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  1. H

    Group hunt,safety issues

    Suppose its early season pheasant hunting.I live in town,and the opportunity to join folks in farmland great pheasant hunting comes along. I am an appreciative guest. I use a double,and break it open as we return to the trucks.Most folks use repeaters. This will be a collection of the good...
  2. H

    N.Colo Nat Forest Fire blamed on shooters

    Heard about this on the radio last week.A forest fire in Roosevelt National Forest in late Nov was claimed by fire investigators to be blamed on shooters ,that bullet fragments were found at the fire's origin.They are looking for leads to whoever might have been shooting at that location...
  3. H

    .308 brass supplies

    .308 brass in qty seems to be hard to find,particularly WW. Is this an election day surge,or is there a longer term problem? Also,any good sources for quality mil brass?
  4. H

    NoColo Gunsmith Nostalgia

    Louis ,Claude,Sarge,Cactus Jack,Smoky. All gentlemen who had at least some patience for a Jr High kid who kept his hands folded behind his back and truly listened. Thanks,gentlemen.Thanks for the 7-ups at the White Spot,Claude!.Louis,Thanks for the Lime Duffy's,and say Hi to Mrs B for me...
  5. H

    .22 semi's Holster safe,round in chamber?

    This came up on another thread. In my not so humble opinion,there is a reason a 1911 has redundant safeties. If a 1911 only had a trigger block safety,cocked and locked may not be the choice way to carry. Are LEO's allowed to carry single action semi's that only have a trigger block safety...
  6. H

    Hansen's Eagle Eye Glasses(Old Shooters!!) This outfit makes prescription shooting glasses with a unique feature.The sight eye lense will have a bifocul window cut in it to optimize focus on the sights in the high part of the lense. There is a version for scopes where the window is cut near the...
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    !911,weld Swenson slide/bbl pad?

    I picked up an excellent condition Randall stainless Commander clone.Pretty poor in the accuracy dept.Noticed the hood- bbl slide fit is poor,bbl can be moved around quite a bit.I dont want to money pit this gun,so Fitting a new bbl is not my first choice. Mr Swenson would fit a pad inside the...
  8. H

    Support your local gunsmith

    A long time back a car magazine suggested we CAN buy our motor oil by the case a little cheaper at the big box store,but if we want to have a corner auto parts store that has a set of points for an old pickup,it might not hurt to pay the extra buck for the oil at the parts store. Same idea with...
  9. H

    Concept behind M-1 Carbine

    The idea of a self defense handgun for women gets discussed a lot.In the case of a firearm that will be carried on the person,that is NOT what this thread is about.I am talking about the "home alone nightstand gun" I will first suggest,it is practical to have some early warning alert to wake...
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    Load density and detonation

    In the reloading forum,the question of low load density detonation came up. It was suggested that,while much discussed,it may be urban legend. As a matter of safety,can you provide definitive information on this topic?
  11. H

    A little help,please

    In another internet forum,actually a singles site,a thread started about concealed carry. I suggested society was safer.I got the following response: On what do you base your statement that society has become much safer with an increase in concealed carry permits? Does anyone know how much...