Search results

  1. J

    Are LEO's obligated to give First Aid to victims?

    I just got done seeing "Spider-Man" and the scene where Ben Parker is laying on the ground, after being shot in the chest, is laying there all by himself with Cops holding back a crowd. This is the 5 Millionth time I've seen a movie where a gun shot victim is lying on the ground while everyone...
  2. J

    If you were alive during the Civil War, which side would you be on?

    In all honesty, I can't imagine the horror of going to war against people living just below the Mason-Dixon line ( I live in Pennsylvania). Do any of you feel that you would have taken up arms on a particular side and killed your fellow Americans? I wouldn't have fought in this War. Some of you...
  3. J

    Taking My Model 70 to a 800Meter and 1000yd Range?

    I'm going to two ranges in the next month and I want to get some suggestions on shooting this far out. I've been shooting 150gr HPBT and FMJs out of My gun for the last 4 years. I'm not sure if I'll hit anything that far out, but, I assume I should move up to heavier bullets? My 150's...
  4. J

    Ever notice and SKS can hold 11rds?

    I've tried it and never had a jam, but I wouldn't do it too much. Just wondering if any others have noticed that?
  5. J

    Why didn't the Jews Fight?

    If you knew that if you killed a German soldier, the Germans would have rounded up innocent civilians, and shot them, would you still keep killing Germans? I may sound cold hearted but that wouldn't stop me from fighting. I think a lot of these debates during war come up due to the fact...
  6. J

    Explain to me how a 20in AR can be Converted to a 16in or M4 Barrel?

    I'm pretty much set on getting an XM15E2 when ever I get the cash. But I really like the AR Shorties I see around. What has to be changed to go from an XM15E2 to a 16in Shorty? Is it just swapping out the barrel?
  7. J

    Pennsylvania Shoot in May!!

    Who's up for a Pennsylvania shoot on May 4th???????? The 500yd rifle range is now open:D :cool: :) Since the range is open until 9am-7pm, lets make this a Rifle,Pistol, and Shotgun gathering. Why don't we hit the Sporting clays field at 1pm? The rest of the time we can shoot rifle and...
  8. J

    Why was there such a difference in Recoil between the two M1A's I shot today?

    I shot two M1A rifles today. Both rifles felt the same (trigger pull and such) but the recoil was noticeable different. Is there any kind of "Gas" regulation on the M1A rifles?
  9. J

    How come you never see FAL's from India?

    I never hear of anyone getting parts from India? I've heard there are some differences between the India FAL's, but I've never seen one. Are they just not in circulation? Or are they just total "Junk"?
  10. J

    Special Forces and Throwing out the Hague Treaty

    With all the debates about a .223 that doesn't fragment, and zip threw 7.62 FMJ, why don't we try something new? How come Snipers can use Hollow Point ammo but Grunts can't? Didn't the SEALS use hollow point ammo in MP5s? Now that we are fighting and extremely savage and suicidal people, don't...
  11. J

    Whats your Favorite Rifle To Compete With?

    Which one is your Favorite Iron Sight Gun? And tell me which one do you wish you "could" Compete with? I wish I could use My FAL but I can't:( Now I have to go out and buy an AR, M1, or M1A:D
  12. J

    I want to learn how to do this stuff Myself!!

    I've been taking all of My guns to a Gunsmith for trigger work. I only have one gun left that I'd like to modify, My Marlin 882 22Mag rifle. I took it apart tonight to see if I could figure out how to do this stuff Myself. I checked out AGI, and a few other websites, but I haven't seen...
  13. J

    How can I tell how old My Winchester Model 70 is?

    I've heard a lot of people refer to these guns as Pre-63 or Pre-64 models. I believe My Uncle told Me that it was one of the last of its era. Whats the history with these guns? How can I tell when It was made?
  14. J

    Do you do your own Butchering?

    My Friend and I have long debating about saving our money and Butchering out own meat. Can anyone tell me where I can find out about "Do it yourself Butchering"? I just shoot/kill/field dress and take it to the butcher. I've been hunting too long to not be doing that stuff Myself.
  15. J

    146gr 7.62mm,122gr 7.62x39,63gr SS109?

    Am I losing it or are there an Enormous number of Print Mistakes On Ammo Websites and Surplus Military Magazines?:) I have 146gr Portugese 7.62 ball ammo printed on the side of My Crates while the Battle Packs say 147gr. I've seen 122gr printed on the sides of Russian Surplus Ammo Boxes when I...
  16. J

    Is the AR a reliable rifle

    I've heard all the debates!!!!!! I want to just see poll results from TFL Members.
  17. J

    An M1A Called My Name Today

    I went to a Gun Show today looking for an AR. I saw a few for $770-$800 but still don't have to cash to get one. I walked a little further and saw an NIB SpringField Armory M1A for $1099 *Gun Show Special*. I kept reaching for My Credit card but My other hand kept holding it back. I walked out...
  18. J

    What kind of Sights for My Colt 1991A1?

    I want to Carry this gun so I don't want high sights on it. Whats the best replacement sights for this gun?
  19. J

    What to look for in a Chrono?

    Where do you buy these things and what should I look for? Or whats the difference? I have absolutely ZERO experience with them and I think its time to get one.
  20. J

    Did you Start out with a BB Gun or a 22LR?

    My First gun was really a BB gun. Thats where I learned My basic Safety rules, and learned about Over-Penetration and Ricochets :eek: Was it a BB Gun or a Rimfire?