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  1. S

    Shot IDPA Sunday

    Well, after shooting Cowboy for the better part of the last ten years, I decided to change directions and went to my second IDPA match. The first one was about 8 years ago. Anyway, it was a real great time and I learned quite a bit. I also learned about what I need to work on for my next...
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    Going back to IDPA

    A number of years ago I attended and shot at my first IDPA match in Tulsa, OK. Apart from some ammo issues, I had a great time. I recently learned that the club I shoot CAS at hosts IDPA matches. So I will be attending my second IDPA match in August, giving me time to practice and take care...
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    Word of Warning!

    If you are in your favorite shop or just one you frequent irregularly, and there is a great gun at a great price, DON'T HESITATE! BUY THE GUN NOW! I know of that which I speak. Tuesday of this week I stopped in my local shop and saw a pre-lock S&W 686 4" in excellent condition for $400. I...
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    Illinois Shooters HELP!

    Any help would be appreciated!
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    40S&W carbines

    Hello the Line! Just wondering if anyone knew of any carbines that fired the 40S&W round other than the Ruger and Beretta ones. I can't own any machine guns, so MP5's are out. (dammit.) Thanks in advance.
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    Funny how the media "overlooked" this.

    The chart below lays out the key votes and positions that Sen. Obama has taken over the past few years. Barack Obama's Gun-Related Votes The U.S. Senate Debated/ Obama Voted: Supporting concealed carry for citizens(10)/ Anti-gun Banning many common semi-automatic firearms(11) /Anti-gun...
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    Why the antis hate us.

    Why does the anti-gun crowd seem to hate gun owners? What is the source for their seemingly close minded approach to solutions which make no sense at all? I have given this a great deal of thought , and I realized that perhaps the road to enlightenment rests not in trying to understand my...
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    Need more guns!

    Well, my third son came into the world last week (Jan 15th):D and I have decided to make sure each of my sons is well-equipped for the trials and tribulations of the next generation. I have decided to ensure that each son will recieve: A semi-auto pistol A revolver A .22 rifle A 12 guage...
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    Please help me understand...

    What is it about the M1A? Lately I have a desire for one of these rifles that is becoming increasingly hard to ignore. It is getting to the point where I am looking at my safe to see what I can sell to help finance one of theseit. I don't understand at all, given that 1. I have never owned...
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    My voting plan

    In the coming election, when I am faced with a myriad of choices and have to choose the one individual that best represents my issues (and, boy, do I have issues), I will be influenced by one thing, and one thing only... What you (the candidate) say to me today is not nearly as important as...
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    Heard on the news this morning that Barack Obama was talking to Michael Bloomberg (Mayor, NYC). Rumor is a possibility of Bloomberg as running mate to Obama. Obama is definitely anti-gun, based on the legislation he put his name on in Illinois. Bloomberg is anti gun, based on, well, just...
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    Wanted to Share

    Didn't know where to put this, but I thought it was neat.
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    If you want to know what America will look like with Hillary as president...

    Look no further than Illinois. The Democrats have controlled Chicago for year beyond counting. Chicago has the highest taxes around and they still cry for more money. The county of Cook has the Democrats in charge, and the county president, after saying he wants to control spending, is giving...
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    40 S&W Vaquero

    How many end-run Vaqueros were made when Ruger did the commemoratives for the San Diego Police Dept? I have a stainless Vaquero marked "40 S&W". I have the box and paperwork that corresponds to it. The Red Eagle News Exchange says these are "super rare", but I would like to know what the...
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    New (to me) Walther PPK

    I was recently in a major gun store here in the politically stupid land of Illinois. They had a S&W Walther PPK (used) for sale at $399. I knew the gun had been there a while and offered to take it off their hands for $400 out the door. I got the car dealership runaround, where the "manager"...
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    Anyone own/shoot a Beretta 9000?

    Looking for a smaller gun this time around. Have been looking at opinions/commentaries on the SIG P232 and the Walther PPK. I reload for the 40 S&W already, so I thought I might explore some of those options. I saw the Beretta 9000 and it intrigued me, enough to post here. Anyone own/shoot...
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    Good Read

    Inevitable conclusion, and comes from an unlikely source, but a good read nonetheless.
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    Smart Marine!

    Last Tuesday, as President Bush got off the Helicopter in front of the White House, he was carrying a baby piglet under each arm. The squared away Marine guard snaps to attention, salutes, and says, 'Nice pigs, Sir.' The President replies 'These are not pigs son. These are authentic...
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    Last Night

    Last night I was changing the full length screen in my front storm door to the full length glass pane. (October/Novemeber chore list). Anyway, I noticed a young man in dark clothing standing over by the street light that is on the corner of my property. He was doing nothing but standing...
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    M1 Carbine owners, opinions needed!

    Recently purchased an Auto-Ordinance M1 Carbine. Love the gun, always wanted one, glad to have one. Figure it to be my SHTF rifle if needed. Anyway, I'm looking for some 30 round magazines. Anyone have any opinions as to where I might go for reliable magazines? I've heard Nationals are not...