this accurate...?

    I took this off the Lee precision site. This is different then what I understood the benefit of seating the bullet close to or touch the lands. My understanding was it reduces the "jump", helping to ensure concentric entry into the bore. This is using lead length to control pressure. Is this a...
  14. 1

    Acceptable case weight variation?

    When you guys weigh cases what do you deem as acceptable for variation? Please use percentage as every cartridge case has different weights. Also, does variation in bullet tension/pull typically show up through vertical stringing and velocity variation?
  15. 1

    Powder discolored...?

    I opened up some 4064 yesterday and I noticed some of the granules looked bronze or brown in color. This can is pretty old, but it didn't smell different. Is this an indication of failing powder?
  16. 1

    Ruger ring help...

    I need some help with ruger rings. I was looking for a new scope with a 50mm objective and found the following: -The front integral base is higher the then rear - rings are sold separately, and only by height not front and rear - using match pairs (rings of the same height) would create an...
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    Inexpensive bore scope?

    Anyone have an inexpensive bore scope? If so, presumably its easy to see how well my cleaning technique is with it? How about throat wear?
  18. 1

    Excessive pressure from factory cartridges...

    I went to the range to sight in a new scope and since I had some old (15 years) factory loads I figured I would use them for sighters. They were federal American eagle 150 gr. When I fired the first shot, I noticed the bolt lift was difficult, I thought it must be a fluke. So I fired another one...
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    Consistency, Expectations?

    I need some assistance in setting my expectations or perhaps understanding the lack of consistency I am seeing in my groups. I recently had a 30-06 rebarrelling from a quality barrel manufacturer and I have started load development. I am using imr4350 and I worked up a number of loads with...
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    Assistance with expediting initial load development..

    Looking to vet this out.. I just sent an action to Hart for rebarrelling and I'd like to minimize load development time. Since the chamber will be new, I will not have any fire formed cases yet so all cases initially will be new or full lengthed sized. My approach is the following: - start with...