Search results

  1. R

    Hunting Critics

    I am a hunter. I have killed animals, I kill animals, and I will contune to kill animals. I admire or at least respect hunters of all types, even if they hunt animals or use methods I do not. What I find amusing, if not upsetting, is when some hunters critize other hunters. Or even worse, want...
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    Deer with Dogs

    In the state I now live in, dogs are forbidden to be used in deer hunting. In fact, the only big game that you can have dogs to assist you is mountain lions. In California, you can take a dog deer hunting, but you can't use them to course them. There is a guy I met in California that takes his...
  3. R

    Oregon vs. Idaho

    This fall I want to go bird hunting in either Oregon or Idaho. I am going to get one of those three day licenses. I only have the time and money for one of them. I live about the same distance from both states. Which state do you think would offer the better bird hunting experience? I am...
  4. R

    Beehive State?

    Certain states come to mid when certain hunting or gun topics are discussed. If someone mentions going on an elk hunt, Montana comes to mind. If someone mentions they are going hunting to Wyoming and they mention antelope, it is no surprise. If a bird hunter wants a week of nonstop pheasant...
  5. R

    Significant Others?

    I enjoy that thread here about how important hunting is in your life. I would go all the time if I could. I know if I ever win the lottery my wife will probably leave me, but I won't know about for at least a couple of weeks. Speaking of wives, girlfriends, significant others, how understanding...
  6. R

    Hunting versus...

    How important is hunting to you? Not the killing, or meat gathering, but the whole activity? Is there any other activity that you would rather do on any given day in stead of going hunting? Or, does hunting have priority over jsut about everything else in your schedule? You have one buddy that...
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    Top Ten?

    I was cruising the internet this morning when I found this. You will notice that this chart is over a decade old. I tried to find a newer one without any luck. But, I bet it hasn't changed much, even with all the new cartridges that have been...
  8. R

    Hi-Point .22

    This looks like it would be a fun gun. I might actually save up for one. Jackrabbits-watch out!
  9. R

    Interesting Data?

    I found this chart while playing around on the net. I tried to figure out how the data was obtained, no luck. I am not sure if I agree with all the numbers. It seems like the percentage aound here should be higher. I do find the differences...
  10. R

    Pawn Shop Special?

    A local pawn shop has a used Ruger Single Six chambered for the .32H&R magnum. Anyone here own or have experiece with this firearm? It looks like it would be a great trail gun.
  11. R

    The Most Sensible Caliber

    I was just looking at reloading data on Hodgdon website. I realize that the the caliber, I do mean caliber, not cartridge, that makes logical sense is the .270. I saw in the 30 caliber cartridges, there are a half dozen rounds that fire 180 grain bullets at 2700 feet per second, give or take...
  12. R

    Spare Components?

    I was just doing a quick inventory of my reloading supplies. I have many boxes of bullets that have just a few left. I even have some cans of powder with hardly enough in them to put together more then a few loads. Should I toss these, I could use the shelf space? Should I throw together a few...
  13. R

    500 wow!!!

    I was watching some hunting show a television. I didn't catch the begining so I don't know where they were, but they were hunting Bison. It looked like they were either in Montana or Wyoming. One of the guys was using a Smith & Wesson .500 Magnum revolver with a scope of some sort. He was about...
  14. R

    Battery Building

    I thought that I would start a fun thread for a change. There have been countless posting and articles about what would be the minimum gun battery one needs. Sometimes there is number attached to it, if you could only have five or three or ten or whatever number of guns, what would they be? The...
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    Soft Target?

    I am wondering weather mountain lions are easy to kill. If the hunter mentioned in the article was grouse hunting, I assume his shotgun was loaded with birdshot of some sort. He fired at the cat twice and...
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    Are there any starling shooters here? If so, you'll enjoy this. I use them for preseason warm up!:D How would you like to be near the top of that skyscraper with a shotgun?
  17. R

    Upland Handguns?

    There have many threads about carrying a sidearm while big game hunting. I want to know if anyone carries a handgun when hunting for upland game?
  18. R

    Count Down

    Who is counting down the hours to the dove opener? I am, even though I live in an area where dove hunting is not the best. It is a hit or miss proposition around here. I have seen some birds in one desert area that is being used by them in later hours. Lets keep thread going for reports. I...
  19. R

    Bore Sighting?

    I just changed the scopes on one of my bolt actions. I decided to remove the bolt and bore sight it using an object in the field across the street. I took the gun to the range and I was almost dead-on at one hundred yards with my first shots. I have come close using this method before, but this...
  20. R

    Rifle or Pistol or Shotgun?

    This is for those of you that do all three types of reloading. Which one do you enjoy more? I reload for rifle, handgun, and shotgun. I like reloading for my handguns more. I realize it is very similar to rifle reloading, but not having to lube the cases and having a can of powder last all day...