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  1. R

    What the heck kind of pistol is this?

    So, a local fella is selling this pistol, presenting it as specimen of one of the pistols that competed (and evidently lost) against the Tokarev TT-30/33 in the 1930 trials to replace the Nagant revolver as the standard issue pistol for the Red Army. He didn't know what the pistol is...
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    How many chances do you give a gun or manufacturer?

    Many (perhaps even most) of us have had some bad experience with a certain gun's or manufacturer's inadequate performance, quality, reliability and related matters. Sometimes these problems are so serious, or so persistent that we decide it's not a gun worth keeping. There's lemons from just...
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    Is the "scariness factor" important for an SD gun?

    I've read that around 92% of all self defense situations in which a gun is used, the gun isn't fired. What I take this to mean, is that a large portion of the time, when a would-be attacker is confronted with the fact the defender has a gun, the attacker gives up. After all we've all heard no...
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    Question about H&R 622

    Picked up one of these recently, and so far, rather pleased, it's definitely a great value, actually spent less on it than any other gun I own. Far cheaper than most .22 revolvers and far better than those cheaper than it. However, it didn't come with a manual, and it's rather different from...
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    Are there companies that'd import an individual gun?

    Let's take for example a gun like MP-448 Skyph, it's a modern Russian pistol, with polymer frame, 12-rd capacity, and chambered for 9mm Mak. Now, it's not commercially available in the USA (though if it were, I suspect it'd be quite popular). Is there some business that would legally be able...
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    Gunsmith Competence

    The recent thread by the fellow who wanted to get his pistol refinished, only to find the 'smith obscured the serial number reminded me of the only experience I ever had with a gunsmith. In this experience, I had a gun that needed a somewhat tricky repair, actually it was just the replacement...
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    P-64 vs Kel Tec PF-9 for CCW

    I've got a P-64 in 9mm Mak and think it's a great gun, and presently what I use as a concealed carry gun. Lately, however, the Kel Tec PF-9 has begun to seem attractive. I just can't decide whether to stick with the P-64, or to trade it in to go towards the Kel Tec. The Kel-Tec fires the more...
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    How to de-cock striker-fired Sterling .22LR Auto?

    Got one of these, the price seemed on par with with GB sells them for and I wanted to a mousegun to replace the IJ TP-22 that blew up on me. As far as I know, it's not a pot-metal gun such as the Jennings/Bryco and the like. It seems relatively well-made, also very easy to field strip. Quite...
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    What is an RG Industries .25 auto pistol?

    Saw one of these at a local shop, it's a pocket semi-auto pistol, and not a bad looking gun, and in good shape too. Is this the same RG as makes those horrible German revolvers? It was displayed next to other pocket pistols, some relatively reputable (e.g. KT P3AT) and some not (such as...
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    Mossberg 151K question.

    Recently picked one of these up (needed a cheap, fun plinker), after giving it a cleaning, took it out today to give it a try. Wasn't long before I made an observation, once the last round is depleted, the rifle still gets cocked as if it were loaded (the bolt doesn't get locked open or...
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    Need help identifying some old rifles

    I will have the opportunity to own one/some of these, but basically don't recognize any of them, all I have to go off so far is the picture, one appears to be a sporter Mosin, and no clue what the others are. Anyone who knows what any of them are, lemme know!
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    Is there a bad AK?

    Sure, the AK-47 has a reputation for being just about indestructible. But as we all know, there are absolutely countless variants of this iconic rifle; I was just wondering, are there any truly bad versions that one would be better off avoiding? The prices tend to vary immensely, while some...
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    Informing LEO's about your CHL: a helpful courtesy?

    So, here's a question that occurred to me because I heard two different things. If there are any LEO's to read this, it would be particularly great to your input, but if anyone else has perspective or experience to offer, that's good too. I live in a state that does NOT by law require a...
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    Tokarev issues: bad mag or bad ammo?

    So, as many of you may know, I did recently become the proud owner of a TTC pistol, it came with 2 mags. I attempted to fire this gun for the first time today. It wasn't long before I observed a rather odd phenomenon. Upon firing the first round from the mag, most of the time, the mag gets...
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    Colt 1903 vs. Tokarev

    Came across what seems like a good deal on both pistols at local shops. They're about equivalent in condition, but the 1903 is $350, and the Tokarev is $200. I'd anticipate their reliability would be about equivalent, though the Colt is of considerably older manufacture than the Tok. 7.62x25...
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    A Very Bad Experience With Iver Johnson TP22 (with pictures)

    Quite a few people have good stuff to say about these guns, some even say they're more reliable than that Walther TPH that these guns are a clone of. If this is true, then the Walther should crumble as you take it out of the box. Bought one of these not too long ago at a gun show. Upon...
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    An odd decision: Mosin M44 v Stevens 325 30-30?

    Been wanting a bolt action rifle, but have not been wanting to spend a lot, just having a hard time deciding. Locally, I've found 2 options that I can't decide between. The purpose, is primarily hobby, target shooting and the like. The Mosin M44 definitely is a more interesting gun, and I can...