Zimmerman and CPL

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New member
Obviously none of use know all the facts of what happened.

What lessons can we take away from it as people who have a CPL?


New member
xxxxxxxxxxxxx ....

...that we are a society, that with nothing more then one sided media and propaganda, will judge , convict and demand the arrest of a person. Again, without getting or waiting for all the facts to come out. Very sad!


New member
shooting incident in Florida

We may never know exactly what happened in that incident

HOWEVER, what is clear is that George Zimmerman was incorrect from the beginning. In August of this year, I will have been a police firearms instructor for 30 years. We train police officers, who are actually sworn and have the legal right to be armed off duty and make arrests, to do the following when observing some crime or potential crime off duty: OBSERVE AND REPORT. Don't follow anybody. Don't confront anybody UNLESS you are acting directly to protect somebody's personal safety. Get on your cell phone and call the ON DUTY UNIFORMED cops to come and investigate whatever situation you are observing. BE A GOOD WITNESS.

That's what ANYONE should do in a similar situation. That's what George Zimmerman should've done.

Believe me, the on-duty police don't WANT the assistance of some clown who gets in the way and complicates the situation. OBSERVE and REPORT , call the cops and let them do their job.

The police dispatcher told him to back off and let the cops handle it. That was correct. On other forums, some people have made the argument: "well that was a dispatcher. that wasn't a legal order from a police officer." That is immaterial. When somebody who knows more than you do tells you to do something, that's what you should do. Under all circumstances. All the time. In every aspect of your life. Always. That's what smart people do. That's why the smart people have less chaos and drama in their life . . .

It's incidents like this that turn the well meaning but undecided members of the population into anti-gun weirdos.

As a private citizen it is NOT your job to "take care of it myself" or "handle it my own way". The same thing is true for an off duty cop, and in most situations, for an on-duty cop in plainclothes. You don't carry a gun to be James Bond or Dirty Harry. You carry a gun to protect you and yours while you get on the cell phone and call for help from the police, or the fire department, or the ambulance service, or whatever . . .


New member
After getting your first gun,eye and ear protection plus a cleaning kit,don't go shopping for a Lone Ranger mask.


Yes, whatever the actually confrontation details are, Zimmerman put himself in harms way. He didn't have to do that. A young man is now dead and Zimmerman at the very least is branded for life. The New Black Panthers have a price on his head.

Not commenting on the actual self defense claims, but he created the entire situation. He could have stayed in his car and met the cops at the mailbox like they advised.

Why the kid just a few yards from his house turned and perhaps confronted Zimmerman is another mystery not yet solved in this tragic affair. In the very least, Zimmerman created the entire incident once he got out of his car and followed the kid. That could give credence to the kid acting in self defense himself. Tragic situation with the take home message, don't go looking for trouble if do or don't have CCW permit.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
We are going to stop the speculation and the "We know this much ..." and the indictments and convictions until we get some investigation results from Sanford or Florida State.

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