Your suggested favorite on-line gun dealer


New member
Hello, I'm interested in purchasing a Ruger 10/22 rifle and wondering who you folks feel is a good reputable on line gun dealer? There aren't any sales going on near me, and I don't want to wait. And don't like to pay full retail. Same goes.for.ammo sales.


New member
buds gun shop is a good place to deal with.

It's also the only on-line gun shop I have ever purchased from,,,
I got good prices and quick delivery.

Free shipping to your local FFL dealer,,,
Add 3% to their advertised price if you use a credit card.

Click here please.



New member
Yeah, I guess I'll go ahead and be "that guy"....

I will gladly pay up to 10% more than online prices when buying from my local store, sometimes I'll pay more than that if it's something they tell me they can't even come close to, then they get the transfer fee and accessories business from that purchase. I do so because I like my local shop, they get as low as they can, but I'm going in with the understanding that with customer service from a real live person is worth paying a little more. Local stores have to pay the light bill and other pesky items which comprise their overhead.

It seems like a LOT of people want to have everything in the world available to them from their local stores... But they don't want to pay the premium it carries. This is kind of a pet peeve of mine, and I have only bought a gun online once, because my dealer flat out told me he couldn't come within $300 of the price listed on gunbroker for that rifle.

I've made this point before...

Edited to add: I guess what I'm saying is, try one of your local stores on for size. For a .22lr, you probably won't save a ton of money by buying online anyway... Support your local folks, they have a mortgage too.


New member
I'll support local stores, IF they treat me like a customer, and not as a pain in their neck for bothering them by walking into their store. Local guns shops need to realize, that the way to beat the internet, is by offering something that the internet can't...personal customer support and service. If the shop is more expensive than online, and they act like asshats to their customers, why should we support them?


New member
Ruger 10/22 hands down buy that sucker at Wal-Mart. You will be hard pressed to find a better price.

I like and also allows you to search pretty much anything made and see what the prices are for that gun at a gun store near you. Great tool for trying to figure pricing.


New member
:) I bought a new shotgun today from Buds and saved $85 from what my local gunshop would sell it to me for. Buds has good prices. To buy ammo go to Gunbroker and find Sportmans Supply. You will have to bid on it but that is no big deal. Don

PS I have bought from them several times.