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  1. J

    A compilation of corrosion preventive tests...

    One of the most thought-provoking results I noted from looking at all these tests is that the results are, at least in some respects, surprisingly inconsistent. While some products seem to do well at least fairly consistently in nearly all the tests, others seem to perform dramatically...
  2. J

    Endshake on a Dan Wesson .357Mag

    At the last gunshow I attended, I ran across a fellow selling an older used Dan Wesson revolver in .357Mag. While doing a quick checkout, I noticed that there seemed to be a good deal of endshake although the gun didn't appear to have been shot much at all. What was odd, was that the endshake...
  3. J

    Assorted SKS information.

    I ended up stripping the cosmoline off a surplus Yugo SKS for a friend. It turns out that either Goo Gone or Ballistol does a decent job of removing cosmoline. After I finished, I tried the trigger and it was really bad. Long, gritty and heavy. I figured it couldn't really be that bad, so I...
  4. J

    Where is my pistol sighted to shoot?

    I see this question a lot and I've tried to provide answers on many occasions. First of all, if your pistol has adjustable sights, there's a good chance you'll have to adjust the sights to get it to shoot where you want. It might be counterintuitive, but it's been my experience that an...
  5. J

    Asymmetric Ejector Stars--can someone explain?

    For the life of me, I can't figure out the point of symmetric ejector stars. Does anyone understand why asymmetric ejectors are better and, if so, could you please explain it in simple words so I can understand too?
  6. J

    Ramblings on Semi-auto Reliability and the Weakest Link...

    Had a couple of experiences at the range today. I had a Ruger P95 that needed to be shot, and my wife took her Beretta 86 out for some exercise. I had a malfunction on the first magazine with the P95, and it went downhill from there. After about 100 rounds the gun had turned into a single...
  7. J

    Practice Ammunition and Accuracy

    UPDATE ADDED on 1 September 2012! Scroll down to Post # 10 for update. I took a Ruger P95 to the range today. I like the P95, it's a good solid pistol, but it's not impressively accurate in my experience. I also took several different kinds of 9mm practice ammunition with me. A recent...
  8. J

    Capacity, Hit Rate, Multiple Assailants and some thoughts...

    A thread on another forum got me thinking about the probability of making a certain number of hits within a certain number of shots given a fixed probability of hitting the target with any given shot. I set up a spreadsheet to do the calculations and thought some of the results might be...
  9. J

    Injured 870...

    Without getting into details, someone I know owns an 870 and let someone else take it apart to clean it. Secondhand, I got feedback for several hours that the person was having difficulty getting it back together. That surprised me since manuals can be downloaded at no charge and there are a...
  10. J

    Max Michel comments on Dry-Firing

    From a 2012 episode of Student of the Gun TV Show on the Sportsman Channel. Max Michel was being interviewed and made the following statements “It’s a big misconception (that dryfiring is only for beginners).” “I’ve been shooting competetively for 20 years...and I still dryfire a minimum of...
  11. J

    SHOT Show 2012, a brief (almost brief?) review...

    I didn't see as many new items as I expected to. Here are some observations I made, I don't claim to be 100% up-to-date on all the gun-makers offerings, so some of what I saw and list below may be old news. Remington now offers 3 different 1911 models. Kahr has a new "enhanced" trigger which...
  12. J

    Aftermarket grip jams gun.

    I had an interesting incident at the range yesterday. An aftermarket grip for a Ruger Mk II was interfering with the magazine and wouldn't let it seat fully. Due to the nature of the heel release, the magazine was being held in place and felt like it was locking in place, but it was lower in...
  13. J

    Interesting Article on Barrel Break-In

    John Barsness had an article in the April 2011 issue of Guns Magazine called "Stop the Madness". He made several good points, a couple of which really resonated. First of all, unless your barrel break in cleaning method is removing all the metal fouling each cleaning interval then you're...
  14. J

    A SIMPLE, SANE approach to preparedness

    I frequently read and hear people speculating that firearm owners live in fear that something will happen. Even on this forum, it's common to see people comment that if someone carries a gun in an area (church, home, bathroom, etc.) that they must be expecting something bad to happen and that...
  15. J

    Safety Rules--How many GET it?

    I think a lot of folks don't really get it when it comes to the safety rules. Anytime someone says that the gun isn't loaded as an excuse for pointing it in an unsafe direction they're proving that they don't get it. You ALWAYS keep a gun pointed in a safe direction so that it becomes second...
  16. J

    Gun-mounted flashlight blamed in fatal shooting

    This happened in a suburb near where I live. The officer claims he meant to activate his gun-mounted flashlight and pulled the trigger instead. If you are using a gun-mounted light you need...
  17. J

    Why people need to think about what they read.

    Someone emailed this article to me--presumably because they felt it contained something that would be of interest or concern to me. Report: 10 states sell half of imported crime guns From the article: "Nearly half of the guns that crossed state lines and were used in crimes in 2009 were...
  18. J

    Interesting observation regarding caliber differences...

    I used the estimated wound volumes from the most recent version of the published FBI wound statistics I could download in softcopy form. I averaged all the estimated wound volume figures for each caliber providing an average estimated wound volume figure for each caliber. I computed the weight...
  19. J

    Serial Number/Proofmark Lookup Resources

    Serial # Lookups Ruger Glock Colt Beretta (For Italian made guns.) Browning Markings H&K Markings Another H&K Markings Resource primarily for P7 pistols. Star Firearms (Star Bonifacio Echeverria) Proofmarks Pretty good site for Browning, Colt and Winchester...
  20. J

    Midway USA donates $100,000 to TSRA

    My wife and I attended the 2nd Annual TSRA Foundation Banquet last night. A representative from Midway USA was in attendance and presented a $100,000 check for use in TSRA youth shooting programs. I was impressed, and judging from the standing ovation it seems I wasn't alone. Nice to see...