Youth Pronghorn Hunt


New member
Ok if this post offends the Mods in anyway please feel free to shut it down.

I'm a member of this forum as well as a few others, and we have all seen those "Pay it Forward" threads in many of the classifieds. Anyway I got involved with one on another forum and may have bitten off more than I can chew. I offered up a youth pronghorn hunt in SE Colorado for the 2009 season. I wanted it to go to a deserving young man or woman who would like a chance to hunt private land for a big game animal on my families.

I'm paying for the tag and transportation plus my time. I can't provide lodging but I can offer a place to throw up a tent as well as a provide some of the meals, and a bathroom to use and shower in. I'm in no way a guide or an outfitter of any kind, just want to give a kid 12-17 years old a chance to hunt big game.

Anyway I'm trying to get an essay contest together, and has become more complicated than first planned. I'm trying to get the word out too as many people as possible so I'm posting it every where I can. Hopefully you will all take some time out and read the rough draft of the rules. I'm working on getting more prizes for the contestants and would love to come up with some people to help judge the first phase of the contests.

So if you would all spend a little time at this link I'd appreciate it.

Thanks for your time.


New member
Rules have been updated. Please let any interested youth know what is going on. I'll start receiving essays on 1 Jan 2009!