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  1. D

    First 50 out of the G29!!!

    I put the first 50 rounds out of my G29 Saturday!!! :D Three words: Damn, I mean DAMN!!! :eek: I understand why the female FBI agents were bi&ching!! ;) The recoil turned out, at least for me, to be very tiring. Not painful, just tiring!!! :) After 50 rounds, my shooting hand was fatigued to...
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    Glock 29!!!!!!!!

    Of late, I have been making forays into the Forty caliber world, specifically the Kahr K40. Well, I was trying to get rid of my G19 in exchange for one. (I have way to many 9mm's) All deals and offers went untouched, both in real time and on the internet, until now!! Nobody wanted to trade me a...
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    Tell me about the Kahr K40.

    My hardline stance against the 10mm kurz cartridge is begining to soften!! :eek: I am pretty sure that when I decide to make the jump, the K40 will get the nod!! My FFL has one NIB in his case for $500. (499.99, but whaddya want, he's Jewish!! :D ) This is about $80 below the current MSRP for...
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    I have succumbed!!!!!!!!

    Back into the vortex that is the Dark Side!!! :( My Glock 36 sits next to me, having convinced me to loose it from the confines of the safe!!! I have even gone so far as to cycle and dry fire it SEVERAL times!!! :eek: Woe is me!!! Is there NO escape from the Dark Side??? :( :( :(
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    The Dark Side calls to me!!!!

    Help me Obiwan!!!! The Dark Side calls to me!! I hear the soft siren call from the G19 luring me back into the vortex!!! My wife has put Glock stuff up as wallpaper on the computer!! :eek: My resove grows weaker by the minute!!! Help Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
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    Hogue handall

    I am looking for anybody out there who has an MK9 and uses a Houge handall. Which one fits? The large or the small one. Thanks!!! :D
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    Return from the Dark side!!

    Well, the 200 round break in is done. The new pistol ran almost flawlessly. There was one stovepipe out of the entire 207 rounds 200 Win White box, 7 Corbon 115gr +P) and I think I limp wristed that one. From a 3in barrelled pistol, the accuracy is surpurb!! (see attachments) The replacement for...
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    Pro Mag.

    Do the Kahr MK9 mags made by Pro Mag actually work?? I know that with a lot of aftermarket mags, the quality is a crap shoot. Any of the myriad of closet Kahr owners out there in TFL land use these mags??? CDNN has them for $11!!!! ;)
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    Tamara's not the only one...

    ...To have a pistol follow them home!!! :) A Kahr MK9 Elite 98 followed me home today. :cool: I'm halfway through the breakin period already!! Gads around us!!! This is one accurate pistol!!! :eek: Mine came with 7 and 5+1 mags and Trijicon night sights. Sorry Gaston, I just may have returned...
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    Carrying the P1 (P38)

    Ok, I know what you are all thinking. The old Guaro has surely gone off the deep end this time!!! :rolleyes: But it's true!! I have this Century Arms unissued Bw P1 from 1980. It has the aluminium alloy frame and the steel hex pin. I have just enough rounds through it to complete the break in...
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    They're Baaaaaaack!!!!!!

    I handled one of these today at a local gunshop!! :eek: The Vektor SP2 General’s Model is a smaller version of the Vektor SP2 pistol with a powerful .40 S&W cartridge.
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    High Power range report

    Yes, I got it!! :D I have 200 rounds through it so far!! God, is this thing a tack driver, as you can see from the attached scan of the first target I shot after taking possession. I'll never bad mouth JMB again!!!! :eek: 1911's are still another matter entirely. ;) :p
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    Beretta goes Bye Bye!!!

    Well, I've had it!! I tried to get used to the dang thing, but it's a no go!!! This 92FS has the most Godawful trigger I have ever experienced. Tomorrow, it gets traded for a Browning High Power!! :) Yes, it will be true!! denfoote has succumbed to the calling of the evil 1911 design!! :eek...
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    Mouse Gun Mania or I want a P32!!!

    Hi Guys and Gals, Yes, it's true!! I want a P32. Only thing is, I don't know anything about them!! I am just starting my research on the subject. I did a search, but could not glean much, except for the usual "like 'em or not" stuff. I'm interested in hearing from both KTOG members and ex-P32...
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    Walther P5 question

    I have trying to get an answer for this for a long time. Can I safely shoot +P loads in my Walther P5??? I know that the Europians load their ammo hotter than here in the states, so how about it. Anybody know????
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    GunTest Magazine and Ruger

    My friend got his new issue of Gun test. In it, it had a review of the KP97. Now, correct me if I'm wrong. The "K" designation in the model number refers to having a stainless steel slide. Now, unless Ruger has changed some thing, the "K" does not refer to whether or not the gun in question has...
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    Watcha taken to the mall this weekend???

    I read in yesterdays paper that the terrorist threat-du-jour is shopping malls and department stores. Seeing that most malls prohibit weapons :mad: :barf: , (Yeah right!!! Gang bangers, and terrorists are going to obey signs. Providing they can read them!! :rolleyes: ) it seems to me to be a...
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    Glock 36C

    I am thinking of having my G36 Mag-Na-Ported. I have a few questions. 1) Does the process screw up the Tennifer heat treat of my slide and barrel???? 2) I have Trijicon night sights. Will the ports screw those up? 3) With respect to (1) above, if so, can I have the slide and barrel re-heat...
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    Makarov Problems

    Today, I took one of my E. Deutsch Makarovs to the range. Frankly, this is the first time I had ever shot this one. It had laid unused in my collection for some time, and I thought it was time to "excersise" it. There is nothing special about it. Just an issued Makarov from 1962, so there is no...
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    Can anybody post me the link to