Search results

  1. J

    M&A Parts

    I'm trying to get some info on the quality of M&A parts rifle kits. I KNOW THAT THEIR OWNER ACTED LIKE AN A$$ AT A GUNSHOW. That is not in my criteria right now, how their owner acts. They have what I want at a price I can afford. What they have, that I can't find anywhere else, is a 16"...
  2. J

    Sarco M16 Parts Kits

    Has anyone ordered one of these? Sarco is offering early M16 parts kits (no FA/deflector), and I am trying to get an idea of the condition they are in. And before anyone says anything, they will swap out the auto parts for semi parts for free.
  3. J

    CMP Pricing/Grading Changes

    Just wanna pass along, CMP has changed pricing on the M1's, and added a new grade, between the Service and Collectors grade. They started grading racks on MW also, breaking it into a field and rack grade.
  4. J

    Midwest Tactical Opinions

    Anyone ever buy from Midwest Tactical? I was thinking about buying a DPMS A2 20" upper from them, as they are about $25 cheaper than others, and have reasonale shipping. To save on shipping, I'll probably get the lower parts kit from them too, not the cheapest, but when you throw in shipping...
  5. J

    Straw purchase, is this a definition?

    At the gunshow I went to this weekend, I was buying a stripped AR lower. The guy wouldn't drop tax, or wiggle on the price, which was fine. What struck me as odd though, is that I was $2 short. Fine, 'hey brother, you got a few bucks to spare?' 'sure'. All the sudden, the guy got interested...
  6. J

    AR Upper/Kit manufacturers

    OK, I am thinking about building an AR. Could anyone point me towards a few manufacturers/distributors for either a complete upper or kit? Right now, I know of and, but I have heard many poor reviews of them. Also the biggies (ABC's, DPMS, RRA), but they don't...
  7. J

    CMP Road Trip!

    Today was finally the day, the day I got my Garand! I was more excited last night and this morning than I was Christmas eve. It all started with a 4 hour drive, from Midland to Camp Perry. Thankfully, there was no snow, wrecks, or traffice jams. Mapquest did me wrong again, though. Instead...
  8. J

    Tracer Rounds

    I heard tracer rounds wear barrels out quite fast? Is this true? Will limited use (probably never more than a box) cause any serious problems?
  9. J

    New Swede M96, Tag question

    OK, I finally got a Swede , 1915 CG :D I am looking for some information on the tag hanging off the trigger. I've heard both that it is a arsenal tag, and an importer tag. Can anyone help?
  10. J

    .308 Enfield

    Someone please tell me exactly what I just bought. I picked it up at a local sporting goods store for $100. It appears to be No.1 Mk.III body chambered in .308. On the band it is marked: RIFLE 7.62mm2A1 R.F.I. 1967 On the reciever, this is stamped: N.A.(can't read). (Can't read, 8 Letters)...
  11. J

    Star BM

    I've been thiking about one of the J&G Star BM's. Any comments? How well do they shoot, what kind of condition are they in? I'm looking for something with more bang then my .22, and for less money to shoot then my .45. Pretty much just a plinker gun.
  12. J

    .270 wthby metric designation

    .270 win metric designation Does one exist? Can someone approximate one? Thought it may make comparing it to metric rounds a bit easier. EDIT: Title name to reflect my mistake.
  13. J

    CMP Garands

    Does anyone have a Danish or Greek rack-grade Garand? Is it worth the extra $150 to get a service grade? I don't plan on using it for any competition, I've just always wanted a Garand shooter. Really I am looking for a Christmas present for myself, and it will either be Garand or a CZ75.
  14. J

    Relative date of T38 Arisaka Manufacture

    Does anyone know how to estimate the date of manufacture of a T38 Arisaka? Fomr this page:, I have determined that it is a Tokyo manufacture, no series marking, with a S/N of about 950000
  15. J

    AWB ban renewal after death chances

    WHEN the AWB ban finally dies, how soon is it theoretically possible to get a new one in place? The question I ask is because I will be attending school about 500 miles away from home soon. Since this is my first year, I will not be taking my guns right away. What I want to do is to add a...
  16. J

    Question for MI Tech Students/recent graduates

    I am heading to Michigan Tech this fall, and I was wondering if there is anyone there now that could give me some genereal information: What the weapon storage areas are? What they allow on the rifle range, in terms of caliber, no wolf, those things? Is there are any other ranges around there...
  17. J

    Cheap bigbore shooting

    I am looking for a cheap bigger-bore (NOT a .22, already have) rifle for some fun plinking and setting good habits. THis rifle should have lots of new/surplus military ammo availableand the rifle itself should not cost too much, max ~$200. I have currently narrowed it down to a Mosin variation...