Search results

  1. K

    Do it yourself AR-15

    After thinking long and hard about it, I've decided to build my own AR-15 when I have the money. I've compared it against buying one new or used, used pricing being what's availible in the local gun shops, and found it to be cheapest. I also did the homework on a Mini 14. As much as I like that...
  2. K

    CCW, it's been asked a million times.

    Ok, It's the mother of all newbie questions. How do I go about obtaining my concealed carry permit? Last week has convinced me to pursue this subject with a little more zeal than, "It'd be nice to have." (See "Too cautious or paraniod" in Tactics and Training) Anyway, I'm getting ready to...
  3. K

    Too cautious or paranoid?

    So here's how last night went for me... I live in a rural area. My house is about 400 feet off the road. I'm in my room working on some stuff for college and Mom says that there's a guy in our driveway who ran out of gas. She asks if I can see if we have some. Sigh, "Ok Mom." It's dark and not...
  4. K

    Where can I buy....

    Balistic gelatin??? I was bored and watching Mythbusters. (Isn't this how most bad ideas start these days?) Anyway, It was some sort of gun related myth and they were using gun jello for a target. Thought it would make some neat targets if I used my mom's old jello molds or made some myself...
  5. K

    Pardon my ignorance....

    Would somebody please explain the rational behind "M-4gery" to me? Is it because some people feel that the M-4 is kind of like an El Camino? Not really a car or a truck, but doing both and failing miserably. Kilroy, who doesn't have a witty statement to put in here, was here
  6. K

    Time for an Off Topic section on TFL?

    Moderators, (And the rest of you ladies and gentlemen) I've noticed that the teotwawki, shtf, zombie, ........ and such scenario postings are causing some, well, issues around here. Since they usually end up wherever the poster feels like they tend to draw flak due to the threads not being a...
  7. K

    The Most Dangerous Game

    I can hear it now, "Not another blanking scenario!!" I just got done reading a short story who's title is the name of this thread. The basic plot is a rich big game hunter has a private island and hunts people for sport. Can't remember who wrote it, but it was pretty good. Thought I'd try a...
  8. K

    Winchester Model 12

    Hey, My Dad has an old Winchester model 12 shotgun. It's 16 GA, and is the one you can unscrew the mag and barrel to break it into two parts. The problem is, the action bar will catch the bolt, but when you go to cycle it, the action bar won't stay hooked into the bolt. It just pops out like...
  9. K

    Almost walked out of the movie theater

    Ok, I went to see Transporter 2 this weekend. The previews start rolling. (Shot of all kinds of spent brass on the ground) "There are over 2 billion firearms in circulation today. That's enough to arm over one third of the world's population." Crap, more anti-gun propaganda... Do I leave now...
  10. K

    Competing in DE

    Could somebody point me in the right direction for competetive shooting in Delaware. I'm interested in high-power rifle and .22 pistol. I've got an '03 springfield and a ruger mk 3 so I'm good to go on equipment.
  11. K

    Poll: Most embarrassing moment in a gun store

    Ok guys (ladies too), What's the most embarrassing thing you've done in a gun store? Yes, I too am guilty of being youthfully enthusiastic and wanting to show off my firearms knowledge. A couple of weeks ago some guy was looking at an AR-15. Clerk didn't know how to lock the bolt back, release...
  12. K

    Mauser C96 project

    Yes, I'm toying with more ideas then you can shake 3 sticks at. The latest plan would be building a C96 clone in .22 LR or magnum. Where could I find dimensioned drawings of a C96 to base my design off of? More importantly, what are the legal issues? Do I have to submit a working prototype to...
  13. K

    RG-G Inc. Gatling drawings

    Has anybody built a .22 LR gatling gun from the drawings sold by Mr. Moore of RG-G Inc. ?? As a gunsmithing hobbyist, the project sounds neat. But, I'd like to know how much time and effort it would be. Also are there any improvements on this design to be reccomended? Thanks.
  14. K

    Cleaning solvent's

    I couldn't find the thread I was reading a few day's ago (don't we all hate it when that happens) and somebody mentioned Fred's Red, Red's Fred, some sort of home made solvent that was 1/4 Auto Trans fluid, acetone, K-1 kerosene, a splash of lanolin, and 1/4 something else.... What's the...
  15. K

    Semi M3A1

    I remember seeing some company advertising semi auto M3's last year in Shotgun News. Anybody know the name of the company??
  16. K

    Summer reading list

    I guess it's gun related in a roundabout way... I've worked my way through all the Rouge Warrior, Jack Higgins, Andy McNab, and other such books so far. Any recomendations for some good action/adventure books?
  17. K

    Hey, Is anybody from the crew over here? I've been away for training with the Army for the past 6 months and tried pulling up the site. It was nowhere to be found. Did Hunter close up shop or what? Thanx, Kilroy08