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  1. N


    I needed new toys to play with so I got a Model 1891 rifle that was made in 1938, a Model 1944 carbine made in 1953 and another 1891 that was made by Remington Armory in 1917. The action seems kind of crude compared to a 98 Mauser, but it seems to work reliably, the bores all look good and for...
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    Do you know of any instances were a bullet over penetrated and killed a bystander?

    I often read where people decry larger handgun rounds or FMJ defense ammo, because they say there is a great danger that you could shoot all the way through a BG and hit a bystander. This seems to be an oft repeated bit of 'wisdom' and I was just curious to it's validity and of how often this...
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    Is it safe to load .357 level charges in .38 Special cases?

    Lets try to settle this question once and for all. I mentioned on another thread that it was safe, others said it is not. The load I referenced was 13.5 grains of 2400 with the 173 grain Keith type bullet. The reason I use .38 cases is because the OAL is to long for the cylinder when crimped...
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    Show your Sig GSRs

    I have fired 2500+ rounds through my STX so far without a malfunction, not too shabby. I shot the above group at five yards from the draw in 2.31 seconds. Here it is with it's little BUG friend PM9. The Revolution STX is the only 1911 Sig puts out of its custom shop and they do a nice job on...
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    Elmer Keith is a Cop-Killer?

    Earlier this morning I was searching the web and came across the following... Elmer Keith is a Cop-Killer Posted by vpcadmin on February 27, 2008 The Gun Blobbers put the inventors and engineers of these death machines on a pedestal. They hold Samuel Colt, John Browning, and Eugene Stoner in...
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    .357 Magnum the Super Cartridge

    'The King of the Street' the 'one shot stop' wonder. The round that despite its small size delivers performance in excess of the .44 Magnum! In 2008 in the United States of America people are still buying in to this bogosity. Lets leave our copies Street Stoppers alone and put Dr. Fackler...
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    Income Tax

    Recently in one of the posts on another thread, Value of the Dollar TFL member homefires posted a link to the film Freedom to Fascism and in that film its director and producer the late Aaron Russo asserted that there is no law that requires us to pay income tax and if there is the government...
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    Herters J9

    I recently picked up a Herters J9 in .300 Win Magnum. It's a very accurate and nice looking rifle. Anyone else have a J9 and knowledge about the?
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    Big Government Statists

    It is manifestly clear that many of the same people who decry Obama as a 'Big Government Liberal' are just as much in favor of Big Government and an all powerful state as he is. As long as it's doing and spending on what they believe in i.e. big military and legislating morality, etc. Don't...
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    Value of the Dollar

    I've noticed a few threads of late concerning the rising cost of gasoline and ammunition. I would submit to you all that the real culprit is the ever decreasing value of our dollar. I would further submit that it is the absence of a gold standard and the ability of the 12 private banks that...
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    SCOTUS over steps its authority again

    Top court eases rules for foreigners to try to stay in US WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court made it easier Monday for some foreigners who overstay their visas to seek to remain in the United States legally. The court ruled 5-4 Monday that someone who is here illegally may withdraw his voluntarily...
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    Shooting the .577 T-Rex

    It seems a to have a little recoil.:eek: I don't think I want to try it.
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    Russert Dead At Nbc

    NBC's Tim Russert dies of apparent heart attack WASHINGTON (AP) - Tim Russert, host of NBC's "Meet the Press" and its Washington bureau chief collapsed and died at work Friday after suffering an apparent heart attack. He was 58
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    S&W Model 19 no dash

    The .357 Combat Magnum was first released in 1955. It was essentially the .38 Sp Combat Masterpeice with a slightly larger yoke area and a full ejector rod housing. The first ones were built on a four screw frame, in 1957 it was designated the Model 19 and in 1959 the trigger gaurd screw was...
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    McCain Leads by 10 Over Obama, Clinton...

    Wow Obama and Hillary have some bad negative ratings. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll Thursday, March 27, 2008 Its early days yet, but you don't become President with numbers like those.
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    I don't think the war in Iraq is worth fighting, neither do 2/3 of the American people. So what? We gotta 'stay the course', 'keep fighting them over there, so we don't have to fight them over here'. Things will turn around. When you would like to know. So what? It dosen't matter why we went...
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    Define victory in Iraq

    This evening I was listening to my favorite radio host Mark Levin and a tearful man called in who said he was a Viet Nam veteran. He stated something to the effect that, the 58,000+ lives lost there were wasted, wasted because we did not achieve victory. He said we...
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    Ideas for ending the Iraq War.

    We have an informed above average group here, lets toss around some ideas for getting out of the mid-east. I say we take everything that belongs to us and bring it home and next year instead of giving Israel a $150 billion and Egypt a over $2 billion we give them nothing. Zip, nada. We tell...
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    For active duty military and veterans only

    *Plz only real military members and veterans* (playing Call of Duty or watching Platoon doesn't count:p) God will know if your lying I'm curious to see how other military and exmilitary people think on this issue. Leave a short comment if you like. All in all, considering the costs to the...
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    McCain leads 46 percent to 40 percent in a hypothetical matchup against Obama

    Looks like the Reverend Wright scandal is taking its toll on Obama. Obama's lead over Clinton narrows: Reuters poll Most liberal member of the Senate, inexperienced, member of a loony, anti white, anti semetic, conspiracy believeing church. Its all starting to add up to a big fat 'no you may...