Yugo M48 or Finn M-39?


New member
Hi Folks,

This is my first post in the rifle group. I'm very interested in both of these rifles. I've read a lot of good things about both here.

Which would you choose and why?
Which is more accurate?
what else can you tell me?

One of my local shops has them advertised as "unissued" and they are both listed at $199. The M48 comes with bayonet, ammo pouch, sling, etc...

..or should I put my money toward a genuine GI M1 Garand which I really want? I know, different action on this gun. It will probably have to be a Garand in addition to whatever I choose!



New member
You might consider getting yourself a C&R license ... then you can order these directly from places like Aimsurplus.com or jgsales.com and get both for only a little more than one of them will cost at the store. Also think about this ... if you are going to shoot it, does it really matter if the rifle is unissued or "just" Excellent?


ps ... these Mausers are a blast to shoot, as the ammo is about $0.06 a round when you buy a case (see above links for that as well) so you just shoot until you are tired! I don't have a M-39, but they are supposed to be quite nice as well ...


New member
Thanks Saands,

I have looked into my C&R. I have downloaded the application, but have yet to take it to get copied onto color paper. (I heard everything has to be correct on these).

I'm almost afraid of having a license to buy any C&R out there, I'd be broke in no time!


New member
I just got back from the store. The M48 is awesome! This one looked to be in excellent condition. Matching numbers, good color, the stock was in great shape. It had a very dark color to it, the guy said he thought it was teak. Ever heard of that?
This one was a 48A. I remember reading that the 48A had a stamped floorplate? Is this the cover for the internal magazine?
This piece did look to be stamped, but I can't see why that's a problem.

My current dilemma.. my wife just got me a gift cert. at a different shop! D'oh!! let's hope they have some of these.

If/when I get one, do I need to do anything other than clean it out before taking it to the range? ie. have it checked out?

Tropical Z

New member
Congratulations on your purchase!
There is some debate as to whether or not the stocks are made of teak,as teak is a tropical wood.Only a DNA test would determine for sure i guess! The m-48's had the milled floorplate while the m-48a's were stamped and yes its the cover for the internal magazine.Both of mine are m-48a's. I don't think there's any functional difference. Ideally,you could have a gunsmith check out the headspace,or do what i did and have someone who knows,show you how tight the bolt should close on a round.Then you can get a good idea on future rifles.A recent post had a guy who puts the rifle on the opposite side of a tree while he fired off the first several rounds.Works for ME!!!!!!;)


New member
If the serial numbers of the bolt and the receiver match, then you have a much better chance of getting a rifle without headspace problems. I would still recommend that you search TFL for "headspace" and read the threads on doing a field expedient test ... the gauges are not that expensive. I would also recommend that you download and print the M48 Manual from Mitchell's Mausers:

http://www.mitchellsales.com/PDF Documents/M48 Manual.pdf

It has lots of good info on how to clean and care for your new M48.

Have fun and don't forget to keep it clean! The cheap ammo is corrosive ... not a problem if you clean promptly.



New member
Tough One

That's strange, the prices are exactly the same here. And I had to make the *exact* same choice a while back. I opted for the Yugo and I haven't been disappointed. You can get 8mm ammo very cheap. And it's plenty powerful. I've been taking the rifle hunting the last few weeks. It's been through some very rough country (SC Alaska), but has come out just find. I had to put some extra wax on the stock now that it's started to rain. I'd advise against "sporterizing" the stock. The full stock is the way it's supposed to be, and the extra pound can't hurt you. Plus, with a full stock and a bayonet it's a hell of a close-combat weapon. That bayonet, once sharpened, will go half way into a live spruce with minimal effort.

The wood is *supposed* to be Teak, but has been altered by fifty years of cosmoline. It's a great mystery. If you can figure it out, you're one up on most M48 owners.

My next purchase? Almost certainly a Finnish MN ;-)