Zbrojovka Brno AS VZ24??


New member
Any one have any idea about these guns experience or anything. Any kind of feedback would be great. Got one in 243 and am needing more info on them.


New member
The VZ24 was a Mauser 98 pattern carbine made by CZ.

That yours is not in 8x57 means it was rebarreled.



New member
The VZ24 is generally regarded as one of the better versions of the Mauser 98K.

Since yours has been rebarreled by an unknown person, I would recommend having a gunsmith check it to make sure it is safe.


New member
Hmmm....well I know this it honestly is a tackdriver. Its very consistent in its groupings and im just shooting factory Hornady out it simply because I dont have a reloading die for it yet. What about value....is it worth anything or just one that needs to be thrown in a trade and be done with? It has a heavy barrel on it no markings glass bedded stock and action. I love the action if its worth keeping around I may just shoot it til barrels gone and rebarrel it in a caliber more suited for what I like to do. It also has nice Monte Carlo stock with high roll over cheek peice on it. Thanks for all the info guys!!!!:D


New member
A lot of riflesmiths like to use a Czech action because the metallurgy is every bit as good as the best of German mausers.

If your brass isn't stretching, and there is no evidence of bolt setback (evidenced by case stretching) then it is very likely that you have an extremely safe rifle.

But it never hurts to have a gunsmith check it out.



New member
Brass isnt stetching a bit and from what I can tell by calipering its not headspace stretching any at all out of the normal. I have a Stevens Model 200 ( for those that think quality and accuracy cant be found in a cheap gun ill shoot with ya anyday of the week :D) anyway in a 243 and i shot and compared measurements and were exactly the same so Im certain thoguh not 100% it was done right. I really like the gun but like i said have no knowledge of them.