Your videos - how fast are you?


New member
I'd be interested to see videos of forum member making sub-second shots under any circumstances; from a speed rig, from concealment, from the pocket, from the gun in your hand hanging at your side... what ever.

Very interested to see the same at under a half-second.

"Shots" as in you're hitting a target, not just breaking the shot.

"Target" as in A-zone, or even head shots to really impress. Or if you cannot stand the thought of thinking about such things, similarly sized targets.

Clocks starting at movement, not buzzer, as I'm not really interested in reaction time so much as speed and economy of motion coupled with the ability to make hits.

So... lets see 'em!


New member





1. CAR shooting: 4 from the 'high' / 5 from the 'extended'. Gun= Glock 22 w/ 180gr FMJ
2. Failure drills: 5 yards w/ glock 17; 115gr FMJ
3. CAR shooting: high position, 5 rounds w/ glock 17
4. CAR shooting: 5 body/ 5head. Glock 22 w/ 180gr time= under 2 seconds
5. Misc. CQ shooting practice-G17

I spend a lot of time doing CQ drills. I shoot for self defense and since most encounters occur within 1-7 yards, thats where I practice most. I do practice distance shots from time to time as well. I usually punch out to mod iso at about 7 yards but within 7, I like CAR for the retention, stability and the recoil control it affords. With CAR I shoot consistently 7-8 shots a second. Its taken me thousands of rounds to feel as comfortable with this system as I do now.

More videos to come.

Cool thread by the way...looking forward to watching others!


New member
Someone bit. Looking good. Say, what's your time from the holster to first shot on your failure drills?


I only saw one "draw from holster" video. Thos eprovenotihng. It's easy to get off several shots in under 2 seconds when the gun is aimed and RTF.

Let's see something from a concealment holster.


I have a video that I've put on here a bunch of times, of me shooting my S&W 627 V-Comp .357 8 shot. I had wood grips on it on it, and it slipped a little after the first two, but I recovered quickly and put out the last six fairly quick. FYI, this was the first time shooting this gun quickly, on the day I purchased it.

Also Jerry Miculek shot a 627 V-Comp 8 times in one-second.

Do a search for elvishead, and Jerry .357


New member

This is you chance to shine. You're claimed draw times are constantly discounted in typical speed threads... but not in this one. Show the belt carriers just how fast you are from hand on gun in pocket to target.
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