Search results

  1. C

    .30-06: Still a great choice?

    Hi, Please indulge a question from a pistolshooter, who is getting back into rifle hunting. I have a Browning BLR in .308, but want a bolt rifle (or single shot) in another caliber. I'm a slight traditionalist, but am open to some of the newer calibers too. My first inclination is to go with...
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    Hugh Downs Speaks Out

    ABC News Perspective: Assault Weapons by Hugh Downs Years ago, presidential candidate John F. Kennedy distinguished himself from his opponent Richard M. Nixon by saying that he, Kennedy, knew who he was and that Nixon did not know who he was. Knowing who you are...
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    Shootout in America's Safest City

    For your reading enjoyment: At the range the other morning, I had some time to kill (the IDPA make-up match had been cancelled), and so was shooting the bull with one of the guys who runs the place. "Doug" and I were talking self-defense, and he said "Well, the last time I was in a shootout..."...
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    The best finish for your gun?

    For a promising gun finish, check out these guys. I think it might be a great alternative to any of the teflon finishes...FAR more durable, they say. I like the idea of this, for a dark, highly durable finish, on 1911's esp, that is an alternative to hardchrome (which is not dark) and harder...
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    Reloading 9mm.... a hassle?

    aTTN experienced reloaders: (Sorry if this has been addressed here before...) I'm thinking of switching mostly from .40 Glocks to 9mm Glocks (I also shoot 1911's in .45), for several reasons: shooting both factory and reloads in 9mm is much cheaper and therefore i can shoot more, and I'm a big...
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    Tale of a Blackmarket Gun Dealer/WSJ

    From today's Wall St. Journal online: Mr. Sizer's Sideline: How a Gun Supplier Goes About Business By JEFFREY TAYLOR Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL PHILADELPHIA -- Gregory Sizer was running a Christian bookstore here when he decided to launch a second...
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    John Lott's rebuttal to Handgun Control

    For those of you who admire or have heard of Prof. John Lott's work researching concealed carry laws (his book is "More Guns, Less Crime"), there is a website devoted to presenting both sides of the argument (the owner of the site is pro-Lott). It is...
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    LA's Celebrity Deputies... what a joke

    Wednesday, September 29, 1999 Sheriff's Special Reserves Got Quick Approval Law enforcement: One 'executive' recruit was recently involved in his second alleged weapons incident. By TINA DAUNT, Times Staff Writer Los Angeles County sheriff's officials were so eager to...
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    1911 magazines

    Help! I am having trouble getting my McCormick 8 round mags to drop free consistently. Cost me valuable time in my last IDPA match. When the last round is stripped off, the follower, which fits in loosely, can change its cant and overhang, catching on the the inside of the mag well. Driving me...
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    WOW, a fair newspaper story, for once

    This, from today's LA Times: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 COLUMN ONE Encouraging Kids to Pick Up a Gun In rural America, families say youngsters who hunt for game learn valuable lessons. Critics say the dangers are all too...
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    Excellent Wall St. Journal editorial

    June 22, 1999 Albert Get Your Gun After the House killed a gun regulation bill last Friday, Democratic leader Dick Gephardt shook the hand of fellow Democrat John Dingell and said, "Thank you." That's all you need to know about the sincerity...
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    Guns & Penises (this is serious!)

    For your reading pleasure courtesy of Salon Magazine. There are other gun issue links here too, just browse. And DON'T FORGET to call the Top 10 legislators named here, and thank them! Guns and penises: American society's problem isn't firearms -- it's the sexually dysfunctional men and women...
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    UN Report on crime prevention

    This UN report discusses crime prevention. Worth a look... OF COURSE, you'll note that they DO NOT mention personal protection thru owned/carried firearms. God forbid! The report can be downloaded in PDF format... just click on the "E" for Eeeenglish. LINK...
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    URGENT!!! CA SB-15 coming up for VOTE

    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!! THIS BILL WOULD legally ban in CA, as being UNSAFE, many kinds of handguns, including Glocks, Kahrs, and others used by LEO agenencies (they would have a waiver!). PLEASE... all Californians call their legislators, and everyone here who knows a CA resident, alert them...
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    URGENT! CA SB-15 coming up for vote

    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!! THIS BILL WOULD legally ban in CA, as being UNSAFE, many kinds of handguns, including Glocks, Kahrs, and others used by LEO agenencies (they would have a waiver!). PLEASE... all Californians call their legislators, and everyone here who knows a CA resident, alert them...
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    School violence in DECLINE WHY ALL THE HYSTERIA? I ASK from the LA Times, Wednesday, August 4, 1999 High School Violence in Decline, Study Finds Safety: Despite media coverage of campus killings, fewer students report carrying weapons or fighting...
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    IPSC in the Olympics?

    This is from today's LA Times: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 'Practical' Gun Game Proposed for Olympics By STEVE BERRY, Times Staff Writer Firearm enthusiasts from around the world who organize run-and-gun competitions-- once commonly known as "combat"...