Search results

  1. T

    C&R arrived, what now?

    On a whim I applied for and received a C&R license. Now, my question - is there a time limit on how long a firearm must be in my collection before I can sell it? If any experienced C&R holders can give me some advice I would appreciate it.
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    FN model 1949

    Does anyone know of any company selling FN model 49s? I think the fn-49 is the most elegent semi-auto ever. If no 49s are available, how does one buy a M-1 Garand from Uncle Sam?
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    concealing legal sized shotguns

    Here in Florida, it is legal to carry a firearm in your vehicle. With that in mind, has anyone been able to conceal a pistol grip shotgun inside a double cab pickup? Legal answers only.
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    Bersa Thunder .380 CC range report

    I finally shot my Bersa! I don't have any pictures, so I'll write it the best I can. I brought an assortment of .380 JHP and ball ammo with me. Remington 88 grain JHP, Winchester FMJ 95 grain and 95 grain Fiochi JHP. The Bersa ate up and spit out the Remington without even burping!! The...
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    pilot survival knife

    THis may be off topic, but since everyone on this board is also into knives, here goes- When was the Air Force pilot survival knife adopted?
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    Bought a Bersa

    I gave my Kel-Tec P-11 another chance the other day, but it just didn't meet the standard. I bought a Bersa .380 Concealed Carry model today. It's looks say high quality, plus it feels better in my hand. I'll submit a review after I've shot it.
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    9mm M1 carbine

    Are any companies producing a 9mm version of the M1 carbine?
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    So many choices....

    I know I've been wrighting about picking up a Kahr, or a Bersa, now I am comparing the .32 Tomcat vs the .380 Bersa CC. I have experience with both calibers, so it's coming down to preference. The Tomcat has 500 years of craftsmanship, the Bersa is a bigger caliber. What is a gun man to do...
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    Kahr PM 9

    What kind of trigger pull and felt recoil does the Kahr PM9 have? I am torn between a Kahr PM 9 or a Bersa Thunder .380 Concealed Carry. The Bersa fits my hand better, but the Kahr is a 9mm. If the Kahr shoots anything like the Kel Tec P 11, I need to know.
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    Bersa pros/cons

    Ok, I am seriously considering trading my Kel-Tec P11 9mm for the new Bersa COncealed Carry .380 The Bersa just fits my pocket carry style better. Now, Who has actual experience with Bersa products? Please, no "my friend had this and it was....." type stories. Only first person accounts please.
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    NAA mini magnums-any true stories?

    I'm getting the itch to buy a North American Arms mini magnum. Does any one have any TRUE accounts of one of those pieces saving some one's bacon?
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    where and how much is 9mm Silvertip?

    I am having a hard time finding my favorite ammo-9mm Winchester Silvertip HPs. Does anyone know where I can find it cheap? The last time I bought a box was from Wally World for about $25.00 I can't find it there at the moment. Please, someone let me know all is right with the world and 9mm...
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    PPK vs. .32 Tomcat

    How does the Baretta .32 Tomcat compare to the .32 PPK? I may trade a pistol for either of those pocketable guns. Anyone with expierience with either of those pieces please let me know.
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    9mm hp for kel tec p11

    What is the most reliable brand of HP 9mm for the Kel-Tec P11?
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    SKS use during civil break downs

    I read an article titled "New Orleans P.D. Vs. Katrina". The article noted the many N.O. police officers which used their personal boats, rifles etc. Does anyone know of any justified SKS use during the Katrina civil break down? I rely on my SKS for that reason, I want to know I made the...
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    9mm kel tec

    My new Kel-tec P 11 is a disappointment. It had several FTFs the first day I shot it. I only use factory ammo. Does anyone know a certain brand of 9mm ammo that the P-11 likes? If I can't get it to be 100% reliable, it's traded.
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    How many knives?

    I got into a discussion with my wife concerning her calling my Ka-Bar a "dagger". She countered with "just how many knives do you have?" For the life of me I don't know. I know I have at least 30. How about guys and gals? Let's list how many knives we have. 1-Cold Steel 1-Ka-bar 1-Cold...
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    benefits of ccw in the Sunshine State

    Since I have a CCW, I'm exempt from the three day waiting period here in FL. I bought a new Kel-Tec P 11. I will shoot it tomorow. You guys in NJ and NY need to work on getting those crazy laws changed.
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    most affordable full auto?

    I would love to own a full auto SMG 9mm or anything in 7.62X39. What firearms are the least expensive? I know there are certain NFA fees involved, so I want to keep my weopon costs down. I chose those 2 calibers because of their low cost.
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    hide away knives

    An article I read in a gun magazine encouraged the carrying of a small "push " style knife. The knife was similar to the "Urban Pal" push knife. Does anyone use/carry such a small fixed blade? Do they come in handy? I will more than likely buy one, since I haven't bought a knife in nearly two...