Zeiss conquest binoculars

phil mcwilliam

New member
I'm thinking of buying a new pair of binoculars for hunting & am considering the Zeiss 10 x 40 conquest. I have had experience with Zeiss binos previously & was impressed with their clarity. The conquest, I believe is made in Hungary, rather than Germany. Anyone know if the conquest range of Zeiss is as good as the rest of the range. They are about half price.


New member

Just curious, but what kind of use will these binox be involved in? What kind of terrain? If you live in an area, and hunt in swamps like I do in Northern Michigan, 10x binox are too much power. And, 10x binox are much harder to use than lower powered ones like 8x or 7x. The 10x binox are hard to hold steady, and the field of view is less than the lower powered ones.
Generally speaking, you get what you pay for, and I think that's a fair statement when it comes to binox; the higher priced Zeiss, Leica, and Swarovski binox are going to deliver a better image than ones that are half the price. I don't know how much money you want to spend on a pair, but I guarantee you the high priced ones are outstanding. I have two pairs of 7x binox that are excellent, a pair Meopta and a pair of Swarovski's. The Meopta's are about half the price of the Swarovski's and are VERY close in terms of image. The Swarovski's win in the area of color rendition, but not enough to worry about if money is a problem for you.
If possible, try comparing several different binox to see for yourself.
The comparing, to be meaningful, needs to be a stack type test, where you alternate looking through one pair right after another. Looking through one pair one day, then sometime later looking through another pair won't get it.
I have some 7x binox that are just right for where I live and hunt.
If you live out west, and have wide open spaces that you'll be viewing, say Antelope hunting, then 10x might be good. However, a cheaper pair of binox in the 10x range "may" not provide the distant detail that the very expensive Zeiss, Leica and Swaro's will in 7x or 8x. And, far and away, the lower power binox are more user friendly. If you're going to look through binox for any period of time, I guarantee you that you will be a MUCH happier hunter using the very expensive, low power binox. Eye fatigue is a problem when using low cost binox and looking through them for long periods of time; like searching for Antelope and Elk, sitting on a mountain side.
In addition to the Meopta's and Swarovski 7x42 SLC's that I have, I have a pair of Zeiss Victory 8x20's that fit in my coat pocket, and weigh about 9 ounces that deliver a MAGNIFICENT image for their size. The Zeiss Victory line is the higher priced line of Zeiss binox, a step up from the Conquest line.

Spend time thinking about how you'll be using the binox, then decide on the power you really need. Then look at your checkbook, and figure out how to buy the very best binox you can afford.

Have fun shopping foir binox. They can make a huge difference in hunting, or bird watching.



Having had the pleasure of observing the Zeiss operation, I can assure you the conquests are super quality. Keep in mind that most parts for the Conquests are produced right in Wetzlar, germany.

WildyaneedapaircallAlaska ™

phil mcwilliam

New member
Thanks for the feedback. On checking ,it was 8x Zeiss victory binos that I had previously used & admired. I have set myself a $1,000 limit for binos & the Zeiss conquest is available in 8x & 10x 40 for under this price. Although I do a lot of hunting in many varied locations, I usually don't carry binos because of added weight. I also don't like the things hanging around my neck as they tend to snag on bushes, & if kept in a pack, I usually never get around to getting them out. I was however deer hunting recently in a new area that had the usual thick scrub burnt out by the previous seasons bushfires. You could see reasonable distances through the dead timber & I found myself at a disadvantage without binos & spent alot of time glassing with my scope. My mate had just bought one of those bino chest harnesses & this seems to be a perfect way to carry the binos. Sometimes its the most basic advice thats the best, so I will stop looking at internet bino sites, put my credit card away,& head on down to the binocular shop to compare. I have also noted that Leupold puts out a set of binos within this price range with a built in range finder.


New member
Hi Phil,
I have a weakness for fine optics. Have used Zeiss, Nikon, and Leica. Currently have Leica 8x32, 10x32, and 10x42. All are great if used for their intended purpose. The 8X binocs have wider fields of view and are at their best in short/medium range hunting, birding, football games, etc. The 10X glasses have more magnification but do require a good arm rest for maximum steadiness. For me, I like my binoculars to be just that, binoculars, without added gimmicks like compasses, rangefinders, cameras, etc. YMMV. Choose what fits your hands, eyes, preferences, pocketbook, etc. Just remember that top line binoculars will literally last a lifetime IF YOU DON'T SCRATCH THE COATINGS ON THE LENSES BY CLEANING THEM IMPROPERLY. My son is still using a pair of 7x35 top line binoculars that I purchased in 1964 and they are in excellent shape, optically and mechanically.


New member

Good info..
Those Leica 8x32 binox are hot!!! They get great reviews by guys who use them. They are light weight, with excellent glass.


Those 8x Zeiss Vistory binox you used before are about the very best available. The high end Zeiss, Leica, and Swarovski binox are so close in optical quality, that making a selection of which to buy really comes down to which ones look best using your eyes. Ergonomics comes into play too. If a pair doesn't feel right to you in use, then it probably isn't the one to buy.
My choice of buying the Swarovski 7x42 binox was based on an evaluation of all the high end binox by an optical physist who actually spent time comparing the high end binox by all of the leading makers. He felt the Swaro 7x42's were the best, so that's what I bought. I live in Northern Michigan and have no store locally where I can go look through the best binox made. So, I took his word for it. That's not the best way to buy expensive binox, but it was my only way at that time. I have a distant friend who has the Zeiss Victory's and he feels they are the best.. Your eyes must make the decision, and you will not be unhappy with the ones you buy..

phil mcwilliam

New member
Damn the internet, visa, & martyn4802. In approximately 10 days I will be the proud owner of a pair of Swarovski 7 x 42"s. Blown the budget($1395), but what the hell. Thanks again for the input guys. I remember my guide in Africa had Swarovski bino's that he thought were the best. I guess I'll find out in a couple of weeks.