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  1. B

    Broken transfer bar-Part II

    You may recall I posted that I'd broken a transfer bar on a Ruger Blackhawk. Here is a follow up post on the install and overall story. I spoke to Ruger South Carolina on Monday, and the parts arrived by US mail Friday. I'd asked for 2 transfer bars so as to have a spare, and that is what...
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    SWAT says:switch to off eye when cross dominant?

    My boy has made the SWAT team with his department. The team is well thought of and run by good people. As a youth, I recognized he was cross dominant (so was his Grandad) and started him with long guns on his "off" left shoulder, using his master left eye. He's shot competitively, (long gun...
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    broke a transfer bar on a Blackhawk!!!!!

    In a case of nostalgia, I carried the 1977 Blackhawk .357 to woods, I've owned the gun since the early 80's. Never abused, well maintained, shot a bit, carried alot. Archery scouting ......and of course, it rained, and me and it got soaked. So a cleaning was in order, and afterwards, I...
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    new Hipoint 10mm carbine:initial thoughts

    Yes, I bought a HiPoint carbine in 10mm (model 1095). I sure did. Me, lover of good guns and blue steel and walnut. I keep feeling like I'm taking my sister to the prom. But I've always had a soft spot for the magnum pistol caliber carbines, and I've been intrigued with the 10mm Auto...
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    blunderbuss load

    In the "I have this old gun" section of the "Rifleman" for Oct there is a early 1800's flintlock muzzloading blunderbuss/coachgun. I find the blunderbuss an interesting piece, and the article was a good read for me. I had the opportunity to handle a similar weapon locally.....from Purdy...
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    no use for the .50 BMG.....

    Hold on now, that's not me......but I'll admit the title is a bit of a troll. I have been researching a family members WWII history/envolvement. Seems my uncle was a WWII vet, in the Pacific, in tanks.....M4 Sherman, Bougainville and Luzon (574th tank battaliion) One item I turned up...
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    1911 longslide (6") holster source

    A pal (lucky devil) has bought a Kimber 6" longslide 1911 (in 10mm no less)! He states he cannot find a commercial source for a sport/outdoorsman holster. Thumb snap, full length coverage preferred, as well as leather construction.....but a secure kydex model offering full protection could...
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    gobbler story

    If you followed my post earlier, "Alabama gobbler season, day by day", you've read I tagged out early. I likely will not travel this year to hunt another state, and thus have been loafing on the front porch of a morning, hoping to hear a gobbler near home, just for the sake of it. We...
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    Flying Tigers, two different wing gun calibers!!?!

    Reading a book on the "Flying Tigers" so titled. I just read where the P40's, (100 of them, of which 99 seem to have been assembled) were essentially bought by China pretty bare, no radios, gunsights, or.....guns. The organizers for the AVG acquired the .50 cal nose guns directly from...
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    Alabama Spring gobbler season, 2018 day by day

    Folks in AL have been hunting spring gobblers since 15March. Season has come in my zone 31March. I no longer make the drive south to hunt in March, so started hunting locally this past Sat. With access to quite a bit of property, I had about 12-15 gobblers located before season. 31March-...
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    evolution in turkey guns and loads

    As I prep for gobbler season this weekend, I leafed through some old patterning targets (yes, I kept them) from years past. My patterning target for a long time has been a simple 8-1/2 x 11" sheet of typing paper. Of course I use a larger backer, but the plain sheet of paper (with a crude...
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    What's up with PA- no semi rifles for big game??

    I don't remember a lot of commentary on this topic when PA passed the recent amendment to the game law allowing SA rifles for small game, but still not for big game. Although I wouldn't agree, I can at least understand the phobia concerning hi cap mags, pistol grips, associated with the MSR...
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    Ching sling question?

    Can someone please take a measurement of the length of the center section of a genuine Ching type sling and advise. What I am looking for is the actual length of the central strip, that runs from just ahead of the magazine, back to the main length of the fore/aft section of the sling itself...
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    hunting safety reminder

    I had an episode the other day that turned out OK, but had things gone just a little bit worse, I could have been in really big trouble. Not quite sure how it happened, (other than darn quick) but I turned my 4-wheeler/ATV over. Dropped a front wheel off a slight embankment, and the rest...
  15. B

    what about reenactor powder?

    In my desperate search for 3F black powder, a buddy states that he has obtained me a can of 3F" reenactor grade" powder. I'd never heard of such a thing. An online search shows "reenactor grade" powder, but no real grading (as in 2F, 3F, etc). I've not seen the can/powder yet, but...
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    m1 garand gas cylinder lock/threaded for brake

    I recently installed a IER scope on my shooter Garand. I was not pleased with my inability to shoot the peep the way I used to, and the scout scope brings my shooting back up to par. To make same work, I had to raise the comb with an accessory pad. I shoot it much better at distance...
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    .44 cal, 240 grain truncated flatpoint?????

    I was in a gun shop today and saw loose packed .44 cal, 240 grain truncated flatpoints, apparently FMJ with a cannelure. They were in zip locked bags, no maker, possibly bulk purchase, repackaged for small lot sale. Can anyone say who makes this slug? Could they have been plated bullets...
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    white mountain pistol grip repair/upgrade

    Quite a few years ago I acquired a T/C White Mtn carbine, killed 1 deer with it, and basically retired the little rifle. Recently I've gotten the itch to hunt BP some more, and have been shooting, and reading up on the carbine. Learned a bit, carbine must be an early one, it's...
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    source(s) for BP?

    I went to my cabinet today and discovered that the only BP I had was a partial flask of 3F. After half a dozen phone calls or more, it appears nobody locally (within 50 miles) sells genuine BP anymore. I have some leads on two other shooters who may sell me a pound, granulation...
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    Stevens 311A, 16 ga

    I recently walked into a deal on a Stevens 16ga double. A friend is relocating and selling out. The forearm was loose and very heavily scratched, the top lever was past "6 o'clock", lock up a tad loose but not bad, blueing a worn silver gray in alot of places. Operated very sticky...