The value of "308" depends entirely on the context. It could represent several things:
A number: Simply put, 308 is a whole number, an integer. It's between 307 and 309.
A year: 308 could refer to the year 308 AD or CE (Anno Domini/Common Era). This would place it in Roman times.
A model number: Many products use "308" as part of a model number. This could be a car (like a Peugeot 308), a piece of equipment, or other manufactured goods. The meaning would depend entirely on the manufacturer and product line.
A code: In various systems, "308" might represent a code for something. Without knowing the specific system, it's impossible to say what it means.
A price: In some cases, "308" might represent a price, perhaps in a specific currency. However, without context (like a currency symbol), this is pure speculation.
To determine the true value of "308," you need to provide more context. What is the subject or situation in which this number appears? Knowing this will allow for a precise answer.