Yugo N-PAP info


New member
About a month ago I picked up a new Yugo N-PAP in 7.62x39. I took it to the range a couple weeks ago and put about 140 rounds through it. This was over about an hour, as I was shooting 3 other guns as well.

On the last magazine, I shot all 30 rounds pretty quick into the target. Why not have some fun? Anyways, I looked up at the rifle after it was empty and seen my handguard smoking. Not a lot, just a little. It seemed strange as the rifle was probably sitting unfired for 5 or 10 minutes before the magazine dump escapade.

So my question, does the Yugo N-PAP come with a heat shielded handguard? I haven't had the handguard off to inspect it. If it doesn't, is it something that is necessary to have? And would not having a heat shield make this handguard smoke like that?


New member
I'm not familiar with how the lower handguard comes off. I suppose I'll have to look into it. Either way, how do I tell if it's shielded or not? I don't even know what to look for.


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Go to youtube, watch " m70 ak47 lower handguard change". It's pretty simple really and you'll be more acquainted with you weapon afterwards.


Member Emeritus
Take it off.
Gaze upon it.
If there's anything but wood visible between the guard & the barrel section, it's shielded.

Shielding is typically a stamped steel or alloy....shield, that runs between barrel steel & handguard wood to deflect barrel heat from burning the wood. :)

You should be able to figure it out if you understand what a heat shield is & does, very simple.


New member
There's a small latch on the inside of the handguard (On my AK there was). It should be on the inside, right side of the handguard very close to the wood, about a centimeter long. Pry that latch up 90 degrees and the retaining plate should side free and allow you to take the handguard down and out.

Smoking isn't that big of a deal, especially after a rapid fire session and quite a few rounds.


New member
Smoking is normal from rapid fire strings through a semi-auto rifle.

If it starts on fire - you might slow down and let it cool off a bit. ;)

Here's an old website - click ok on the pop up (google feed error) that comes up. Steps to remove the lower hand guard and stock set + other tutorials with pics.
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Join Date: July 17, 2015
Location: South Central MO / Africa
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Smoking is normal from rapid fire strings through a semi-auto rifle.

If it starts on fire - you might slow down and let it cool off a bit.

Here's an old website - click ok on the pop up (google feed error) that comes up. Steps to remove the lower hand guard and stock set + other tutorials with pics.

Thanks for the link. I will pop my handguard off after work today and check it out. After debating with you guys I probably will leave it stock either way. If a little smoke is normal, no harm, no foul.


New member
That website dates back to 2000ish so there are some easier ways of doing some of the stuff on there. It's a good primer though.

I switch out stocks on my AKs frequently. There's a much easier way to remove a butstock than the way shown on there.

What I do is remove the 2 screws, wait till the wife is not in the house, then using an overhead wood chopping swing - beat all four sides of the butstock on the couch, bed, or a laundry bag filled with dirty laundry.

The stock will wobble off.


New member
Op was about the lower hand guard, in any case, I am pretty sure N Paps have a through bolt (no tangs). You really will wreck the furniture if you don't take that out.


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Oldscot I was just giving him a "for instance" on that website - not in relation to his original question.