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  1. B

    Can someone explain in regards to Germany and WW II . . . .

    Why Germany did not develop a standard semi-auto rifle for their infantry but instead maintained the use of the bolt action Mauser? I've often wondered about this . . . yes, I have owned Mausers - still have a nice one that a relative brought back in WW I and I once had two different WW II...
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    ??? on grips for Sig Sauer 1911-22

    I did a quick search but didn't find an answer . . if I over looked it I apologize. I finally picked up a new Sig Sauer 1911-22 this past week - been wanting one for some time and ran across one that was on special. The typical Sig rosewood grips are attractive but I'd really like to change...
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    Armscor model 206 38 spl. snubbie owners . . .

    A quick question for owners of the Armscor 38 spl. model 206 snubbie . . . I recently spotted several of these in a case at a LGS and they caught my eye - had nice parkerized finish and looked pretty decent at a decent and reasonable price. Yea, I know . . . they aren't a Colt or a Smith so...
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    ?? on shortening a revolver barrel - legalities, etc.

    I'm not planning on doing this but I got to thinking about it and wondered what the legalities would be . . . if any? I'm a "revolver guy" and have been looking for a 3 or 4 inch barreled S & W - prefer a J frame but would take a K frame - or a Colt Official Police - in 38 spl. If I were to...
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    Does anybody make a 38spl/357 single shot "western style" rifle?

    I've been looking for a single shot "western style" rifle - i.e. something like a rolling block, etc. that is chambered in 38/357 as a companion piece for my New Vaquero SA. There are plenty of lever guns - Henry, Rossi, Winchester, etc. but the only thing that I can find that is single shot...
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    3" or 4" barrel 38 spl - what should I be looking for?

    I currently carry a Ruger LCR for CCW. I'd like to pick up something with a 3" barrel - 4" maximum for CCW on the belt once in a while. I'm a 38 special lover - more in to shooting standard and not +P, etc. In the 4" barrel - I've been looking at possibly a Colt Army Special/Official Police...
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    380 Pocket Gun - which of these 3?

    I have a friend that is looking for a 380 pocket gun for SD/CCW, I suggested a Bersa CC 380 but he wants it to be simple, DAO and no hammer to catch as he will probably carry it in a pocket holster. He's looking at the Ruger LCP, the Kel-Tech 380 and the S & W 380 Bodyguard. I pointed out...
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    Questions on original M1 Carbines . . .

    I'm getting ready to do a 10/22 Rugrer build of a M1 Carbine. It's been years since I've had a chance to handle one and have a couple of questions in regards to them that hopefully someone on here can answer. There are two different M! Carbine stocks available (from what I'm seeing for doing a...
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    H & R 929 .22 cal revolver - POA/POI problems - suggestions?

    I decided to do a little plinking this afternoon so took my MK III Target and my H & R 929 "Sidekick" 9 shot 22 revolver - 6 inch barrel. I purchased the 929 a couple of years ago - had belonged to a retired LEO who was deceased and looked like new - probably had very few rounds through it. So...
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    327 cartridges (327 H & R & 327 Federal) and hanguns - ?

    I've looked at several handguns designed for the 327 H & R Magnum. Can somebody confirm my thinking or straighten me out? In googling the 327 H & R cartridge and the 327 Federal cartridge, both are longer than the S & W 32 Long . . . . The 327 Federal is longer (case) than the 327 H & R . ...
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    A question on 22 Mag in regards to how projectile functions

    This is NOT a thread to start a debate on the pros/cons of carrying 22 caliber weapons for SD / CC. I have no experience with 22 Magnum so have a couple of questions in regards to the cartridge and how the projectile functions when used for hunting (and SD). This past year, I've run across...
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    Targets - this is a great source

    I'm always looking for "new and fun" targets to shoot at. In case some of you aren't aware of this website, I thought I'd pass it along. These are great and you can download them and print them yourself. I like to use "card stock" as it makes 'em a litter stiffer and easier to use, especially...
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    My new Rugeer MK III Target - WOW!

    I have primarily been a "revolver guy" for 50 years. My only experience with a 22 semi-auto was my Dad's HS Sport King that he bought back in '57. He probably didn't even shoot a box of shells out of it and after he passed away, i ended up with it. It always had feeding issues so matter which...
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    Looking for 9mm 1911 - suggestions?

    I had a pristine Colt 1911A1 with original holster, pistol belt, mag pouch and mags that I sold recently as it was a collector's piece and a safe queen - not a shooter. It had been brought back from WWII by a Navy pilot to whom the outfit was issued. No - I don't regret selling it as I would...
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    S & W 380 Bodyguard - still popular or has the honeymoon worn off?

    Excuse the title as no criticism is intended towards this little semi-auto or those that own it. When I was looking for a smaller pistol for CC, I looked at the 380 S & W Bodyguard and I almost bought one. I opted for a Ruger 357 LCR since I have more experience with revolvers. However, I'm...
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    22 ammunition - better or worse than years ago?

    I'm not trying to stir up a big debate . . . I'm just curious. In following a number of threads - it's evident that there are "failures to fire" once in a while on 22 ammunition. Some brands work better than others in certain guns as well. I cut my eye teeth on 22s when I was a kid 50+ years...
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    Original 1851 Navy and holster rig - must see

    This link was posted over on another forum - thought some of you might find it interesting . . . . . It kind of gives a little credence to the question that sometimes surfaces on the originality of carrying spare cylinders . . . . Enjoy!
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    1911-22s - advice/input on makes from present owners?

    I’ve been looking for a semi-automatic 22 LR pistol for myself and have finally decided that I would like a “1911” clone. I had a Colt 1911-A1 at one time (sold it as it was mint and more of a collector’s item than a shooter) and I liked the feell and balance of it. I primarily shoot 38 spl...
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    Suggestions on a .22 for my spouse . . .

    This subject has probably been posted many times but I am looking for some suggestions on a .22 for my wife . . . We've been married 40 years and it wasn't until last year when she came with myself and a lady friend of ourse to the shooting range that I could get her to try shooting. Our...
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    Finally got to shoot my new 357 Ruger LCR - I love it!

    After a number of weeks, I finally got the opportunity to get to a range and fire the new 357 Ruger LCR that I bought for the purpose of CC. I'm pretty much a "revolver guy" and have been for close to 50 years. After doing a lot of research, looking, handling, etc. - I finally settled on this...