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  1. K

    1911 Slide Stop Plunger

    What is the distance the slide stop plunger is supposed to protrude from the plunger tube with no slide stop in place? Measured from the end of the plunger tube to the tip of the spherical radius on the end of the slide stop plunger at rest. The reason I'm asking is because mine protrudes far...
  2. K

    1911 revival

    is it just me or is everyone noticing a revival in 1911 production? Seems like in just the last couple years 1911 production guns are growing and more offerings are available, noticeably in general production manufacturers like Springfield Armory and Remington and also in double stack 1911s...
  3. K

    Novak dovetail dimensions

    Can anyone tell me the nominal dimensions of a rear Novak dovetail groove for a 1911? I have a pistol with a "novak style" (i.e. NOT novak) sight that is falling out and I want to replace it with a new rear sight. Can I just buy any novak sight and have it be the proper fit? this sketch is...
  4. K

    speed draw par time...?

    from 7 to 10 yds whats an appropriate par time for drawing and firing a hit on target*? Beginner, intermediate and advanced? from concealed or open carry? my google-fu isn't strong for me tonight. The best I can find is a 2 second par time from the "press-six" drill on
  5. K

    gun control statistics...

    How does everyone counter anti-gun statistics? According to the number put out by the CDC and Bloombergs Everytown, guns should have easily been banned years ago. 90 something people are killed by a gun per day in America... So when someone throws some of these statistics at you, how do you...
  6. K

    After jurors criticize guns, man accused of gun crime wants judge to decide case

    Is this where America is heading? This is what your up against if you ever have to defend yourself in Portland. Read the responses from the jury pool..... Basically, not one juror believed it is appropriate to use a gun to defend your life even if your life is at stake...
  7. K

    Free Float wood stock

    I'm wondering whats the best way to free float the barrel on a wood stock bolt action rifle. My project is an older Remington 700. Is there a gunsmith tool to efficiently sand out the barrel groove in the wood stock? Also, is there any reason not to float the barrel? This is a hunting rifle...
  8. K

    Sandy Hook PSA I'm curious what others think about this PSA portraying someone who is considering gun violence? In the background is the story of the soon to be shooter showing symptoms of gun violence. One of those symptoms is...
  9. K

    Ceasefire Oregon survey...

    If anyone is curious what the gun rights battle looks like on the west coast here it is. We've been publicly promised more gun control legislation for the 2017 legislative session. A recall petition to prohibit use of Oregon’s emergency clause failed by a narrow margin this year... signatures...
  10. K

    man with gun.... "get off my lawn" Im shure there could be more to the story than this brief article describes but taking this article as it is what stood out to me is it appears the man with the gun, Ohannessian, was using his gun not because...
  11. K

    Hornandy 3030 160g leverevolution

    I was thinking of switching my sight in to the Hornandy item no. 82730 load and wondering if its worth it or really has any accuracy advantage? Currently I’m sighted in at 100 yds with a Federal 150g load, in the past I’ve sighted the same Federal load in at 200 yds for deer hunting in more open...
  12. K

    pro gun culture vs. population density

    Is it possible for a pro-gun 2A culture to exist in an over populated environment? In the last 100 years alone the population of the United States has tripled. If this trend continues we will lose more of our open spaces and communities as the urban growth expands... in another 100 years small...
  13. K

    criminals avoid private sale transfers....

    A new study conducted by the University of Chicago Crime Lab, inmates in the Cook County jail said they get they guns on the streets from “personal connections” rather that outlets like guns shows and the internet...
  14. K

    FNS-9 compact, questions

    Forgive me since Im one of the few holdouts to owning a striker fired pistol.... Their website says its a "double action" is this the same as DAO? I always thought striker fired pistols were closer to single action. Im considering one of these, so if anyone has any experience, likes/dislikes...
  15. K

    GFZ lawsuits, where are they?

    Note, not certain if this should go in the legal forum... I keep hearing all the time that the reason stores, corporations, shopping malls, work places etc. make gun free zone policies is because of potential lawsuits if they didn’t have such a policy. The idea here is that if someone...
  16. K

    looking for source to NRA position on gun control topic

    can somebody help me out and provide a web link to any article that proves something I've always assumed.... ...or politely point out that Im wrong... Its been my impression that for many years even before Newtown the gun lobby, specifically the NRA, has been stating that we need to address...
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    Constitutional Carry vs Gun Free School Zone act

    In states that allow it, how does Constitutional Carry work around school zones? The way I read it you have to have a concealed handgun license to enter a school zone while in possession of a firearm.
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    gun ownership and uncontrollable anger go hand in hand....

    Now dont get angry when you read this..... Just how are we supposed to set an example of lawful gun ownership in America with propaganda like this? For those of you outside of Oregon, we are...
  19. K

    10mm vs 45acp 1911 magazines, differences...

    What are the differences between a 1911 magazine for a 10mm and a 1911 mag for a 45acp? I always figured they were not interchangeable but then I was thinking that since the 1911 reciever is the same regardless of caliber then why should the magazine be different, so today I brought along a...
  20. K

    new law build your own firearm illegal? Ive never done it but I like the idea that I could do it and the idea of prohibiting it doesnt seem to solve any issue other than further erode our right to arms. Its my understanding that as...