Zero Tolerance: Evidence Not Needed


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Zero Trolerance: Evidence Not Needed

There have been a lot of "zero tolerance" threads, but this one is just, well, judge for yourself:

Synopsys: Cops go through school with drug dog. Dog supposedly finds jacket that smells of marijuana. Jacket is searched - no drugs are found - and people can't smell anything, but kid who owns jacket is suspended anyway for a drug offense. And told he'll have to go to drug counseling.

So being accused by a dog is evidence enough not just for a search, but for punishment as well!

How is this gun related? Think about it: if this sort of thing holds up, how long will it be until they train dogs to key on the smell of Hoppe's #9?


New member
To be clear for the hit-and-run lurkers, this is in the 51st state, aka. Canada. ;)

- Gabe


New member
Dog supposedly finds jacket that smells of marijuana.

Could it have been Beef Jerky? Will drug/bomd dogs 'hit on' beef jerky or other tasty meat products?

So being accused by a dog is evidence enough not just for a search, but for punishment as well!

Another shinning example of of the benefits of the War on some Drugs :barf:


New member
I like to see the transcript of the admin hearing to suspend the kid. Wonder what the dog's testimony looked like???

"Raise your right paw. Do you swear or affirm to sniff the truth and only the truth under penalties of perjury. Penalties such as no walkies and no Milk Bone after being fed."
"[Attorney for the Skul Corp.] Are you a good boy? Do you want a scratch?"
"[Attorney for Respondent kid] Objection, your honor. The prosecutor is leading the witness."
"{Attorney for the Skul Corp.] Judge, I don't even have a leash on me. Further, your honor, he followed me home."



New member
Could it have been Beef Jerky? Will drug/bomb dogs 'hit on' beef jerky or other tasty meat products?

A few weeks ago, a concourse at the New Orleans airport was evacuated and closed down when a bomb sniffing dog reacted to a container of gumbo.



New member
I actually did a little experiment when I was in high school. A dozen or so people kept dog treats in their lockers. 8 of them got notes in their lockers one day saying that it was not a very funny joke, and that they'd be suspended if they did it again. 8/12... that's 67%. Not one of us had anything remotely resembling illegal drugs anywhere near us...


New member
I'm waiting for the kids to finally get the idea to place a small amount of marijuana in a mason jar and fill it with water. Leave it for a few hours so it makes a nice "tea" and then put the strained liquid in a squirt bottle. Then spray this along the corridor where the lockers are and watch the dog go ga-ga.

Beter yet, spray the mixture on the wheels of the cars in the teacher's parking lot and let 'em explain that.


New member
My letter to the Editor

Re: "Dog found no drugs but boy still suspended" (March 28, 2002)

It seems that you Canuks have even nuttier "zero-tolerance" policies than we Yanks do. Here I thought we were the most politically correct wonks in the world; but it seems that we have to pass the torch to the superior minds there. Congratulations. Good luck. God Bless. Hope you get well soon.

Fred Hansen

New member
How long before the little doper weasels figure out that they can sacrifice a baggie and spike the whole school? That is certainly what I would do. Might even be tempted to use two and "nuke" the Teacher's lounge.

If they do it right, it should be more fun than a "KICK ME!" sign.


New member
How about spraying a little on the handlers leg while he's not watching . Can the right side of a body arrest the left side ????


New member
It's assine!

I couldn't believe this one happened. I had previously read the article on this prior to seeing this thread.

KSFreeman, loved your 'hearing' transcript. It was especially funny for somebody like me who does dog rescues.