Search results

  1. G

    .308 ammunition

    I picked up a couple boxes of .308 on sale. HERTER'S (S&B) soft point marked "150 gr SPCE". The designation is soft point cutting edge. I opened up a box and, SURPRISE! What the heck is this? The bullet has a step about 1/2 inch back from the point. Kind of like it started out as a .270 and...
  2. G

    Lost items

    It is amazing what you find in the woods the first couple days of deer season, especially around the parking lots. I have found loaded ammo (Actually new, full boxes a few times), a couple thermoses, clothing, compasses, binoculars, boots(New looking), knives, drag ropes, calls...... It is like...
  3. G

    REAL gun show annoyances

    Ever go to a show carrying a gun and had some goofball follow you after you turned down his offer on it? I call them "Leeches". The guys that hang around out side the doors and do "Dealing" with out the license. Twice I had guys follow and keep making offers on a gun I had bought at the show! I...
  4. G

    Running deer

    Occasionally, when talking about deer hunting, taking a shot at running deer comes up. I just noticed in another thread that someone thinks it is wrong to shoot at running deer, but not at coyotes. Most of the people that will not shoot at a running deer will shoot at a running rabbit, squirrel...
  5. G

    Lever Guns

    Anybody notice the big interest in lever guns lately. Usually this kind of thing is started because of a magazine article or a movie. Did I miss something? Maybe it is because the major companies making them went out of the lever business? I like lever guns and have more of them than any other...
  6. G

    Migrating squirrels

    Do you think squirrels do small migrations like deer do when there is an area with no acorn crop? I hunted in WV for three days and did not see a single gray squirrel. I hunted in PA for 2 days and did not see a single gray squirrel. I had to bust my butt to see a deer tail because there were...
  7. G

    What is next?

    What do you think will become the next fad with guns? We have been through Mausers, M1-A's, .45's, Russian rifles (AK's, SKS, bolt guns), Defense shotguns, Civil War Buffs, Cowboy Action shooting, Short Magnums, .50 BMG bolt actions, AR's, and Handgun Palooza still seems to be going pretty good...
  8. G

    C&R regulations

    I recently looked at a parts gun on an auction and it was listed as "No FFL required". It was missing the barrel. I questioned the seller and he said he had a C&R license and if the barrel was missing it was a "Non-gun". Guessing at the serial #, I would say it was made in the thirty's. I...
  9. G

    Winchester 94

    I was just reading the Rossi post and thought about when I was cruising through Gunbroker's 94 Winchesters. It seemed odd to me that there were no bids other than rifles from the 50's and light caliber guns. Apparently the Cowboy guys scarf up the pistol caliber 94's. Take a look through...
  10. G


    Not really hunting related, but yesterday I was walking the dog and almost had a bad experience. I really was not paying attention and walked her up to a porcupine within range of her leash. I have never had a dog tangle with a porky but would like to know what other people did that have had it...
  11. G

    Speaking of coyotes...

    What ever became of the bounty that the PA State house proposed for coyotes? Anybody hear anything?
  12. G

    Why companies drop components

    In the last few years a lot of reloading components have "Just gone away". Is this just the usual corporate stupidity of trying to jam something down the consumers throat that they don't want, or is something else going on? Right now reloading has never been this popular before. Why would...
  13. G

    Forming 25-35

    It has probably already been on this forum at one time, but has anybody formed 25-35 from 30-30 cases? I mean hands on, did it, did not read it somewhere or hear about it in a bar, actual experience. I surfed the net a little and anything I found was either negative or really vague in the...
  14. G

    Muzzle blast

    I have an 18" barrel 7x57 that I don't use hot loads in, but the muzzle blast is awesome. I am using Rem. 150 Grain PSP with 43.0 Grains of IMR 4350. When I go to the range the guys next to me always ask what the heck I am shooting. Think it is the short barrel? Anybody else have a short...
  15. G

    Odd stuff

    I did not know where to put this. In a different section someone asked about old powder cans. Quite a few responses. It made me curious just what kind of stuff gun people collected or just plain old picked up while outdoors or while hunting. Seems most of us can not pass up anything. I have...
  16. G

    6.5 bullets

    I just heard a terrible rumor that Hornady was dropping their 6.5 160 Gr RN bullets from their line. Anybody hear this?
  17. G

    Brush guns

    This started in the hunting thread, but let us inspect this question of "Brush bustin' bullets" vs. the "Peg board" theory. I truly believe (Real world experience) that you have a better chance with slower, heavier bullets in thicker areas. No, I can not say a bullet with more weight will work...
  18. G

    Restricted material

    I recently ordered a cheap scope to put on an old rifle. I have misplaced the paperwork that came with it, but there was a warning that the scope was on some kind of list with the homeland security. Apparently it is thought of as some kind of sniper scope. Anybody else see this when ordering...
  19. G


    A while back someone posted they were going to re-cut an Arisaka chamber to 6.5x57. I don't remember who it was. How did that work out for accuracy with that twist rate?
  20. G

    Silly WWII 8MM question

    Many years ago I came across a new surplus MG-34 barrel in some auction stuff I bought. I turned it down and stuck it on a receiver. To my dismay it shot like crap. I tried different loads and I had some 190 Gr bullets laying around and all of a sudden it shot way better. I bought some 250 Gr...