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  1. J

    BIG Louisville, Ky show this weekend

    I am fixin' to (a Texas expression) head to Louisville and I'm gonna pick up the banished KevinW for the trip south where we hope to meet up with glockgadza from Memphis, Tn. Any other TFL'rs going to Louisville? Like to meet y'all if you are.
  2. J

    Indianapolis First Monday - didn't quite turn out like they planned

    I was able to attend the First Monday event (circus?) at Butler University in Indianapolis last night put on by the Indiana Citizens Concerned about Gun Violence (don't ask, I don't know where they came from, don't care, and we will probably not hear from them again). They had invited a group...
  3. J

    I met a pro-gun LEO, when I got pulled over!!!!!

    Yes, I got pulled over last weekend while I was in Austin. No 12-34hom not for one of the moving violations that I am frequently guilty of, too much protection from that, but for an expired registration on one of my motorcycles. I am not home much these days and have 4 motorcycles that I...
  4. J

    What have I gotten myself into now????

    The company that I am on contract with is very active in the community. Many of the people here volunteer to help teach at a local inner city elementary school, grades K-5, in a number of subjects. These kids need good positive role models from the community to come in and emphasize the...
  5. J

    Indy 1500 gun show this weekend

    If you are planning on attending come by the SAFE (Second Amendment For Everyone) table at noon on Sat and say hi.
  6. J

    A nice encounter with the Indiana State Police

    I had some questions about what information came across when a person was pulled over and a license DL check was run. I have a Texas DL and the CHL info comes back in Texas, but wondered if it did should I be pulled over in other states as well, especially Illinois. I contacted the ISP to ask...
  7. J

    Another discussion with BATF, the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986

    I just got of the phone with Bill Bowers in the Firearms Division of the BATF in Washington, D.C. In May I was in D.C. for the MMM and on the way back I was going to drive down Skyline Dr. in Va. It goes through a National Park and signs were posted that no firearms were permitted. I informed...
  8. J

    I had an interesting conversation with the local BATF this morning.

    I had seen on this board that United Airlines was tagging checked baggage which contained firearms with a string of letters like this FFFFFFFFFF on the baggage tag. This would be in violation of GCA '68 as amended by the Brady Crime crap act of 1994 and is Sec 922 (e). I had not had this...
  9. J

    Some advice if you are going to move to Texas.

    Many seemed to enjoy the thread on how a gun is better than a woman and we seem to have many Texans posting as well as threads asking about that great state, so I have a few suggestions to offer if you are considering a move to help you settle in easier. Anybody want to add any others please...
  10. J

    Louisville Gun Show this weekend. Anyone going besides me and..

    Kevinw? I am picking up Kevin on Sunday for the trip down. Should arrive at the show about 09:30. Meet at the front of the show, inside, near the entrance, at 12 noon. I will have LONG hair wearing black denim shorts.
  11. J

    Veterns are being discriminated against, email help needed

    This may seem silly to some of you, but it offends me. I recently took class given by a retired USMC sgt who put in 22 years of service to our country. He is still under 50 years old. There is a sports complex where he lives that offers discounts to active duty military as well as retired...
  12. J

    A little late but....The MMM, I was there, and this is what happened..

    Sorry to be reporting this so late, but I was away for a week. I did make it a point to stop by D.C. for moms day and gaze upon the herd of catt---, shee---, moms. I did not arrive until after the festivities had begun, got to the SAS-AIMM rally about 11:30. I was able to meet Bubbles (for...
  13. J

    The Rosie boards at WB are back and guess what?????

    About a year ago pro-gun forces flooded the Rosie message board at WB forcing the closure of the board completely. It was unusable. They have brought a new board up and sure enough some foreigner has started an anti-gun thread. She is something of the lone ranger, but managed to get to an...
  14. J

    In fairness to TFL female posters...Why a handgun is better than a husband.

    A handgun barrel stays stiff all the time. A handgun could care less about sports. You can leave your handgun on the nightstand at night so it doesn't poke you in the back and it dosn't complain. A handgun can be shot when you want, as much as you want, as quickly as you want, and is fast to...
  15. J

    Reasons why a handgun is better than a wife.

    You can buy a silencer for a handgun. You can trade a .44 for two .22's. You can have a handgun at home and another for the road. If you admire a friend's handgun and tell him so, he will be impressed and let you try a few rounds with it. Your primary handgun doesn't mind if you have a...
  16. J

    I heard a knock at the door, it was ATF!

    While at home last night I had a knock on the door and a shout, 'Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms'! I thought this to be very strange because I live in Texas, but I am working in Indiana. 'How could they have found me here and what do they want?', I thought. I do not have a telephone in my name...
  17. J

    S&W - How the 'DEAL' came to be (you ain't gonna believe this!)

    I have reported this info to Fox News desk and hope that they run with the information, but certainly did not want to leave out my buddies at TFL on breaking news. We all know that S&W signed a 15 page agreement with the govt about 2 weeks ago which required all sorts of things for dealers and...
  18. J

    Fox poll, results to be shown tonight....

    on Hannity & Colmes Should Clinton be disbarred.
  19. J

    Better pictures of Miss D..

    are finally up on her site. I thought she looked kind of mean in the last one. She has a new one of herself and one with her cutie daughter. For anyone interested..
  20. J

    Does anyone know where I can get...

    a set of machinist drawings for an M-14 receiver, preferably with a match version with the rear lugs?