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  1. S

    If you had just one handgun, for what main purpose would it be?

    Yes, I'm well aware that most of you own more than one and you can cover more than one purpose with one handgun, still...
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    Why do bolt actions have such low cap mags?

    From the very beginning of my interest in firearms I used to wonder why most bolt action rifles have relatively low cap mags...? I used to own a Lee Enfield with a 10 rd box magazine, but nowadays, looking for a new rifle, all the common maker's models I found had at best five, some four or even...
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    CZ 92

    does anybody have any further information or first hand experience on this little one:
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    Bolt action rifles with polymer stocks

    It may be an odd question, but I have never owned a bolt action with a polymer stock: Is the stock on these rifles normally massive or hollow? Reason for asking is, easy to guess, that it the latter was the case it would be tempting to outfit the butt for storing stuff inside...
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    Should I trade my PT22 for a Baby Browning?

    From time to time, I get tempted to acquire a new piece just because it's cool, w/o making too much sense. The Baby Browning kind of attracted me, because it's soo small and, other than my current mouse gun, snuggly fitting. Moreover, the BB is cheap as dirt in our country, depending on the...
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    Size comparison pic Baby Browning vs. Taurus ply22, anyone?

    Hey folks, I'd really like to see a side-by-side comparison of the Taurus PT22 ply and the Baby Browning as the yet unchallenged smallest mouse gun. From the sheer measures you can't tell whether the difference is significant or negligible.
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    What do you pack for backpacking?

    When I go on a longer hike, I normally take an OC spray (pepper mace) and a flare pen with me. Just in case and doesn't weight more than an additional sandwich would. There are not too many dangerous four- and two-legged creatures in the local woods and pastures, at least not as many as in the...
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    Armalite AR 5 (MA-1) survival rifle

    Does anybody know whether there is a remake / reissue of the Armalite AR5 survival rifle? I'm talking about the bolt-action predecessor of the AR7, not the (semiauto) AR7 itself which is available in a reissue by Henry Arms.
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    Caliber suggestion for a light- to medium powered all-round bolt rifle

    Lately, I was thinking about looking out for a rifle again. I do not hunt, however I enjoy sending a few rounds downrange from time to time, and I can do so safely on a friends' property. Moreover, apart from fun shooting, maybe a straightforward survival and all-round rifle can't do no harm...
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    Of which handgun would you like to see a "modern remake"

    Actually I could think of a lot of legendary guns that I'd like to see in a modernized version, e.g. featuring a rail and/or poly frame etc., yet still the basic appearance of the classic gun. A new edition of the Baby Browning would be nice, me being a mousegun fan... Or, something bigger, a...
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    Arsenal Firearms "Strike One"

    Has anybody any further insight on the new Arsenal Firearms "Strike One" pistol? Looks pretty much like a Glock with just another barrel locking system. Seems the whole thing is Italo-Russian joint venture. (One should not stick to blunt clichés, of course, yet this conjures images of a...
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    Colt and the latest gen handguns

    In my childhood, "Colt" used to be a synonym for "revolver" as such. When you had a cowboy story, the guys would draw their Colts, not their S&Ws or Remingtons or whatsoever. Growing older I learned about the 1911 and it's fame, and the catalogue of the biggest hunting and gun retailer around...
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    striker-fired semi with decocker?

    Overall, I like the simplicity of my Glock. Yet, when it comes to having the pistol ready in the nightstand drawer over a longer period of time, I have to keep it half-loaded because I don't like the idea of having it completely ready to go boom when I might need to grab it from some awkward...
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    USAF flare gun

    Hope this is the right forum to ask this (apologies if not): Any ideas what kind of flare gun (if any) the USAF currently issues for the survival gear of its flying personnel? Or have they abandoned the whole item in times of GPS and satellite communication? (of course, any insights on the...
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    The use of (and hype around) +P ammunition

    These days, you read a lot about +P ammunition, with new guns being advertised as rated for, and forum questions about whether older guns are suitable or not. Call it a somewhat too straightforward approach, but with the plethora of ammunition types around I really wonder why one would want...
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    Do new features actually make people switch back to revolvers?

    I the recent years, we saw a lot of interesting new features on wheelguns: High cap cylinders (up to 10 shots in 22lr now, 8rd .357 Mags etc.), polymer frames, built-in lasers, .410 shotshell chamberings etc. Do you think these features are going to help revolvers kind of measure up with the...
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    Semiauto vs. Revolver - which is more popular in the US?

    speaking of privately owned handguns in the US: Are there still more revolvers around or has have the semiautos long turned the tide?
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    minimum distance for a .22lr shooting lane

    Since I have a relatively long, unused room in our basement, I was thinking about converting it into a shooting lane for my 22lr mouse gun. Thus, what do you suppose is the minimum range you need (given that good ventilation and a non-ricochet target area is provided for)?
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    "Modular Handgun System" - any progress?

    The Army recently (OK, a few years ago, yet "recently" in terms of DoD purchase routines...) ordered quite a number of new M9 pistols and the Marines a (significantly smaller) number of this brownish-coated Colt Marine Pistol. Still, according to Wikipedia, the so-called "Modular Handgun System"...
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    Chinese police service revolver

    I was surprised to learn that the Chinese (quite) recently, say: 2006, issued a new service revolver to their police, providing a basic armament for units previously unarmed but seemingly replacing older types of semiautos in other units as well. The gun is of a rather anemic 9mm caliber...