You're so wishy-washy, Charlie Brown!


New member
Well, now that I've ordered and paid for a pre-ban Para Ordnance P-14-45 magazine, I got to wondering if I really ought to buy one. I mean, I'm in college and all, and there are just as good yet less expensive handguns I could buy. Like a CZ, or that Springfield XD-40.

The P14 Limited I was looking at was price-quoted (by Gander Mountain) at around $870.00. That's pretty steep for my bank account. The XD40 I was looking at cost less than $400, and I really liked it (plus SWAT gave it a good review). A CZ-40 in the same shop cost $375 or so.

So, oh well. I might still get the Para, or I might get it in the future. Either way, an expensive pre-ban mag is worthing hanging onto, yes? I mean, you never no. I WISH I had a batch of preban AR-10 magazines right now...I could sell them (at below market value) and still make some cash for myself.

(This is what you get when you try to pick your pistol BEFORE your 21st Birthday. Beware! LOL)


New member
1. I don't think the 10-round limit is as bad a limiting factor as the anti's hoped it would be, and

2. The limit MIGHT sunset in 2004, so

I wouldn't spend all that money on a pre-ban mag. There are MANY excellent guns that cost less than that. Get a .45 or .40, and don't worry about the 10-round limit.


New member
Never settle! Get the one you feel most comfortable with & the one you won't make any excuses for. Nothing like shooting your 2nd choice and know that if you waited & saved a little more, you could have the one you want. You'll never be happy that way.


New member
The thing is, I liked that Springfield XD40 every bit as much as I liked the Para.

Then, there's no reason I can't get both, right? (Not at the same time, mind you.)

I'd like to personally thank Tamara for teaching me that having multiple firearms, even if they're redundant, is perfectly okay! It's okay to have a revovler in .357 and another in .41. It's okay to have one autopistol in .40 and a second in .45.



New member
Multiple firearms, Ha!!!!!

What in the world makes you think that two is where you will draw the line. No way dude, the fever is never ending. First you lie to yourself, "This is the last one". Then you lie to your friends and family, "Yes Dear, this is the very last one I am going to buy".
"No Dear, I didn't buy this one, it's just a loaner I'm trying out".
"No, No, No, I didn't buy another gun, I found this one at the range, somebody left it by mistake".

Start getting your excuses together'll need 'em later.


New member
Excuses, exshmuses. You think I'm going to go to law school, thus putting msyelf tens of thousands of dollars in debt because I want to be a LAWYER?

Oh, hell no! It's because I'll be making loads of cash and will be able to afford all sorts of guns! It's my master plan!



New member
nightcrawler, one thing I can tell you the para is a nice gun , but the springs in the hicaps suck , spend the 10 or so bucks and get a 10% over spring for it from wolfs , you won't be sorry .


New member
I'd like to personally thank Tamara for teaching me that having multiple firearms, even if they're redundant, is perfectly okay! It's okay to have a revovler in .357 and another in .41. It's okay to have one autopistol in .40 and a second in .45.

That is funny!

I went through the same thing a few months back. I figured I'd buy five or six guns max. I figured on having one of each type that I figured I should have. One service revolver, one service pistol, one compact pistol, one snub, one SA revolver, one blackpowder revolver (maybe instead of the SA cartridge revolver) and I'd be good. Because of that idiocy I traded my Ruger P89 (9mm semiauto) when I bought my 1911 and I sold my Taurus 82 (4", .38spl) when I bought my S&W 65LS (3", K-frame, .357- since it is a K-frame I figured it fit the service revolver slot even though it was a 3"). Actually, it was trading and selling those guns that made me realize that having more than one of each kind was the way to go.

Now I don't even plan on limiting it to one of each caliber or even style (I have a Charles Daly 1911, will have another within about a year, I'll have a Springfield or Kimber by the end of summer, etc).

Oh, if you already bought the mag- keep it. I have some mags for guns I don't own but probably will.


New member
And I think that having magazines for guns you don't own (I currently have the Para mag, as well as a bunch of really old but compeletly functional M16 magazines) is one of those "you might be a gun nut if" jokes. LOL


New member
870$ for a P-14.45 Limited?!! Are they smoking crack? Look around, I've seen them around here for 200$ less than that. Yes, for a new one.


New member
If you can't find one less than that, let me know and I'll look around my area for one that you could have transfered through your local FFL.