Search results

  1. K

    375 H&H For Elk

    Got to playing with my Model 70 375 H&H. That puppy using 250 gr. Sierra bullet developes more energy at 350 yards then my 30'06 load using 175 SMKs at 100 yards. Juat as flat shooting too. I'd plan on using my 270 Win but I don't know now, Sure had fun with my 375. Wonder if its over...
  2. K

    Fun and games in the back yard

    I was at Cabala's in Rapid City Monday and picked up one of these little rubber ball targets. Took the sucker out to play with it yesterday, chasing it around my back yard (pasture) with my 642 pocket revolver. Heck of a lot of fun, and good practice. I also get out my CZ 452 and chase it...
  3. K

    Mann Accuracy Device

    Just won a Mann Accuracy Device (paid too much but I wanted it) on the CMP Acution Site. Its a Remington 700 action for a Kart 5.56 barrel. This is one of the Device's the Army used to test the accuracy of their 5.56 ammo, super tight chamber, excellent barrel, good crown. 19.5 inch barrel...
  4. K

    It Worked-M1 Carbine for home defense

    Homeowner uses a M1 Carbine to shoot home invader. Not a fan of warning shots but in this case (and location) I think it fit, as in helping the shooter establish he didn't want to hurt the bandit, just wanted to stop him. Warning shot didn't do it but shooting him in the leg did...
  5. K

    Hatcher's Book of the Garand - Warning Order

    I don't know where to put this but I'd like others to know. Used this book has been going for $100-300 depending on condition. BUT: It's being re-printed. It will be released April 16th. Amazon is taking pre-orders. $24.99 for the Hard cover...
  6. K

    Street Cop (and SD) survival, my thoughts.

    I spent 20 years as a cop, most of which was as a firearms instructor and FTO (Field Training Officer). Besides that, most of my adult life I’ve been involved in firearm instruction, military and civilian, I’ve taught SWAT, Military & LE Snipers (and still do) but these are my thoughts based on...
  7. K

    Rem 1100 vs 1187

    What's the difference between the Rem 1100 and the 1187. Yesterday I shot a Falling Plate match where we used shotguns (bird shot) and pistols. There were several 1187s and the seemed to be jamming a lot. Years ago, (Mid 70s) I use to shoot a lot of skeet and most people I shot with used...
  8. K

    Who Shoots Ruger LCP

    My daughter (in Oregon) just got her CC permit. She called me about choices of pistols. She's small, and to get her to carry its gonna be small. I'm not there to help her out, but she tried a few different guns and likes the Ruger. I've never shot one, I'm a revolver guy mainly and my autos...
  9. K

    Cops and Revolvers

    I got a pleasant surprise yesterday. My neighbor is a deputy sheriff. He contacted me about revolver training. He just picked up a Model 66 and wanted some training so he could qualify with it. I didn't know (and really didn't check) the county would let officers choose their own...
  10. K

    Daylight Savings Time & Laser Sights.

    Daylight Savings time again. Now is the time to change your batterys on you Laser Sighted handguns.
  11. K

    12 States on Path to Guns Without Permits

    12 more states are on their way to join Arizona, Vermont, Alaska, and Wyoming in the No Permit Required, or Constitutional Carry. Colorado, Iowa, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota and Virgina...
  12. K

    Looks like SD is getting Constitional Carry Law

    Passed by the House and Senate and is waiting for governor's signature. SD would be the 5th state to allow carrying w/out a permit, Vermont, Arizona, Alaska and Wyoming.
  13. K

    Serpa vs Trigger Finger

    Ref the other post about the negligent discharge that many fault the Serpa holster got me to try and make videos showing that its the shooter not the holster. When using the Serpa holster, you trigger finger naturally falls straight down the side of the holster. As you start to pull the...
  14. K

    A different "being outed"

    How do you talk to small children about your CCW? OK, for a bit of background. We all know that most place (if not all) you're not allowed to carry on school grounds (elementary through high school). Even under the LEOSA, which exempts most state laws, there is still the Federal Safe School...
  15. K

    When seconds count...........

    Cops are minutes (or 15-20 in this case) away. That's after the home owner called 911 advising he shot the bandit who was trying to break into his home.
  16. K

    NRA at it again

    Looks like the NRA have change the method of scoring high power again for 2012. I haven't quite got use to the last change yet. It's gonna slow down the pit service until everyone gets use to it. I'd like to see them go back to the paddles...
  17. K

    Spanish Civil War Mosins

    Never knew, but I found (on the CMP Forums) a web site decated to the Mosins used in the Spanish Civil War. Interesting.
  18. K

    Rem. 38 LCWC

    I tried to find some factory ammo that would match what I carry. All I could find was Remington R38S6, 158 Gr. LSWC. Ok I founds some at Natches, ordered two boxes and they came in this afternoon. So I go out and fire up my chronograph and see how they act. Out of my 642 I get an average of...
  19. K

    So the bandit has the drop on you, so what

    After reading several topics on bandit with gun on you, you're armed what would you do. I am a firm believer, that if someone has a gun pointed at you, and you are carrying, the advantage is in your court. I think you can draw and fire before the bandit can shoot his gun he already has out...
  20. K

    The Garand, The History

    This poem explains a lot on why I love the Garand