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  1. O

    All this CZ talk's peaking my interest...

    I've read so much praise of the CZ from you guys, and I've come to respect your collective opinions on many other things, so now you've got me thinking that I'm missing out on something! So, where might a CZ newbie find one of these blue light special wonder-guns? I'd prefer a .40, and also...
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    Choosing the right "Wolff Spring"

    I've noticed that a lot of you recommend using "Wolff" recoil springs to help reduce the felt recoil of your pistols. I just visited the Wolff site from a link posted in this forum, and now I have a question... Which spring to use for recoil reduction? They had reduced power, factory power...
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    Kahr P9 or Kel-Tec P11/P40

    OK, the subject is pretty self explanatory... Between the new Polymer Kahr P9 or the Kel-Tec family... which one? For those who choose the Kel-Tec... P11 or P40? Thanks for the input!
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    Bushmaster fluted/GI profiled barrel?

    If you spend much time in the "handguns" section of this wonderful site, you already know that I'm an indecisive sort. So here's me latest quandry... I've got a bushmaster pre-ban with an 11.5" barrel and 5.5" flash supressor. I want to swap it over to an all bushmaster M4. I want to do the...
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    For the LAST TIME... Is 9mm enough?

    Okay, I know this is probably an OLD question, but I gotta ask again... Just for fun, lets change the caliber of your favorite house gun (the one you choose to protect your family with) to 9mm. It's still the same brand, size, weight, CAPACITY, etc... Revolver, semi, shotgun, rifle...
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    HKUSP Compact in .40 or .45?

    Love some opinions on this... I bought an HKUSP45 as soon as they came out, WAY before any of the compacts came along. Now that I'm older (and married) I can't seem to find $600 to have a Compact TOO, so I'm going to sell the USP, and buy a compact. MY QUESTION: Do I get a HKUSPCompact in...
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    Mossburg Pursuader = 500A?

    A friend was going to buy a Mossburg Pursuader at Wal-Mart for $195 as an inexpensive alternative to my Winchester Defender that he likes so much. He also wants to attach a Speedfeed stock to this gun. The Speedfeed ad says "does not work with 500A". Is that the Pursuader, or do stocks...