Search results

  1. M

    Skyy CPX-1

    I was looking for a pocket sized 9mm to possibly replace my .38 snubbie. I'm getting tired of waiting for the Kel-tec PF-9, and (no offense to anyone) I just don't trust the P-11 in terms of drop safety. Taurus Mil-pro and Baby Glocks are too big, and Roths and Kahr are too expensive. Does...
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    .32 H&R Mag fading or rising

    I friend of mine asked for a recommendation for an "in the nightstand" gun for his mother who is recently widowed. She will probably never see a range, and he basically wants something that is easy to use, low recoil but effective. We agreed a Revolver was the first choice because it is easy...
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    Air rifle vs. .22lr

    A friend and I had and argument about this in a hunting for survival situation. I own a lot of .22 rifles and pistols and I was about ready to purchase a AR-7 survival rifle to add to my collection. My Friend hates rimfires and argued that in a survival situation a high powered air rifle will...
  4. M

    the bird flu has jumped

    Human to human transmission confirmed in asia. Get ready kids its going to be a bumpy ride.
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    Hi-point replacement stock

    Has anyone got the new ATI stock for their hipoint carbine? I'm curious if it makes that ugly gun look good. I'm interested in making a $200 Beretta Storm knockoff.
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    Best Rifles for under $250

    Right now the next three longguns I'm looking for fits this catagory 1) a ruger 10/22 There is just so much you can do with this rifle. ( I already own one, but curently I'm looking for a stainless model, I can never have enough .22s) 2) A HiPoint carbine. Cheap and reliable "fun gun". and the...
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    .22lr vs .32apc

    Some previous post as got me thinking about my next purchase, a pocket semi auto mouse gun. While I don't want to get into a debate of which gun is better, or which round is cheaper vs more reliable, I just want to talk pure ballastics and so called "stopping power" of these two mini rounds. I...
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    Gas Prices

    I saw a funny thing that might help drive down gas prices if everyone in America did it. Some stuck a sticker on the gas pump I was using that said "Boycott if above $3.00". Granted if gas prices everywhere is above $3.00 then I can't boycott anything, but around here depending upon where you go...
  9. M

    Old Taurus PT-92 vs New Kel-Tec P-11

    I have a chance to even trade my circa 1990 Taurus PT-92 for a NIB Kel-Tec P-11. My PT-92 shoots great, looks good, and never had an issue with it...but it is HUGE. I'm was looking for a small 9mm semi-auto that I can use ase a house gun adn that I can use to carry other than my .38 S&W. I...
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    Weird range day 2 vs 1 handed shooting

    Saturday, I went to the range to shoot my Taurus PT-92 and my 2 S&W .38 snubbie revolvers. I was kind of jumpy, probably because I drank some coffee and I just started taking some allegery medication so both were not mixing well. Anyway I shot Weaver stance at 7 and 10 yards. I was getting...
  11. M

    How long until the assault weapons ban is back

    I have a funny feeling that after 2008 election the Assault weapons ban may come back. Is that changing anyone's buying habits?? Do you think High cap Mags will get more expensive as we get closer to 2008?
  12. M

    Rossi Revolvers

    I seen a nice looking but used Rossi .357 Revolver for $170. Are these revolvers junk or is this a good buy.
  13. M

    A Rant

    I see a thread in tactics and training about using two pistols with two hands. I write a great reply using historical data and links that takes me 15 mintutes to write, time I should be doing my job. I go to wait, spell check first to make my post a step above...OK and I push...
  14. M

    Kel Tec 2000sub v Beretta CX4 Storm

    Looking into getting a 9mm Carbine and I might be buying a Kel Tec 2000 sub. Does anyone own one of these and have problems?? Another more expensive option is getting a used Beretta CX4 Storm, the concern I have other than the price (which is almost $200 for a used carbine) is there seems to be...
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    Best / Worst Mushrooming JHP

    I'm looking for the best and worst overall brand in terms of JHP mushrooming on impact. Here is one good example.
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    Gary Busey & Billy Zane involved in terrorist propaganda?

    Check out this new movie coming out in turkey
  17. M

    Is Walmart bending to anti-gunnies

    Is it me, or is Walmart bending to the will of the Anti-gun protestors. About a year ago you could have easily bought a Ruger Mini-14 in Wal-mart. Now they don't carry them anymore. Recently I looked at my local Walmart rifle display and it seems they are carrying less and less. All they have is...
  18. M

    Ruger PC carbines

    Anything bad about the Ruger PC carbine in 9mm or .40SW??? Isn't there compatable high capacity magazines for them?? Might be my next buy.
  19. M

    Ruger PC carbines

    Anything bad about the Ruger PC carbine in 9mm or .40SW??? Isn't there compatable high capacity magazines for them?? Might be my next buy.
  20. M

    Ruger PC carbines

    Anything bad about the Ruger PC carbine in 9mm or .40SW??? Isn't there compatable high capacity magazines for them?? Might be my next buy.