Search results

  1. J

    how light is too light?

    I just got a USGI M1 Carbine, which seems to be in good shape. After checking headspace, trigger and bolt function, etc., I took it out to the range and hurray for Rule #2, because its trigger is the lightest of the 5 firearms in my collection. I was just settling in, sights on the target, when...
  2. J

    Looking for 1-piece cleaning rod: size matters?

    I am looking to baby my "new" usgi M1 carbine, muzzle gauge shows the 1943 barrel is good as new. I'd like to keep it that way. I have to clean the barrel from the muzzle, not the breech, unfortunately. I have a bore guide, so that should be ok. I want a 1-piece carbon fiber rod so the...
  3. J

    Went to Cabela's today with the kids

    My 4 year old daughter saw the guns and asked, "Will you teach me to shoot guns, Daddy?" Understand, this is a girl who wakes up and announces she's a Mermaid-Fairy-Princess. Well, she might have a future as a Mermaid-Fairy-Princess-Badd@ss. I said I would be glad to. We walk around and she...
  4. J

    transfering a pistol to a brother, ftf?

    I live in Washington, he lives in Illinois. We're together in CA. Can I just give him his x-mas present?
  5. J

    Scored pretty well off-hand on the NRA 50 yard

    then I realized I shot it at 25 yards. :D My shooting is getting better...but my mind is obviously going.
  6. J

    spitzer bullets for .30 m1 carbine

    I've been going through the reloading data, and thinking about a spitzer shape. I understand that different primers will have different effects with a given powder, so I need to pay attention to those combos. Can I swap 110 grain for 110 grain as long as the overall length is constant? I'd...
  7. J

    cheap/good 4x scope for appleseed?

    I swiped a 3-9x40 scope from another rifle to use on my marlin 795 for an Appleseed shoot. It worked, but was overkill for 25 yards. I had better results at 4x than at 9x, due to having less visible wobble to distract me. That got me thinking that maybe I should look for a dedicated 4x scope...
  8. J

    Holy bleep - do I need all that?

    Newb here. I went through the comprehensive "For the New Reloader" sticky. I'm planning to start loading .30 carbine ammo. This is an expensive way to save money! I'm planning to get a Lee basic single stage press, a set of 3 dies, a bullet holder, brass tumbler, and powder scale. I already...
  9. J

    How much to restore rear sight, front hood to marlin 39a?

    Looking at purchasing a used marlin 39a, price is lower than it would be with a rear sight and the front sight hood. Is it enough lower? I'm probably not in a position to do the work myself. I could probably find the parts somewhere, though.
  10. J

    I *might* have a problem

    my list for Santa is a multi-sheet spreadsheet and I think of all expenses in terms of their firearm-equivalent. For instance, today I was hit with a $70 dentist bill, and thought, "Dang, that's 1/10 of the M1 carbine I want." I think my problem is I ain't rich.
  11. J

    am I a good brother or what?

    My brother bought an H&K USP 40 after he got out of the Marines about 15 years ago. He took me to the range once when we were in the same town introduced me to his baby. What with one thing and another he eventually sold it. Travelling for work, I got to visit and we got to talking about how...
  12. J

    S&W 22a or Ruger MK III or 22/45 ?

    I had a good time with the Ruger MKIII at a Basic Pistol course I took, and was pretty sure it belonged on my ever-growing list. But maybe a 22/45 instead. The 22/45 may have some use as a trainer, but I'll never get a Luger so the MKIII would be just for itself. Then I saw Sportco is...
  13. J

    cz 95 kadet in .22lr is 50% more $$ than cz95b !

    cz 75 kadet in .22lr is 50% more $$ than cz75b ! I've been thinking about picking up a 95b down the road, and saw they make a .22lr version for training. Good idea, cheaper ammo for practice...then I saw the price. Why is the .22lr more expensive? There's a $350 conversion kit so you can...
  14. J

    Ever had a gun safe broken into? What were the specs?

    I was looking into it, and researching the different classifications - "resists 15 minutes with suitable tools, based solely on thickness of steel..." "resists for 5 minutes..." Anybody have any stats on firearm thefts from gun safes? First hand knowledge? How often does a gun safe get...
  15. J

    Newb Range Report: I'm a spaz

    Took my new Marlin 795 with freshly installed Tech Sights to an indoor range today. I wasn't able to get consistent enough groups even kneeling with a rolled up towel for a rest to zero it. I went through maybe 500 rounds of various types, at 7m. I think it makes sense to get tight groups at...
  16. J

    Newb wants to zero a marlin 795 with tech sights

    I don't have a bench rest and am already over budget with my new marlin 795 so picking one up is not in the cards. Since I got the rifle to learn to shoot, we can assume I'm not consistent enough to stand in for a bench rest. Any suggestions for taking the newb out of the equation? Current...
  17. J

    Newb plan

    I am looking into shooting as a hobby. I figure I'm already 90% an expert because I kick ass at first person shooter video games. </sarcasm> Since I figure it'll take me at least a couple of days to turn into a cross between Dirty Harry and Rambo, I'm going to start with something inexpensive...