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  1. M

    Age 18 + MT Law questions.

    Hey guys. Well, I turned 18 (GREAT!). First thing I plan on doing (After attending the gunshow this weekend ;)) is going to the local Sheriff's Department and applying for a CC Permit. And I had a few questions that I searched for but could NOT find and a couple I wanted...
  2. M

    Remington UMC ammo.. Green&White or Yellow?

    I was looking and found two differant batches of .40 ammunition. BOTH remington, one batch 250 rounds in a yellow box, UMC Remington. One batch 300 rounds in a Green and White Box, UMC Remington. Is there any differance in the green and white, and yellow boxes? The Yellow boxes are a fair...
  3. M

    Promags...Endless debate

    Okay. Got a question. I looked, and basically the debates on Pro-Mag magazines is "SOme are bad and some aren't". What I wanted to know, (And I haven't seen) is certain guns/magazines worse than others? For example, Mini14's more reliable than 1911's,etc.etc. I was wondering because I...
  4. M

    'Nother rifle..Which one?

    Okay...Feeling a urge to add #2 to the semi-auto collection. :D I got a Mini-14 after starting a thread here. I had planned on a AR at the time, but the Mini was brand new with scope and mag for $400. Turned out to be a minor hassle. It wouldn't eject ANY empties. Turned out that the...
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    Taurus using a S&W rear sight. Possible? +.357 Sig barrel on a .40 question

    Hey there. Got a question for y'all. Dad's Taurus 94 .22 is missing it's rear sight. The situation was the rear screws holding the blade came loose, and the blade fell out. He was on the verge of just making a blade for it, but the "Nice folks" at Taurus convinced him to send in the...
  6. M


    Okay..Another topic people are sick and tired of ;) AND the topic pops up every 3 weeks. And yes. I searched, but for my exact questions I really couldn't find the answers I was wanting. Seeing as how the ehh.....elections..are coming along been thinking of getting a semi-auto...
  7. M

    Shoulder holster+CCW Holster Questions

    Hey all!!!! Been awhile (Again) but real life is a pain. Read quite a bit but can't find time to post*Sigh* Anyway...I had a few (Bunch) of questions. I will try and make them readable ;) First I will say that although I am not old enough to get a CCW in my state (Montana)yet, I will...
  8. M

    Did it again...(1917 S&W).

    Been awhile ;) What with hunting season and real life got a little distracted..BUT...I return bearing new firearms....:D Awhile ago I got a .45 S&W 1917 in good enough condition I didn't want to take it around and "beat it up." The cure???? I found a "Beater"..... There goes the AK47...but...
  9. M

    Charles Daly HI Power

    Ok... Question for all of you ;) What about Charles Daly HI-Powers? That is your opinions? I have heard from differant people that they are POS and Fantastic guns... Question #1 Now what I have gathered is that the EARLY HI-Powers weren't as good as the current production ones.. Is that...
  10. M

    SKS. 40 Round mags.

    Okay.. stupid question. I searched but couldn't find the answer directly about this. Now we went to a local gun-shop and in teh rack was a Russian SKS ($240. Not gonna buy it but looked at it). It had a 40 round Detachable Mag in it..... Now we didn't know. But had always assumed(Thought)...
  11. M

    Question about Class 3's "Wearing out"

    Okay. Dumb question. I KNOW that guns wear out. After you shoot multiple thousands of rounds they do it. But I was wondering. What on a class 3 cannot be changed? That is if something wears out what specifically couldn't be replaced? I was just curious. Because theoretically a a Class 3...
  12. M

    1917 S&W questions

    Hi! First. I am gonna introduce myself. My name is Grant. I live in Montana and am (Only) 16. But A proud gun owner just the same :) Ok Next I have a few S&W 1917 questions. I just got it (Well dad did) from a pawn shop for $430. Undoubtably a couple are stupid But I couldn't find the...