Zimmerman Trial: Read Before Posting

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Evan Thomas

New member
The trial of George Zimmerman for the shooting of Trayvon Martin has begun. We appreciate that there is a great deal of interest in this case, as its outcome may very well have lasting repercussions on self defense laws.

Because it's a sensitive case, and because the facts are very much in dispute, we have not permitted discussion of the Zimmerman case in this or any other subforum. This policy is still in effect for the time being. However, staff feels that once the prosecution has presented its case, that will be a good time to allow discussion of the trial, as we'll be able to talk about evidence rather than conjecture. Until then, we are still not allowing general discussion of the case in this or any other subforum. Starting threads about the case will be grounds for disciplinary action.

For those who are following the case, records of all proceedings and court documents are kept by the Florida 18th Circuit Court, and are viewable here.
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