Zastava Model 70


New member
Southern Ohio Guns has these little .32ACP Zastava 70s for sale for $109. At that price, it might make a good glovebox piece.

Any info on these things? :confused: I think I heard that the triggers on these things are a little rugged.

mtn. man

New member
I have a couple and the trigger is a little rough in DA but pretty decent in SA.
They are well made and have a decent finish well worth the price.

Sir William

New member
The Zastava CZ Model 70 is NOT a double action pistol. I have had troubles with mine in feeding any JHPs. It had a very tight chamber when I purchased mine as well. I had to have a gunsmith polish the barrel ramp, chamber and the barrel cleaned hydrasonically. It is 100% since the work was done. I installed a Hogue hand-all grip and deepened the rear sight notch. I will probably paint the front sight for easier pick up. Mag Tech 32 ACP functions well in mine. I am having troubles locating extra magazines at reasonable prices though. It rides in a Makarov holster well. They are durable, reliable and as well built as a 1911. I have about $175.00 investment in mine including the holster. Nice pistol.


New member
IMHO, there are better ways to spend $100 than buying the Zastava.
It is single action only.
Has a typical milsurp heavy trigger.
Is calibered in .32 ACP.
Mags are hard to find.

About the only thing it has going for it is that it is cheap.


New member
I have a couple and the trigger is a little rough in DA but pretty decent in SA.

Yugo Zastava M70 is commonly mistaken for Czech CZ-UB Vz70

Like others have stated Yugo M70 is single action and looks sort of like a little Tokarev TT-30/33.

Eastern Euro manufacturers get confused easily, particularly after becoming only partially govenment owned. Many Eastern Euro firearms companies use the letters C. Z. in the company name, if I remember correctly C. Z. stands for what roughly translates as "Czech Weapon Factory" in english. There are many "CZ's" in Eastern Europe- CZ-UB, CZ-Arms Moravia, CZ-Strakonice, CZ-Brno.

As far as the Yugo CZ M70 if I remember correctly it stands for Crvena Zastava or something like that, I dont know what the translation means.

here's a good link explaining the differences between the various CZs