You're better off being hurt

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New member
This could have gone under politics, but general discussion seems appropriate, also.

WARNING: You may not want to watch the video or even read the article if you anger easily, or suffer from high blood pressure, already.

On the other hand, if you don't mind a liberal gas bag politician, protected by armed security at tax payers expensense, telling you that..........well, you'll see.


New member
I should have paid attention to the warning:mad: Typical liberal thinking and for some reason I just don't understand it.


New member
Typical liberal thinking and for some reason I just don't understand it.

If that's all it were, it would't be quite as bad. The liberal position on disarming people is more closely related to making people dependent on their government and unable to fend for themselves than it is related to crime control.

Their thinking is right in line with those of socialist nations who've already been successful in disarming their populations. Never underistimate these people even if the occasional bozo (featured in this thread) makes an ass out of himself.

Not to pick on you, Allen, but their thinking is easy enough to understand. Mixed in with the professional socialists are ordinary people who also are for gun control.
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New member
Well, in the situation the kid describes in the video, even if I was armed (which I would be where I live), I would probably have no choice but to comply. No way I am taking on 3 guys with their guns already out on my own.

The thing is that in other cities thugs literally do not do that... They don't come down on people with three guys and three guns at once. There is an underlying problem in that city that has partially been brought about by their stupid gun laws. It will take major changes to the laws to make legal carry easier, plus many injuries and deaths as the thugs and citizens learn how that affects them and changes their reality, before violence will decrease and peace increase overall.... But it is the city councils fault for turning the city into a safe place for criminals for the last 30+ years, and there is only one real fix, make it much easier to get CC permits.


New member
This man is an idiot and has no business being the deputy mayor of podunk let alone DC. Whats really disturbing is there are many people like him in positions of power.
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