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  1. S

    Makarov magazine question

    O.K., so today I was at the range and I was shooting my Mak. Shoots great. This is the first trip to the range since I've bought dies to reload the 9x18, so it is also the first time I paid attention to where my brass was going. This gun shot the brass all over the place! I was only able to...
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    CCW and the doctor's office

    I just started going to a chiropractor. When I go I leave my gun in the car (I know, I know). I do this because I'm pretty sure that no matter which way you slice it he's not going to allow me to carry while in his office. Even if he's OK with CCW's, his insurance company would have a stroke if...
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    Makarov holsters

    To all you Mak-slingers out there, What kind of holster do you use? I'm looking for an IWB, leather holster. I don't really like the Uncle Mike nylon holsters. Any suggestions?
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    7.62x39 shortage

    Does anyone know why 7.62x39 Wolf ammo is so hard to get recently?
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    SKS legality question

    Since the sunset of the assault weapons ban, what modifications to the SKS are legal? Are they all legal? I know it used to be that you could do some things but not combined with others but I wasn't sure what of all that is still in effect today.
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    A second SKS question

    So how do you tell the different SKS nationalities apart? Are there markings that let you know that's it's Romainian vs. a Yugo, etc.?
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    SKS questions

    I've been thinking of picking up a SKS but I have afew questions. Which nationality makes the best SKS? I read something a long time ago about a particular model that liked to fire in full auto if you put it down too hard. Is this true? If memory serves they said it was the Chinese version, so...
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    Makarov bullets

    Does anyone here know of a good place online to get some 9x18 Makarov bullets and brass? I'm looking for some semi-wadcutter or rounds, basically anything cheap to plink with. Thanks in advance!
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    A question for those who have had to use it

    I was thinking earlier about what would happen to my gun if (god forbid) I ever had to shoot someone with it. I know that it would be tied up in the legal system for a long while bit I'd guess you eventually get it back. But after that, would I still feel comfortable carrying a pistol that's...
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    +1 to the Armed Citizen

    Suspects shot by jewelry store owner, employee during attempted robbery 04:28 PM CDT on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 A jewelry store owner and a fellow employee shot and wounded two suspects during an apparent attempted armed robbery in Marrero Tuesday morning. WWL-TV The owner of...
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    New Makarov, New Questions

    After all of the helpful advice I received here and from (which someone here refered me to), I purchased a Bulgarian Makarov just afer hours ago. It was a pretty good deal, $179 for the Mak in really good shape just some holster wear, an extra magazine, the original "star" grips...
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    Makarov questions

    Recently I decided that the next handgun I was going to purchase was going to be the Bersa Thunder, but yesterday I fiddled with a Makarov in a gun shop and now I'm thinking I might rather have a Mak. I have afew simple questions though. 1-How do you tell the country of origin of a Mak. From...
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    Texas gun law clarification

    I've been doing research into the gun laws in Texas because I'm going to be moving there in about a year. I'm from Louisiana and here we have a law that says if you're able to posess a firearm legally in your home, you are able to posess one in your car. According to, In texas you...
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    water vs. firearm

    I was wondering, what should I do if I get caught in a rainstorm while I'm carring concealed? How does water effect guns and ammo? I know that the finish might make a difference and I know that it really wouldn't render the gun inoperable but I was just wondering what you leo's/duck hunters out...
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    need info about Austin, Texas area

    I live about 30 mins. north of New Orleans right now but I am seriously considering moving to Austin, Texas to complete college. What kind of info can anyone here give me about Austin and the surrounding areas concerning - - Texas CHL - How gun friendly is Austin - good shooting ranges/gun...
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    DA vs. SA

    For concealed carry purposes what do you think is better? I seem to have better shot placement with a SA, I guess it's because of the extra pull on a DA trigger. Just looking for some input because I'm looking for my first CCW. I've shot lots of guns but I've never really gave thought to...
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    bersa vs. walther

    For any Bersa Thunder .380 owners out there... How different size wise in the Thunder from the PPK? what is the quality of the Thunder? I see it for fairly cheap and was wondering if it's worth it.
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    Handgun storage

    I have a pistol I carry in my car from time to time (I don't have my CWP....yet) and I've taken to just leaving it and an extra magazine in it's holster so I can just grab it and go. Is it bad to keep a blued (or any other finish) pistol in a holster all the time? Would it matter if the...
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    stock and forend question

    I have a Norinco 12ga. shotgun. I'm not really sure what model it is, but it's stamped with the YL12-1J4. I've looked this model up on the internet but they don't always look like mine. The ejection port is on the bottom and it comes with ghost sights and a black synthetic stock. My question...
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    Heat vs. Ammo

    I live way down south (Louisiana) and it gets pretty hot here in the summer. I was thinking about keeping an extra magazine in my car (just in case). I know that in the summer here it's not odd for the interior of a car to reach over 120 degrees in the sun. Do you think that the summer heat...