Search results

  1. D

    Hunting "Haiku"

    In case some of ya'll were not English majors like me, a Haiku is a very short poem that is supposed to contain a complete experience. Sometimes that's the only kind of hunt I can get. A short one. The last couple of weeks have been crazy, with overtime work, overtime family requirements...
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    New Reloaders Since TFL?

    Anybody else joined the reloading club since the last incarnation of TFL? I was "forced" into reloading when I inherited a .17/.357Mag built on a Martini Cadet action. The only way to shoot it it to reload for it. I quickly progressed from there to .308, .223, 9mm and .308acp (to feed the...
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    LawDog Files?

    I see LawDog is already hard at work in his Moderators' role, keeping TFL organized and civilized. So i just HAVE to ask. Will the be future installments of the LawDog files? They are one of the distinctions of TFL. And one of the best short reads anywhere.
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    Jeff Cooper Quote?

    I'm thinking of changing my sig. I recall a Cooper quote that I want to use. Can anyone help me find the exact quote? I don't think the Colonel would like being mis-quoted... The quote is something like "The unarmed man can only flee from evil. And evil is never overcome by fleeing from it..."
  5. D

    P-3AT Owners: How do ya like it?

    Since the P-3AT is a new development since TFL was last up, I thought I'd ask P-3AT owners how they like it. I assume there are some owners with problems, as there have been with other Kel-Tec pistols. Mine has been a jewel. The only FTF I have had was with Silver Bear ammo, which is...
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    .17 Mach IV

    Thanks to all who replied to my post on "What is this .17 Wikdcat?" I had a chance to visit my departed friend's house today to look for dies and load data for the rifle he left me. Its a .17 based on .357 mag pistol brass. Sadly, he was not very organized. I found no load data. But I did...
  7. D

    What is this .17 wildcat?

    I recently inherited a rifle I know little about. Its cartridge is a .357mag pistol brass necked down to .17 caliber. Anyone know what its called? Anyone know where I can get reloading data and a ballistics table for it?
  8. D

    Old .17 Cal Rifle

    I lost one of my best friends on Thanksgiving day. To cancer. He had been fighting a long time, with some success, but went downhill fast and was gone before any of us was ready for it. I spoke at his funeral. We were shooting buddies. I learned a lot from him. He did not own a rifle in a...
  9. D

    Wonderful Gift--need help

    I lost one of my best friends on Thanksgiving day. To cancer. He had been fighting a long time, with some success, but went downhill fast and was gone before any of us was ready for it. I spoke at his funeral. We were shooting buddies. I learned a lot from him. He did not own a rifle in a...
  10. D

    Practice CCW Weak-Side

    I just learned why its important to practice carrying/using your CCW from the weak side. I smashed my finger last night. 8 stitches and a splint for 9 days. Trigger finger on the strong side. For the next 9 days, I can't draw or shoot from the strong side. When I carry, it'll be weak...
  11. D

    The accurate AK

    Yes, I know, its supposed to be an oxymoron. Yes, I know some of you will think I'm exaggerating. But this afternoon I re-zeroed my PSO-1 "v" Russian scope on my SAR-3 (Romanian variant in .223). And I shot 3 consecutive 3-shot groups, each just under 2". Conditions were are follows. I was...
  12. D

    Your Prediction for Senate/House Outcome?

    Just for fun, what do you think will happen to control of the House & Senate? The pollsters seem to think its a dead heat. Lots at stake...
  13. D

    First hunt of the season

    Its been a busy fall, but I finally got the chance to go out for pheasant for a half--day this afternoon, with a good friend. Bad news, we only saw one pheasant. Good news, he flushed about 15 feet in front of me and angled to the side. Made an easy quartering shot. Bad news, he fell...
  14. D

    Sniper Warrant: Federal Firearms Charges?!?!?

    Why aren't they charging the guy with murder? Why a federal firearms warrant? So the ATF can fry the guy? What federal firearms violations could he have committed? Carrying a firearm across state lines? Barrel too short? Maybe a federal firearms violation is worse than murder? Sheesh...
  15. D

    Hunting Jokes

    The joke thread over in General discussion got me thinking about a few hunting jokes. Here's one. Rich Californian comes to Idaho to hunt elk. Doesn't use a guide, he's already read all there is to read on the subject. He tromps over the mountains for a week. Never sees an elk. Gets more...
  16. D

    Department Ruling or Legislation: which takes precedent?

    Rather that hijack the current thread on the ruling that airline pilots can't be armed, I thought I would ask a legal question in a new thread. "John Magaw, director of the Transportation Security Administration, told the Senate Commerce Committee 'After a lot of consultation and months of work...
  17. D

    Optimum barrel length for .223?

    My 16" AK in .223 makes major fireballs. Obviosuly lots of unburned powder. AR's have 20" barrels. Do they make like flame-throwers? Varmit rifles have 26" barrels, but I hear that's mostly for velocity, and doesn't add accuracy. What is your preferred barrel length for .223? Let's...
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    I need work on sporting clays

    Shot sporting clays for the 2nd time today. Using my old SXS. First time I went, I used a borrowed O/U. Felt great. I shot a 26, after going 0 for my first 8. Today, I did 2 rounds. 18 and 17. I made some of the tough shots--distant mini's and fast falling crossers, but I was...
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    Shooting the P-11 at 100 yards

    Sometimes you just have to try new things... I was at the "informal range where no one ever picks up their trash," shooting a coupla rifles at 100 paces. Someone left a metal real estate sign, now pretty holey. I had the P-11 on me, so I thought I'd give it a try. Shooting seated position...
  20. D

    CETME Range Report

    I got a CETME just before TFL went down. Wrung it out a little last weekend. Here's the scoop. It has the SW stainless steel receiver with traditional CETME paddle-wheel rear sight. There was also a Hesse receiver with HK-style rear sight in town, but I liked the SW receiver better. Bore...