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  1. D

    CBS ALREADY at it again.

    My wife had CBS News on, (which I refuse to watch), and they had three "interesting" spots. 1. All about how people are buying "assault" chemicals at gun shows. These evil chemicals CAN be used to make explosives that COULD be used to blow up a car. They offered no examples of somebodys car...
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    Loading Auto shotgun ?????

    I had a young, new to shooting relative stop by this morning to ask my advice on which auto shotgun to buy. He asked one of those questions that makes you stop and think, but I couldn't come up with a good answer. It's something you just don't consider, even after a life time of working around...
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    The Politicaly Incorrect 4th of July

    THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT 4TH OF JULY By Dave Faris The war goes on, people brace for the next blow, and the haters still hate. No, not Osamma Bin Laden, not Saddam Hussein, nor Castro. You know, the ones who live here in America. The ones sitting in the professor's Lounge at most college...
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    Foam fill 870 synthetic stock?

    An old customer just bought a new Remington 870 with the synthetic stock. He doesn't like the "THONK" sound it makes if he bumps it. He asked me if he could fill the stock with expandable foam from Lowe's. I've heard of this, but never done it. Anybody ever done this, and any pointers?
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    Issue Sniper Rifle Caliber?

    A friend wants to know the current issue U.S. military sniper rifle round. I assume it's still the .308/7.62mm round out of the Remington 700/M-40A1 rifle. Anybody know for sure?
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    ANGRY-An editorial--REVISION

    I wrote my original editorial in the heat of anger, and have been asked to reconsider my views. I wrote a correction to the original yesterday, while watching the daily sceen of NYFD firemen carrying another Flag draped basket up the ramp. I have reconsidered, and here is a revised addition to...
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    ANGRY-An editorial

    I'm absolutely ice cold angry. A few minutes ago on Fox I watched as two small groups of New York Firemen, made tiny by the distance, walked up a ramp out of a hole that was the World Trade Center. They slowly walked past a long line of Firemen and construction workers, all standing at...
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    Terrorism test

    To ensure we Americans never offend anyone - - - - particularly fanatics intent on killing us - airport screeners will not be allowed to profile people. They will continue random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, Secret Service agents who...
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    Miami Vice experts? Song name?

    I don’t know where to go with this question, so I thought I’d ask you folks: In the TV show Miami Vice there is an episode where Crockett gets involved with a blond tootsy and her boyfriend (played, I think, by Ted Nugent). In this story, the blond talks men into making a drug deal with the...
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    Cheap Choate Magazine Extensions

    I found a source of discounted Choate parkerized magazine extensions. On Ebay yet. Do a search under "remington 870" and look for extensions listed by "gunrunner22" He lists a starting bid of $32.00, and a buy now price of $37.00. I Emailed him to ask if he had 7 shot extensions, and he...
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    870 Magazine Extension??

    I need a Choate Parkerized magazine extension for my Remington 870 Police. Anybody know where I can get one discounted? Brownell's carry them at $41.00 and change plus shipping. Somebody on one of the boards mentioned getting them for $30 bucks.
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    Colt Trooper Mark 5 repair?

    Anybody know if Colt still repairs the Trooper Mark V revolvers? A friend left me one for a checkup and it needs a repair to the timing. It appears the factory misfit the trigger, and the bolt won't drop soon enough in single action. If anybody has the Kunhausen book on "J" frame Colt's...
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    The President's hands??

    Wasn't it great watching President Bush declaring the Olympic Games open, while standing among the young female athletes, and not wondering if he was trying to grope them?
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    Firearms Refresher

    FIREARMS REFRESHER COURSE 1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. 2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone. 3. Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface. 4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control. 5. If guns are outlawed, can we...
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    Police shotguns stolen.

    If you can belive this!! In my home town the police sometimes have extra patrol cars. So, the've been parking them in promanent places to "remind" people not to speed!!!! The local news just announced that last night somebody broke into the three cars they had parked around town------AND STOLE...
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    Remington Warrenty Repair Time?

    I'm having to send my parkerized 870 barrel back to be properly finished. The rear is dark grey the front 1/3 is a noticeably lighter grey. Anybody have any experience time-wise with Remington's repair service?
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    Two Tone Remington barrel???

    My new Remington 870 Police barrel is Two different shades of parkerizing. From the breech to just behind the support ring, it's a dark shade of grey. At the ring it abruptly changes to a noticeably lighter shade of grey. I've never seen a Remington parkerize job like this. Anyone else ever...
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    Hillery and the pig

    Sen. Hillary Clinton was riding in her limousine to a political event down a country road in upstate New York. As her driver rounded a corner there was a pig in the road. The chauffeur swerved to avoid the animal but to no avail. "YOU IDIOT," screamed Hillary. "Look what you have done. Now stop...
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    Double Action Pump Gun

    For you gentlemen too stupid, poorly trained, or just plain too incompetent to not accidentaly shoot somebody, Mossberg now sells a Model 590 pump shotgun with a double action type trigger. This duplicates the feel and action of a revolver trigger, giving a long heavy trigger pull. This of...